
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-08-08 stars in Ashton

Ashton: A Pink Tutu Paradise!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things sparkly, frilly, and oh-so-pink! It's your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and today, I'm buzzing with excitement after an absolutely fabulous day in the delightful town of Ashton!

This is post number 3508, my loves, and believe me, it's a doozy. I've been on the road again, spreading the pink tutu gospel and spreading cheer wherever I go. Now, Ashton, let me tell you, is a little gem. Imagine a picturesque English town, cobbled streets, quaint tea shops, and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, and you've got Ashton. It's the perfect setting for a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure!

From the Train Station to the Ballet Class:

My journey started with a delightful train ride. I always find something magical about travelling by train. You can relax, look out of the window, and let your imagination wander, and perhaps have a little singalong to your favourite playlist, which I do with gusto! The train arrived right on time (always a bonus) and I stepped off the platform, all pink, all frilled, ready to conquer Ashton.

My first stop, my dears, was a little ballet studio I had heard about through the grapevine. You see, I'm an absolute devotee of ballet. You know, I'm not just a pink tutu enthusiast; I'm a bona fide baller! It was love at first twirl when I was studying science back in the day, and let's be honest, you don't go from Derbyshire to becoming a science boffin without a strong head for things like concentration and discipline! And those qualities help you learn to dance. I was studying to be a forensic chemist and I used to be a part of the uni ballet club, we even had a performance in the final year. I ended up putting on a pink tutu and doing the "Dying Swan" piece and, my dear friends, the rest is history!

Now, imagine me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, waltzing in that dainty studio. The aroma of shoe polish filled the air, alongside the murmur of soft music, a symphony of tutus, and those beautiful, graceful dancers, my fellow ballet besties. It felt like stepping into a dream! I took a class with the most patient, inspiring instructor, and you'd think a seasoned professional like me wouldn't be nervous, but let me tell you, it was like taking a trip down memory lane!

After a full hour of pirouettes and arabesques, (which I nailed, by the way, just sayin'!) my energy levels were sky high! And ready for Ashton's main event.

A Tea Party with the Locals:

Next, I ventured to the town square, where a charming tea party was in full swing! With my new found energy, and my ever-present sparkly pink handbag, I strolled through the crowds. This was a little event organised by local crafters, and all kinds of fabulous stalls were selling everything from hand-painted teacups to crocheted flowers and knitted teddy bears! It was a sensory explosion, I tell you! And I knew it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure if I didn't at least indulge in a bit of retail therapy!

So, there I was, Pink Tutu Sparkles, chatting away with locals, buying quirky crafts, and most importantly, inspiring a new generation of tutu enthusiasts. There was a delightful woman selling handmade jewellery. She was mesmerized by the bright pink, fluffy skirt and the array of gems, pearls and feather boas that I was wearing, and so I couldn't help but be generous and gift her a miniature feather boa to add to her creations. Believe me, if we're going to spread the love, we're going to go all the way, no half measures!

The Dinner Party for All:

And for my evening showstopper, my dear lovelies, I joined forces with the locals and had an absolutely splendid dinner party under the Ashton starlight. This town truly understands the value of community and coming together to celebrate life, and it feels like I'm part of the local fabric already!

The table was beautifully set (and it was a good job that my friend in the jewellery stall gave me her little trinket, for I have been sporting a pair of her beautifully made earrings to go with my pink tutu!) , the food was a delight (as any dinner party should be) and the company was simply fabulous. I found myself chatting with a local shopkeeper, an up-and-coming writer (a bit shy but clearly talented) and an incredibly witty retired professor of ballet, (He kept asking me if I knew Mikhail Fokine! - and you wouldn't believe how delighted I was to tell him that yes I was well-acquainted with Mikhail Fokine. Well, what's the use of studying Ballet at Uni for? It gives you a great grasp of history, amongst other things, but I don't think he could have believed me - He couldn't stop looking at my tutu and giggling at my fabulous headwear! Well, you would have been giggling too, darling! I couldn't resist and, of course, I put on a quick little performance with my new besties! They all had to wear my signature feather boa to get in on the action and dance around for just a little whirl - the good folks of Ashton were truly inspired! And trust me, there is nothing more fabulous than seeing a group of people having fun in a sparkly, pink tutu.

The night ended with dancing, laughter, and maybe a little Pink Tutu Sparkles magic in the air. And if you need any more evidence to support my thesis that wearing a pink tutu is an instant conversation starter, let me tell you: I was swarmed with photos of myself at the dinner table!

Now, darlings, this trip to Ashton is just a small drop in a big pink ocean of pink tutu magic that I'm busy creating around the globe. You can follow my journeys on my social media feeds and here on the blog - every single day - a brand new fabulous adventure for you!

It's clear that life's a dance, my loves, and a little pink tutu can make all the difference. I leave you with my favourite pink tutu mantra that I say whenever I get out on the road and it's the main mantra for all pink tutu believers. :

Twirl, Sparkle and Spread the Pink Tutu Love!

Your ever loving,

Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2009-08-08 stars in Ashton