Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-11-16 stars in Rhyl

Rhyl Calling! A Pink Tutu Adventure #3608

Helloooo my gorgeous lovelies! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from... Rhyl! Yes, you heard that right, darlings! The seaside town itself is a beautiful spot, and the venue we’re performing at, oh it’s just divine! It’s like a little bit of magic, right in the middle of everything, a place that is just begging for a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance. You can't keep this queen down, not with my amazing travelling abilities! I always say, a journey is just as magical as the destination. And this one? Well, it was truly enchanting.

As I said, Rhyl is right on the coast and the sea was positively shimmering as I stepped off the train. I know, I know, horseback riding would have been more "on-brand", but the weather wasn’t quite up to a full gallop across the fields (the Derbyshire girl in me will never truly embrace rainy weather!) Plus, travelling by train lets me put my outfits on full display. I’ve always been a fan of a little travelling glamour! After all, every journey needs a bit of pink sparkle!

Speaking of which… did you see this fabulous outfit?! It’s a full-on, head-to-toe pink fantasy. You know me, always rocking the brightest pink possible. It just screams “I'm here, I’m fabulous, and I’m ready to twirl!” This tutu? A complete dream. It's from my favourite little boutique in Manchester – just imagine, feather boas, sparkly sequins and… more pink than you could ever dream of! Let me tell you, finding the perfect pink tutu is like a treasure hunt, every trip to a shop could be my next perfect match. But this one… well, it’s practically perfect, wouldn't you say? It's just made to turn heads.

The whole look is perfectly in keeping with my favourite shade – pink, of course. As my wise momma always says, “It’s a statement, darling! The world needs more pink, it’s simply full of dull grey.” I always say the same. My momma knows best, as usual. If you have even the smallest sliver of doubt in your mind… put on a pink tutu. Trust me, you'll be converted. It’s a way of life. But you’re not going to catch me wearing just any old tutu, darling! We’re talking couture here. Every single stitch on this tutu speaks of fabulousness, of glitz, and… well, pure unadulterated joy. You have to love how pink makes you feel. It’s a confidence booster, darling. And we're all about confidence here!

We arrived at our destination just as the sun started to dip below the horizon. A breathtaking sky painted in fiery hues of orange and purple set the perfect scene. Rhyl, oh you really know how to make a queen feel welcome. It's always such a treat when a destination really welcomes you, with its open arms and gorgeous scenery! I can’t tell you just how many tourists looked over in admiration. I almost stopped and chatted, almost but I have a show to do! After all, *the show must go on! *

Speaking of the show… we are here in Rhyl to bring some pure sparkle and delight. This venue, with its warm, friendly atmosphere and a sense of… well, community, made my performance feel like something special. They just know how to appreciate a queen in full pink tutu glory. You know what else? They had a whole array of delicious cakes on offer before my show! Pink cake! If you have ever doubted that good things happen to good people, well I think I’ve proven that statement. It’s important to give people some delight, but as far as my shows are concerned... they’re all about delivering pure fun. The whole thing just shimmered.

Did you know I used to work in a lab, literally testing fabric for its colour? * And when it comes to my shows… *it is truly a performance! There are always sequins, and always that signature Pink Tutu Sparkles touch. The whole set is a love letter to colour, with everything from shimmering props to my incredibly pink costumes. There is a whole process that goes into becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles, even when I just fancy wearing a tutu while having breakfast. You would be surprised how many outfits get destroyed due to accidental eating incidents! There was this amazing breakfast pancake-esque meal last month that made an attempt on one of my precious sparkly dresses. I almost went on stage that night without any clothes! Fortunately I had an emergency pink tutu ready and waiting to rescue the situation… you just never know, do you!

Rhyl was simply bursting with energy – a truly magical vibe. And as for me? I’m feeling fully inspired to make even more fabulous outfits!

If you love pink tutus as much as I do, make sure to keep checking back for more travel adventures. Until next time, stay sparkling! And don’t forget, the world is your stage. So put on a pink tutu and let your light shine, darlings!

See you in my next blog post…

Your Tutu-tastic queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2009-11-16 stars in Rhyl