
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-08 stars in Lyon

Lyon, Oh Lyon! Pink Tutu Sparkles Has Arrived!

Post #3661

Bonjour mes amies! Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles, here and ready to paint Lyon pink! Todayā€™s my first day in this gorgeous city and let me tell you, I am positively giddy! The sunshine is shimmering off the River RhĆ“ne, the cobbled streets are a symphony of delightful colours, and Iā€™m feeling positively bubbly in my new pink tutu, the one with the sequins and feathers I picked up at a fabulously vintage store in Paris last week. I have to say, the Eiffel Tower has nothing on the RhĆ“ne in terms of beauty.

Okay, so I might have snuck a peek at the RhĆ“ne yesterday as I travelled from Paris, all snuggled up in my comfy first-class compartment on the TGV, but today Iā€™m going to fully immerse myself in this gorgeous city! My plan for the day involves, wait for it, ballet of course! Oh, how I adore those graceful leaps, the beautifully precise movements, and the intricate storytelling all communicated through movement. Today Iā€™m attending a rehearsal of ā€˜Swan Lakeā€™, a true classic! Iā€™ve already found myself getting a bit too involved, imagining myself as the swan queen. One day, my dears, one day, I will be a prima ballerina! My inner ballerina will have her time to shine!

Yesterday, however, my day wasn't just filled with the wonders of the French countryside. I treated myself to an afternoon of shoe shopping. Let's just say, my suitcase is about to get a lot heavier! I found these absolutely divine, sparkly pink stiletto boots that practically screamed, ā€œWear me to your next show!ā€ I may have already taken a quick snap for my Instagram ā€“ because whatā€™s a tutu queen without her shoes, right? You can see my fashion escapades here: @[your chosen Instagram handle].

For now, though, it's back to the RhƓne, to enjoy a little picnic with some buttery croissants, the finest local cheese, and a glass of rosƩ, the perfect pink for a queen like me. I think the lovely people here in Lyon might have been staring a little at my pink tutu but to be honest, the staring didn't bother me. The French people are incredibly chic and I just assumed it was because my pink tutu was making their shoes look a little dull, and if I'm being honest, I'd likely stare too!

So, I am off! It's time to bask in the sunshine and maybe, just maybe, find the perfect spot on the banks of the RhĆ“ne to take a selfie. I'll tell you all about my Parisian adventures later in the week, but for now, it's all about embracing Lyon! You'll find me tonight performing at The Lionā€™s Den, a cabaret that knows how to host a queen! Iā€™ll have more updates tomorrow. Ta ta!

(That was just the first part of your blog, keep reading for the rest of your daily update!)

Oh my dears! Where to even begin! Today, has been a whirlwind of pink tutu goodness and itā€™s only getting started!

ā€˜Swan Lakeā€™! I saw ā€˜Swan Lakeā€™! I mean, letā€™s be real for a moment, nothing can ever quite prepare you for the brilliance of the ballet. But let me tell you, the dancers in Lyon absolutely slayed it! The emotion! The passion! The beauty! Oh, how it swept me away! You might be surprised, but Iā€™ve got to give it to the male dancers! Talk about power and grace. They looked so incredibly elegant as they waltzed, pirouetted, and danced with effortless beauty! Honestly, they gave me some serious inspiration!

But before the magical world of ā€˜Swan Lakeā€™ enveloped me, I took myself for a lovely French lunch at a charming cafe by the river. The sunshine warmed my skin as I ate delicious escargots with garlicky bread. Yes, escargots! Don't knock it until you try it, dears! I have to admit, I am rather partial to a good French snail!

Following the afternoonā€™s balletic delight, my heart full of artistic wonder, I ventured into the heart of Lyon. Let me tell you, I think Lyon is actually secretly built with a ballerina in mind! There were cobbled streets perfectly suited to the graceful turns of a pirouette and little alleyways just begging for me to dance through them. Honestly, Iā€™m telling you, you must visit this fabulous city, but remember, bring your fanciest tutus, ladies! You donā€™t want to blend into the background here.

Now, for the grand finale! My show! Okay, so itā€™s only been a couple of hours but tonight was definitely a success. The audience at The Lionā€™s Den was amazing, full of fun-loving people ready to embrace the power of a pink tutu. We had music, laughter, glitter, and a bit of pink tutu magic sprinkled throughout! Letā€™s just say my dance to ā€œCanā€™t Stop The Feeling!ā€ was a huge hit! I practically set the entire club ablaze with joy! I saw someone shout "Encore! Encore!" right as I took my final bow. It was pretty spectacular!

