Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-06-26 stars in Wrecsam

Wrecsam Wonderland: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on Wales!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to unleash a kaleidoscope of fabulousness upon you, my lovelies! This is post number 3465 on my little corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com, where every day is a celebration of all things pink, fluffy, and undeniably sparkly.

Today, my journey takes me to the charming town of Wrecsam in Wales! As you know, I'm a firm believer that a bit of sparkle can transform any location into a fabulous haven, and I couldn't wait to inject a dose of Pink Tutu magic into this historic Welsh town.

Now, I must confess, my arrival in Wrecsam was a bit unconventional. You see, darling, I'm not your average travelling queen. I shun the usual car or airplane transport. No, my dear, my travels are steeped in old-world glamour. I arrived by train, my perfectly pink train ticket clutched in my sequined hand.

Now, let me tell you, a journey by train is not just about getting from A to B, my lovelies. It's about the experience. The rhythmic chug of the wheels, the gentle sway of the carriages, the panoramic landscapes whizzing past – it all fuels the imagination, igniting the very spark of creativity! I used the time wisely, of course. You wouldn't find me without my trusty makeup kit and a travel-sized collection of feather boas. After all, one must be prepared for spontaneous performances, wouldn't you say?

My destination in Wrecsam? The heart of town, naturally! My aim was simple, yet ambitious: to encourage every single resident to embrace the joy of the pink tutu. As I skipped off the train, my pink tulle skirt swirling with each step, the locals' curious stares soon turned to smiles. It was a fabulous beginning.

The first stop on my Wrecsam escapade was the stunning town square, where I'd be hosting my evening performance. Now, I might be a flamboyant queen, but even I need a little time to prepare for my grand entrance. Where else but a delightful little tearoom to put on my full glam? Think sugary pastries, bottomless cups of tea, and enough pink glitter to sparkle a thousand stars!

Once transformed into the glorious Pink Tutu Sparkles, it was time to show Wrecsam exactly what I'm made of. I hit the pavement, the evening sun painting the sky in shades of coral and fuchsia - perfect for my fabulous pink tutu, darling. I'm sure everyone will agree, pink is just the best colour. It brings out everyone’s inner sunshine.

I wasn't going to let the opportunity to indulge in a little bit of local shopping slip away. After all, I need new accessories to sparkle through the streets. You know my motto - it's never enough sequins, or too much sparkle!

Of course, no trip to Wrecsam is complete without a visit to its stunning Royal Town of Wrecsam Theatre. I'm a die-hard ballet enthusiast, so seeing this historic building with its stage bathed in light, it sent my heart soaring. As I sashayed inside, I found myself surrounded by theatrical grandeur - rich crimson carpets, golden chandeliers, and those magnificent, ornate stage curtains. The stage just beckoned to me! Even without a performance, it's easy to imagine the sheer energy of a captivating performance, with its beautiful stage and plush seats. There’s something about ballet, you know? The strength and fluidity, the elegant movement, the costumes … everything comes together for a dazzling masterpiece.

Oh, darling, and I simply can't talk about a trip to Wrecsam without mentioning the picturesque Robert Owen Park. It's truly a haven for those seeking tranquility amidst the bustling city life. I found a quaint little bench under a magnificent tree and enjoyed my afternoon with a delicious cup of tea.

As the day progressed, it was time to make my grand entrance. As the sun dipped behind the horizon, casting long shadows across the charming square, I strutted onto the stage, sparkles glittering like celestial stars. It’s such a privilege, performing for everyone. They make me so happy.

My setlist was a dazzling mix of pop, disco, and, of course, my own original dance numbers. Let's just say the crowd went wild! My favourite part? That moment when I unleash my most spectacular twirl. The audience gazes in wonder at the twirling of my tutu as I float across the stage! Isn’t it just magical?

One particular highlight of the evening was my meeting with a sweet, young girl, perhaps no older than six. I couldn't help but smile as she came rushing up to me, eyes sparkling with adoration, and excitedly asked me "Can I try your tutu on?!" Of course, my darlings, I obliged! As I carefully removed my magnificent pink tutu for her to wear, she looked at me with joy. That joy was priceless. She looked like she had wings and was able to fly through the air, in a glorious pink cloud. This is why I do it! To see this magic unfold right before me!

From there, my Wrecsam adventures continued, as I spent the remainder of my evening mingling with the locals. We had such a fabulous time! I was captivated by their charm, warmth, and infectious sense of humour. They are just fantastic people. The beauty of travel is meeting people, creating those memorable connections that linger long after the journey's end. I realised it didn’t matter what was on, just that they were living in this moment.

And you know what? My mission, to inspire Wrecsam with the magic of the pink tutu, was an astounding success. Even if it meant one or two tutus were more lilac than pink! The heart of Wrecsam is now adorned with sprinkles of pink, thanks to my amazing dance performance! I just love those moments when I inspire and motivate people.

Until next time, my lovelies, remember that a touch of pink can go a long way! Be bold, be fabulous, and don't be afraid to wear your tutu with pride. And never forget that with a little sparkle and a big smile, anything is possible! After all, I always say, “Don't be a drab, be a drab."

Keep sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

P.S Don’t forget to catch me at Wrecsam’s Theatr Clwyd soon for another evening of unforgettable fabulousness! I can’t wait!

#TutuQueen on 2009-06-26 stars in Wrecsam