
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-08-06 stars in Kirkby

Kirkby: The Pinkest Place in the World?

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you blog post number 3506, straight from my glamorous boudoir!

Hello my darlings! You wouldn't believe the adventures I've been having, I'm absolutely positively fizzing! Today's story begins on the platform of Derby train station, with a very sparkly me, and a trusty little pink suitcase packed withā€¦ well, you know, everything a proper queen needs. That's right, folks, I'm off on a journey, a journey that'll take me all the way to the fabulousā€¦ drum rollā€¦ KIRKBY!

Now, I know what you're thinking, ā€œKirkby? Isn't that just a bitā€¦ dare I sayā€¦ plain? Where's the glamour in that?ā€ But let me tell you, darlings, when Pink Tutu Sparkles is involved, ANYWHERE can be glamorous, right?! My motto is Pink-ify the World and I am here to show you all how. And Kirkby is no exception!

First, let's get down to the nitty-gritty of my journey. Now, I am a huge advocate for green transport (well, who isn't these days, darling?) but with all the gear I needed to haul, a good old fashioned train ride was my only option. It just wouldn't do for a proper Queen to arrive crumpled!

Now, I don't know about you, but train journeys are absolutely the perfect opportunity for me to unleash my inner fashionista. Forget that dull old tracksuit ā€“ think vibrant colours, head-turning designs and just a hint of sassy! I whipped out my trusty travel-size feather boa, adorned my neck with my shimmering pearl necklace and ta-da! I turned that train carriage into my very own mobile catwalk! Even the other passengers started smiling at me - now that is the magic of pink tutus, folks. It has this incredible ability to bring joy to even the most stressed out soul!

Now, about the showā€¦ let's just say it was everything a pink tutu fan could wish for and more! Iā€™m performing at the Kirky Festival, a glorious jumble of music, food and local artisans. Think of it as a grand fĆŖte, a massive picnic, and a party all rolled into one! What a delightful sight to see people from all walks of life gather for fun, sharing, and community, oh the pure delight! And who am I to spoil this fabulous party? Cue the dramatic music!

My set was, shall we say, spectacular! We're talking a stage that just shimmered with sparkly pink everything. I got to strut my stuff in a custom-designed tutu, so magnificent, I could have mistaken myself for a ballet dancer! A truly fabulous ensemble fit for a Pink Tutu Queen, with layers upon layers of frothy tulle and feathers, topped off with a glistening, iridescent top. You havenā€™t seen bling until youā€™ve seen this one, my dears!

But it wasn't just the show. No, my dearest readers, I even managed to incorporate my pinkness into the actual Kirkby atmosphere itself! I strutted through the market, the festival bustling all around. It felt just like my own private parade, filled with the colourful vibrancy that a queen like me absolutely adores. Oh, the pure joy! You can imagine the delight of the kids, my lovely followers, squealing at my dazzling appearance, and I meanā€¦ I felt like I was about 8 myself! It truly was magical! Pink Tutu Power! I even managed to find a local baker, who was, well, very impressed with my bright, bold outfit. He let me indulge in his fabulous strawberry and cream cupcakes and trust me, when Pink Tutu Sparkles is involved, you KNOW the cakes are the ultimate pink and sparkly creations. Seriously, if it wasnā€™t so late, Iā€™d whip up some cupcake magic here, on this post, just so you could have a visual feast to savourā€¦

Now, after a delightful almost a dozen cupcakes and much fun with the festival folk, it was time to rest my head, I mean myā€¦well, the whole tutu packageā€¦ for a quick nap after that fabulous performance! So, I checked into my little boutique hotel for the night, feeling ever so satisfied with a glorious performance, a lovely festival, and even sweeter - a delicious pink frosting adventure with a cupcake extraordinaire!

Next time, my darlings, Iā€™ll be blogging all about the magic of My Pink Tutu Paradise, where I met a rather enchanting horse, but more on that adventure next time! And oh my dear readersā€¦ letā€™s all take the opportunity to Pink-ify the world! And make it even brighter by wearing our own lovely tutus! Donā€™t be shy!

*Until next time, darling readers! Pink Tutu Sparkles signing out! XOXO *

#TutuQueen on 2009-08-06 stars in Kirkby