Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-06-19 stars in Mitcham

Mitcham Magic: Tutu Tales from the South of London! (Blog Post #3458)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the bustling streets of Mitcham!

Ooh, this little town has a charm about it! It’s got a real working-class vibe, you know? Everyone’s so friendly and up for a bit of fun. I’ve had a delightful time exploring the local market, admiring the flowers, and, of course, picking up a few goodies. Let me tell you, my love for the colour pink knows no bounds, and the stalls bursting with the most glorious shades of fuchsia and bubblegum made my heart flutter like a ballerina’s foot.

But my journey to Mitcham was not about shopping alone, oh no! This time, I'm here on a mission, as I always am: to spread the joy of the pink tutu! My darling readers, you know I believe that everyone should experience the magical feeling of twirling in a fluffy cloud of pink tulle! It’s truly empowering. It’s about embracing your inner child, unleashing your creativity, and celebrating your individuality.

My journey began on a gloriously sunny day in the heart of Derbyshire, where I call home. It’s a little quiet in the Peak District sometimes, don’t you think? Well, my dears, I don’t have a ‘getting to the airport’ sort of personality – so I hopped onto the Northern Line and journeyed down south! My dear Auntie Beatrice, who's a real romantic at heart, says a train journey's like a theatre play unfolding before you! You get a chance to really see the world, to breathe in the countryside, and meet interesting people along the way. There’s no place I love more for a bit of a trip than a carriage with views – so I got to soak up the glorious green hills and countryside. Auntie Bee says this is exactly how the Queen goes everywhere – by train!

Mitcham wasn't on my original schedule, but you see, fate intervened! I received a request to perform at the local "Carnival of Colour" and couldn't say no! Now, darling, when a tutu-wearing drag queen like me is invited to a festival full of bright colours, it's practically a divine mandate! How could I possibly refuse? So I twirled my way south!

The Carnival was absolute bonkers in the best possible way! You wouldn’t believe the costumes I saw! There was everything from superheroes to fancy dress to someone dressed up as a giant sunflower – I even saw a lady in a fabulous pink tutu (inspired by me, no doubt!), and we shared a hug. The heart just bursts with pride when you witness how people truly embrace their creativity and come out of their shells.

Speaking of bursting hearts, it really does make you feel utterly fantastic when a crowd loves your act! I belted out some of my favourite show tunes – "Let It Go", “Defying Gravity”, you know the classics! My signature dance routine with its cheeky little tutu twirls brought down the house. You can just imagine me, dears – my sparkly pink dress flowing as I sashay and shimmy my way through the crowd.

The best part? I finally got my chance to spread the gospel of pink tutus! The Mitcham folks loved it! I was chatting to this adorable group of little girls, so excited about their glitter-filled costumes – so I whipped out my trusty collection of miniature pink tutus, and within seconds, they were spinning and twirling, their eyes sparkling with joy.

And it's moments like these that make my whole world. It's all about those infectious smiles and the pure joy on people's faces when they embrace the simple act of expressing themselves. My darling readers, isn’t it truly a delightful thing – that feeling of sharing your passions and seeing the light of delight spark up in another person’s eyes? It’s magic, dears! Magic!

After a glorious weekend in Mitcham, I’m heading to another beautiful British town – the historical beauty of Shrewsbury! Ooh, you know I love a bit of history and I’ve heard Shrewsbury’s just beautiful and brimming with so much charm – you’ve simply gotta love those timbered Tudor buildings! I can’t wait to explore the castle and maybe even have a picnic on the green. And of course, no journey is complete without my pink tutu, darling. That is why it always comes with me - wherever I go! It's my lucky charm, and more importantly, my little reminder that the world is a more vibrant place when we all dare to shine brightly!

Don’t forget to stay tuned to www.pink-tutu.com, where I post my daily musings on everything pink and fluffy. It’s all about inspiring a little bit of joy and spreading kindness, one tutu at a time.

Until next time, my loves, stay fabulous and don’t forget to unleash your inner Tutu Queen!

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2009-06-19 stars in Mitcham