Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-11-24 stars in Southampton

Southampton Sparkle! Pink Tutu Adventures, Post #3616

Helloooo, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from sunny Southampton!

Can you believe it's already November? The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting colder, but my love for sparkles is hotter than ever! And what better way to banish those autumn blues than with a trip to the coast? This weekend I packed my glitter and my pinkest tutu and hit the rails for a delightful jaunt to Southampton.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Southampton? Isn't that just where the ferries go? And, well, you wouldn't be wrong, dear readers! Southampton does have its fair share of boats. But you know what else it has? Lots of theatres! Lots of lovely, historical, beautiful, bustling theatres.

I must confess, my inner diva had her sights set on the Mayflower Theatre. You know, where that iconic "Sound of Music" tour came to fame? Oh, I can't even begin to describe the magic of seeing "Maria" twirling across the stage, all dressed in white with a bright pink flower on her head.

My visit started off with a trip to a fabulous new boutique that was practically bursting with sequins, boas and glitter. Imagine my delight when I discovered a perfectly pink, feather-trimmed tutu hidden away in a back corner. This was not just any tutu, darlings, this was a masterpiece! Imagine layers upon layers of tulle, a cascade of feathers and sparkles so dazzling, they could outshine the sun itself. It was practically made for me, don't you think?

And speaking of sparkly things, you can't possibly go to Southampton without a visit to the "Titanic" experience, can you? The ship's history just fascinates me. So much grandeur, so much luxury...and such a tragic ending. Thankfully, my afternoon didn't end in a watery grave! The Titanic exhibit was absolutely spellbinding.

Later that evening, I was back in the world of theatricality at the Nuffield Theatre, catching a captivating production of "An Inspector Calls." I was mesmerized by the dramatic flair and powerful storytelling. There's nothing like a bit of stage drama to stir the soul, isn't it, lovelies?

Speaking of stirring things, Southampton definitely has the most vibrant pub scene in the South! My favourite was a quirky, independent pub just off the main street with an open fire and delicious food. We dined like kings, and by kings, I mean royalty! This wasn't your average pub grub, this was a culinary extravaganza with plates piled high with local delights, served with a smile and a twinkle in the eye.

Of course, no trip to Southampton is complete without a visit to the seaside. The salty air, the crashing waves, the feeling of sand between your toes... pure magic!

Now, darling readers, I do want to tell you a bit about my journey to Southampton. Let's just say it wasn't your standard commute. Forget the Tube or a crowded train. No, no, I travelled in style, just as a true queen deserves! I found myself a charming black cab with a kind driver and an open roof. We rolled down the streets, the wind whipping through my hair and my pink tutu billowing in the breeze. The entire journey felt like a glamorous fairytale, filled with adventure, excitement and the scent of freshly baked cookies.

Oh, I do love a good adventure. Sometimes it feels like my life is a non-stop roller coaster of thrills. And just to add a touch of chaos to the whole experience, we had a little “mishap” on the way to Southampton, or let’s say a “unique moment,” if you will. It wasn’t what anyone had planned, but that’s what makes it so delightfully fabulous.

You see, I had taken a carriage – yes, a real horse and carriage – as part of my travelling shenanigans. Imagine my astonishment when a friendly local farmhand hopped aboard and began discussing the wonders of goat farming with the carriage driver! Honestly, the most bizarre conversation I’ve had in years. Who would have thought a random chat with a goat enthusiast would be one of the highlights of my journey? But hey, anything goes in Pink Tutu Sparkle’s world.

Look, darling readers, we don't always get to travel in style. I’m not always surrounded by a fluffy pink world. The life of a pink tutu wearing drag artist is certainly not for the faint-hearted, you know.

The world is a giant stage, waiting to be graced with our presence, our glitter and our joy! But being a performer, especially in the realm of drag, can be exhausting. Let’s be real, finding a balance between dazzling in that pink tutu and, let’s say, the scientific work I do, can be tough. But that’s all part of the grand adventure, my dear, the good, the bad and the utterly ridiculous. It’s what makes us unique, isn’t it?

In between dazzling audiences with my outrageous pink tutus and dazzling the lab with my scientific prowess, I still manage to get all dressed up for glamorous evenings at the ballet. This time, my dear friends, it was “Swan Lake,” a timeless classic.

We’re talking swans, ladies, swans! I swear I actually swooned. It was pure, breathtaking artistry, elegance, and magic.

I confess, sometimes I dream of living a life completely dedicated to ballet. To become a professional dancer. Perhaps if I weren't quite so obsessed with my tutu I might even have the time for such grand plans! But the truth is, dear readers, there is a certain amount of pink tutudom within each of us. It’s just waiting to come out, waiting for the right moment to twirl!

As I say, my world is quite chaotic. For example, just as I finished that fabulous “Swan Lake” show, I was called back to my real world job, you know, that one where I don't sparkle or twirl as much. But hey, what’s a queen to do when her pink tutu has to go into storage? Well, for now, she gets back to the boring stuff. (Don't worry, you're never really going to catch me completely out of drag! I mean, my wardrobe consists of a near infinite supply of sparkly pink tutus. So I always keep a couple of backup pink tutus tucked away for my everyday wear, even in the lab!)

However, the sparkle, my darling friends, never fades. It doesn’t matter if you are testing fabrics at a laboratory in a dreary city, or rocking the runway in a pink tutu!

So darling readers, please tell me all about your grandest adventures, the places you’ve travelled, the experiences that made you sparkle, and the places you’re heading to.

Until next time, remember to embrace your inner queen, to wear your pink tutus with pride, and to keep the glitter going!

Yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex, from Derbyshire).

#TutuQueen on 2009-11-24 stars in Southampton