Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-09-17 stars in Borehamwood

Borehamwood Bound: A Tutu-ful Adventure!

Hello my darling dears, and welcome to post number 3548 on www.pink-tutu.com! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, and boy oh boy, have I got a tale to tell you. It's all about a recent adventure that saw me glitter my way to the beautiful Borehamwood, a journey packed with twirls, giggles, and oh, so much pink!

But first, a quick cuppa and a biscuit, darlings! You know how much I adore my rituals, especially before I get to spill all the tea! Today's biscuit is a lovely, crisp ginger snap, perfect for the sunshine beaming through my window - I must be channeling those English rose vibes. And you know what else is shining? My sparkly pink tutu, of course! It's a brand new number, a shimmering masterpiece I bought at the most darling vintage store in Nottingham.

Anyway, enough about me, let's talk Borehamwood. My journey there was quite a story, involving the glorious railway network. Let's just say that my "train carriage ballet routine" had everyone chuckling, and a very charming young chap even offered me a cuppa (though I declined – I was already sporting my fabulously sparkly ginger snap).

I’d booked a show at The Town Hall, so naturally I dressed to impress! It was a lovely, warm, brick-built theatre with a lovely history – it truly felt like the centre of the town. It’s those classic places that have such character and stories built into their walls! I’d designed my show around the theme of "Ballet by the Bay" – a love letter to those magical summer nights watching ballet on the beach. Needless to say, my pink tutu shone bright under the stage lights, as bright as my smiles while I twirled!

Now, I can't tell you everything, darlings – I'd be giving away my secret dance moves, and those are strictly "top secret"! But I can tell you about the magical atmosphere. Borehamwood turned out to be full of such delightful, warm-hearted people, with so many enthusiastic tutus twirling along with me! The highlight? One little girl, all smiles and wonder, holding up her sparkly pink dress, asking if she could twirl with me. Of course, darling, my heart melted and we shared a twirl or two. Honestly, there's no greater joy in life than inspiring a young lady to wear her own pink tutu!

Borehamwood was just perfect! I discovered such fabulous cafes serving the most delightful pastries, a perfect post-performance treat (with the ginger snaps already digested). And let's not forget about the lovely little shops – I just had to add to my pink tutu collection, picking up the most darling, silky pink scarf with a scattering of tiny glitter sequins.

But Borehamwood isn't all about the sparkle. I was very intrigued to discover their little local history museum. It turns out Borehamwood played a starring role in film history, a fact I couldn’t ignore as a huge film buff. Imagine, this little corner of the world was the backdrop for countless classic movies! And it was all there in the museum, preserved for all time.

And let’s not forget the green spaces – so lush and green! My morning routine included a stroll in the lovely, little park and, naturally, my very own ballet routine under the morning sun. It was perfect for working those glutes (because, darling, I wouldn’t want my pink tutu to be squeezed!) and getting inspired for my upcoming performance that evening.

Before I left, I spent a couple of hours wandering through their local farmer’s market – it felt like a delicious kaleidoscope of colours! My shopping bag became a feast of delicious strawberries, a beautiful bouquet of pink and white lilies and a little pot of honey. What’s a fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkle tour without some delicious, homegrown goodies?!

But let’s not forget why I was really in Borehamwood! This lovely little town, packed with film history, yummy delights, green spaces, and plenty of glitter, hosted one of my most fun gigs so far! And now, darling, I’m ready to head home, feeling so happy about sharing my passion for pink tutus and everything girly.

And as I write, another inspiration hits. Imagine this – how fantastic would it be to organise a Pink Tutu Extravaganza, a big ol’ pink party in the heart of Borehamwood? A magical night of music, dance, and sparkle, celebrating all things lovely and pink! If only I could bring this magical daydream to life…

Well, darlings, as always, I am brimming with exciting plans, fueled by my endless love for the pinkest of all tutus. Until next time, may your life be sprinkled with all the glitz and glam you deserve!

Lots of Love and Pink Kisses,

Your beloved Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2009-09-17 stars in Borehamwood