Oh! I just wanted to give a shout out to my dearest friend, the lovely Beatrice. She actually joined me on stage for a few numbers! She doesn't often take the stage in her bright orange tutu, but she rocked it like a seasoned performer! Beatrice's got the heart of a tutu queen and the spirit of a true fashion icon. We had the time of our lives!

Now, after a wonderful night of dancing, glitter, and audience adulation, itā€™s time for a little quiet reflection, maybe with a steaming cup of cocoa or perhaps, just maybe, a glass of sparkling wine. I must remember to do some stretches! I think I might have stretched a little too much during the grand finale. You know how I get when the lights hit my pink tutu!

So there you have it! Itā€™s the end of a fabulously fabulous day! Tomorrow is a new day in Lyon! I might be up to something exciting and bold but I can't quite divulge the details! All Iā€™ll say is, expect the unexpected, or better yet, the undeniably pink! Ta ta for now!

(Want to see how Pink Tutu Sparkles gets on tomorrow? Keep reading for part three!)

Oh! Hello! It's me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here to paint your screen pink from my cosy Parisian apartment! Yes, I know! Itā€™s already Thursday, and you haven't heard from me since Lyon! What can I say, a busy queen like myself needs a break sometimes!

So, remember Lyon, where I had my dazzling show in that awesome cabaret? Well, my adventures continued as I left Lyon on Tuesday, and travelled, by horse, youā€™re right, by horse! It took a while, I wonā€™t lie but I had the best time, so charming and a real change from trains and I needed the horse back in the village in Derbyshire for our fancy dress charity gala! So after leaving Lyon I journeyed through the countryside on a beautifully groomed steed, enjoying the freshest air and taking in all the stunning vistas, but honestly the horse did all the hard work! All I had to do was look regal! But let me tell you, by the end of the day, my legs ached, just like they would after a long show. Iā€™m definitely not a jockey, thatā€™s for sure! I thought it would be more fun to try something different.

We made a short pitstop in Grenoble, but, sadly, my tutu time was rather short, just a quick trip to the chocolate shop to pick up some goodies for the journey home! Letā€™s just say, the selection of pink chocolates was exquisite. They are my favourite - donā€™t tell my friend Beatrice though.

After that, I was back on the road to Derbyshire. The journey felt more like a whimsical adventure! That little horse really knew his way, so Iā€™m not sure he was as impressed with my dazzling tutus, but I was more than happy with the whole experience.

After the lovely French chocolate, I spent Wednesday afternoon trying out the latest fabrics at the lab! Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s my job, but working with fabrics after a week in Paris and Lyon was quite the shock! And all this, whilst simultaneously preparing for the Derbyshire fancy dress gala! We had a fabulous time at the fancy dress charity gala and, of course, my fabulous pink tutu got a starring role! As I twirled and twirled with my trusty feather boa, the guests clapped their hearts out. Beatrice even got involved with her fabulous orange feather boa and twirled with me. And as I promised you all, Iā€™ve included a sneak peek of me and Beatrice getting our twirl on at the charity gala. @[your Instagram handle] Oh how I loved twirling my pink tutu, but that lovely French chocolate didnā€™t stay long enough! My belly was begging me for dinner, which my friend Beatrice very kindly provided!

That evening was pretty intense ā€“ there was so much excitement, and laughter, and glitter. My feet even got a little blistered after twirling and swirling my tutus so hard! But hey, itā€™s all part of the show, right? You could tell that every guest enjoyed themselves too! Everyone wore such bright and vibrant costumes; I loved the look of the fabulous purple velvet gown, the charming blue tutu, and even a couple of rainbow boas - not to mention Beatrice and I rocking the pink and orange boas! You wouldn't believe it, there was even a guy wearing a tutu. Honestly, you could tell that he'd never had any practice! It wasn't even pink! The night was an overwhelming success, even the guy in the blue tutu managed a decent turn! We raised a ton of money for a good cause, which felt amazing!

Of course, thereā€™s something very special about having that connection to the community. So, now back home in my apartment in the quiet heart of Derby. Iā€™m getting ready for a night of much-needed rest before my next big adventure begins on Friday. So much excitement is happening right now and you're not going to want to miss out! For now, though, itā€™s time to relax, maybe slip into something comfy and pink, and plan for another amazing day tomorrow. Remember, the secret is to keep life colourful and, well, pink. See you soon, my dears!

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-08 stars in Lyon