Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-17 stars in Bath

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Bath! 🩰✨ (Post #3670)

Oh my darlings! You wouldn’t believe the adventures I’ve been having! Pink Tutu Sparkles has been whisked away to the beautiful city of Bath – yes, the one with the famous Roman Baths, darling! And let me tell you, I’m absolutely positively smitten with it!

First of all, the journey. Picture this: me, in a magnificent shade of baby pink satin tutu, seated gracefully in a first-class carriage on the train. I might have gotten a few odd stares (oh, the perils of being the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles!) but the scenery was breathtaking! Rolling hills, lush greenery, and quaint villages whizzed by, and I simply couldn't help but feel a delightful thrill of excitement. Travelling by train is truly one of life’s little pleasures, wouldn’t you agree? It’s like stepping into a world of glamour and luxury!

Now, let’s talk about Bath itself! It’s such a charming place, brimming with history, architecture that would make even the most seasoned art critic swoon, and a vibrant atmosphere that has me positively buzzing! Just imagine strolling down cobbled streets, with charming little shops on either side, bursting with quirky and beautiful treasures. I confess I went a bit overboard at the Bath shop! But when you see an absolutely magnificent fluffy, neon pink boa with tiny silver sequins, what's a girl to do? 😉

My darling friends, you just wouldn’t believe the performance venues! The grandeur of the theatre is simply breathtaking. The red velvet seats, the elaborate stage… and the most magical part – I got to dance on a stage that has seen some of the most talented performers! And of course, I brought the fabulousness – with my pink tulle extravaganza of a tutu and a shimmery pink feather boa. Talk about a winning combination!

Oh, and speaking of winning combinations – I even managed to squeeze in a ballet class at a stunning dance studio, nestled in a quaint little square! I might not be as graceful as those professionals, but there’s nothing more exhilarating than pirouetting in a magnificent pink tutu. Every twirl is an explosion of pure joy! It was an amazing way to blend the classic elegance of ballet with my signature Pink Tutu Sparkles flair.

You know what else I’m absolutely loving? The whole food scene in Bath! I tried a delicious afternoon tea – oh, it was exquisite, darling! And you just can’t leave without indulging in Bath’s famous hot cross buns! They're a sweet, fragrant little slice of heaven. (And guess what? I managed to find a pink-tinged frosting to go with them! It just had to be done!). The shops are bursting with amazing handcrafted sweets, delightful little treats and yummy delicacies – I confess I may have brought a couple of little trinkets home… just a little something to remember my magical trip by!

Of course, no trip to Bath would be complete without visiting the world-famous Roman Baths! This is truly a step back in time, darlings. Imagine swimming in a pool built by Romans over 2,000 years ago! It’s a truly incredible sight! They even had an exquisite display of Roman jewellery – a beautiful spectacle of sparkling gems and gold that just blew my mind.

And while I was in Bath, my dear friend Amelia, a talented costume designer, was inspired to create an absolutely sensational custom-made pink tutu for my upcoming show! It’s just perfect – sparkling and flowy with the most incredible intricate detailing you can imagine! Oh, darling, I simply cannot wait to show you all – I think it'll be the most magnificent tutu I've ever worn!

Before I sign off, I wanted to share some thoughts. My time in Bath reminded me that life is truly an adventure! Just as long as you’ve got your pink tutu, a touch of sparkle, and a heart full of positivity, the possibilities are truly endless. And speaking of endless possibilities… darling, wouldn't you agree that every single one of you looks absolutely fabulous in a pink tutu? You just have to try it! Imagine the endless opportunities – ballet class, a picnic in the park, even grocery shopping! (A pink tutu, some fluffy slippers and some adorable, pink pom poms – who can resist?!). We should all aim to bring a little bit of that magic into our everyday lives, wouldn’t you agree?

So, my darlings, that's my story from my beautiful trip to Bath! Don't forget, every day is a chance to embrace the extraordinary and be a Pink Tutu Sparkles at heart! Keep those spirits high, darlings, and always, always, embrace the pink!

And of course, remember – if you ever want to visit Bath, take my advice – hop on a train and don’t forget to pack your Pink Tutu Sparkles, darling. The adventure awaits!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 🩰✨

#TutuQueen on 2010-01-17 stars in Bath