Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2009-12-30 stars in Romford

Romford: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage (Blog Post #3652)

Hello my darling dears! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, train-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous blog post! Today, we're venturing into the wonderful world of Romford, a town that has quite literally stolen my heart. But before we get into all the glittering details, let's chat about my journey!

Now, Romford, as you all know, is a bit of a trek from Derbyshire. You see, I'm a firm believer in experiencing the beauty of this country through its railway system. Train journeys, in my opinion, are pure magic, allowing for moments of quiet contemplation (okay, maybe a little catnap in between sipping tea!), as well as dazzling glimpses of the British countryside.

So, off I went, with my pink tutu carefully packed in my glittery travel case, my signature feather boa adorning my luggage like a fluffy crown, and my heart overflowing with excitement. You know me, darlings, I don't travel without my tutu! Every destination needs a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic, don't you agree?

As the train chugged through the rolling hills, I found myself reminiscing about my tutu obsession. It all began in university, you see. While I was studying for a science degree (don't judge my love for all things glamorous, darling! A girl's gotta balance her passions!), I was part of the university's ballet club. For a charity fundraiser, we decided to host a tutu-themed dance-off, and the rest, as they say, is history!

I tried on a pink tutu, and I felt like a princess, a ballerina, a true embodiment of all things beautiful! From that moment onwards, the pink tutu became my lucky charm, my statement, my sartorial obsession. Every opportunity, every performance, every single journey has involved my beloved pink tutu!

Back to Romford, my dears! Arriving at the station, I felt a buzz in the air. This town had an undeniable energy, a sparkle that resonated with my own! Stepping off the platform, I took a deep breath, letting the air fill my lungs with the sweet scent of… well, actually, I can't remember what it smelled like. My mind was instantly flooded with all the fashion, the theatre, the dazzling dance shows I was going to see. You see, Romford, is a town teeming with culture, with a lively arts scene, and what's a pink-tutu-wearing drag queen to do in such an inspiring location? Why, indulge in it all, of course!

My first stop? The Romford Theatre, a magnificent Victorian beauty, its ornate exterior sparkling like a diamond-studded crown under the sun. Inside, the stage was prepped, the lights twinkling, and the air electric with anticipation. After all, my dear dears, you know me! I always aim to transform my stage, my dance floor, into a place of vibrant colour and breathtaking artistry. The stage was my canvas and my pink tutu my brush, ready to paint Romford in hues of fabulousness!

My act that night? A vibrant mix of ballet street dance, some high-kicking choreographed magic, a splash of theatre performance – all done, of course, while rocking my pink tutu and a generous amount of sparkle! The crowd, well, they went absolutely bonkers. There were cheers, whistles, even a few well-timed “You go, girl!” shouts from the audience.

Afterwards, we had a fantastic time at a local restaurant. Now, Romford has some truly exquisite dining options. We indulged in delicious, well-prepared dishes that warmed our souls (and filled our bellies!) I even had a cheeky slice of cake… my dear dears, don't judge! A girl needs to keep her energy levels up, especially when you're about to make the most of a new, vibrant city like Romford.

Speaking of making the most, we headed over to a stunningly elegant, charming local ballet school the next day. Imagine, darling, me, in my pink tutu, waltzing with a group of talented dancers. Oh, the joy! The teacher was absolutely lovely, guiding us through a repertoire of captivating moves, encouraging our graceful movements, and instilling in us the purest passion for the art of dance. The energy in the classroom was simply phenomenal!

You see, my dears, my passion is not just limited to the stage. I’m passionate about bringing dance, in all its beautiful, graceful, thrilling forms, to the lives of others. Whether I’m performing on a grand stage, in a quirky little venue, or even sharing a space with talented youngsters in a charming ballet school, my love for the dance never wanes.

That night, it was time to truly embrace Romford's nightlife. Now, you know, I love a bit of a party. It's where I let my hair down (figuratively speaking, of course, because that mane of glory, this divine blonde halo, is a statement on its own! Don’t worry darlings, I don’t risk my masterpiece. My fabulous pink wig is always perfectly secure!). And I’m not afraid to bring my vibrant, tutu-licious personality to the floor, or should I say, dance floor. We celebrated our incredible experience, enjoying the local delights, dancing till the wee hours. The highlight? A stunning dance-off with a group of incredible local drag queens. Oh, the glamour, the fierceness, the pure delight! We strutted our stuff in our glittering gowns, danced in perfect harmony, and gave a fabulous performance that had everyone cheering!

Romford, you are an absolute dream! From your beautiful art scene to your fantastic nightlife, you’ve definitely become one of my favourite destinations. And it’s no secret, dear dears, I’ll be back, bringing my dazzling pink tutu and my unbridled enthusiasm, ready to enchant you with a whirlwind of glamorous performances and unforgettable moments.

But, you know what they say, don’t you? Travel is one thing, but truly making a connection, a vibrant impression on the people and places you experience, that's magic! And Romford, my darling, you know you’ve completely stolen my heart, a tiny spark of magic that will forever hold a place in my pink-tutu-filled adventures!

Till next time, my lovelies, remember, don’t just stand out, shine brighter than the brightest star. Spread your sparkle. Be bold. And don’t forget to wear pink… tutus are optional!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2009-12-30 stars in Romford