Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-03-18 stars in Littlehampton

Littlehampton Calling: A Tutu-tastic Trip to the Coast! 💖✨

Hello darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and you know what this means - a brand spanking new blog post, hot off the press! I’m excited because today, we’re venturing out of the usual sparkle-and-glam of London town and making a little day trip down to the coast – Littlehampton to be exact!

This post marks number 3730 on www.pink-tutu.com, can you believe it? Every day, I’m thrilled to share my adventures in pink tulle and glitter with all of you lovely lot! And today’s trip? Oh my, it’s gonna be a tutu-licious extravaganza.

I absolutely love a good seaside adventure. The salty air, the smell of fish and chips, the rhythmic roar of the waves – it’s pure magic! Plus, let’s face it, there’s just something about the simple pleasures of life, isn’t there? And I can’t imagine a better way to experience these pleasures than in a fabulous, flowing pink tutu!

This morning, I was up before dawn, getting ready for my day trip. First, of course, I had to put together a killer outfit – after all, Pink Tutu Sparkles never steps out of the house without her signature look.

Today, I opted for a dreamy pink and white tutu with layers of shimmery tulle, accented by a glittering pink feather boa. My top, a cherry blossom-print blouse, was strategically adorned with pearl-covered buttons, and my sparkly pink heels, well, they simply sang with the sway of the tutu. To add a little extra pizazz, I grabbed my signature pink bow, which is so old, it practically deserves a heritage listing, and a matching sequined purse for all the essentials – lip gloss, tissues, a mini emergency sewing kit (because you never know when a loose thread might strike!).

As always, the biggest challenge is deciding which sparkly, rainbow-coloured hairspray to use! Finally, I went with a dazzling lilac shade with hints of lavender and coral to complement the pink of the tutu – you simply can’t have too much sparkle!

With my glamorous get-up complete, it was time to take the train. Now, I’m no stranger to public transport – I’ve hopped on all sorts of trains and buses, and once even hitched a ride on a horse-drawn carriage to a fair in Derbyshire, my home county, but let me tell you, there’s something rather romantic about travelling by train when you’re sporting a fabulous tutu!

Even the most stoic commuter couldn’t help but crack a smile at my ensemble. There were curious glances and genuine compliments – I even had one elderly gentleman, complete with a newspaper tucked under his arm and a tweed jacket, tell me I looked ‘right smashing’! It’s a sure-fire sign that I was channeling that extra sparkle energy and spreading joy wherever I went.

The train journey was a delight, the scenic countryside blurring into a pastel-coloured canvas outside my window. I even managed to find a spot by the window, allowing me to give the fellow passengers a little Tutu-tastic wave and a dazzling smile as I twirled my pink wonder. You’d think they’d all be used to seeing tutus at this point, but some people just haven’t embraced the magic of pink, I guess. Maybe I’ll start a tutu campaign at the station, a free tutu giveaway… or maybe not!

Speaking of spreading the joy of pink tutus, did I tell you that this whole thing started in the most unexpected way? I was studying for a science degree back in Derbyshire – believe it or not, and one day our university’s ballet club organised a charity fundraising event. One of the fundraisers was a fancy dress competition and guess what – they had pink tutus to wear!

The minute I slipped that sparkly pink masterpiece onto my body, I knew this was my calling. Sure, by day I was a budding scientist in a lab, testing fabric compositions and developing new textures for clothes. But by night? Well, by night I became the most fabulous pink tutu wearing, sparkle-slinging drag artist you’ve ever met!

The journey to Littlehampton was all about excitement – the seagulls soaring overhead, the faint smell of salty air coming through the train window, the bustling town station filled with locals going about their day.

When I finally stepped off the train, the crisp coastal air whipped around me, carrying with it the aroma of fish and chips and the sweet smell of summer blossoms from the nearby park. I took a deep breath, savouring the moment, feeling a sense of utter joy and adventure.

With my trusty sequin handbag clutched tight, I stepped out onto the charming Littlehampton high street. The shops were full of charming local boutiques and cafes, the whole street pulsating with the energy of seaside life. I stopped to browse a quirky little shop brimming with brightly coloured seaside paraphernalia. It was an absolute feast for the senses, full of miniature seashells, fishing nets, colourful beach towels, and handmade seagull ornaments. I resisted the temptation to buy everything – just barely – but I did leave with a couple of quirky shell earrings and a charming turquoise starfish keychain, just for good luck!

Next, it was off for a spot of lunch! The little fish and chip shop on the corner called to me like a siren, with the mouth-watering aroma of batter-fried goodness and a promise of a satisfying feast. I opted for a large portion of cod and chips – freshly fried to crispy perfection and generously seasoned.

As I devoured my delightful meal, I watched the locals and tourists alike going about their day, the whole seaside setting just a burst of joyous life. A family playing on the pier with a dog that was so excited about the water, it nearly jumped in itself! A group of young children chasing the waves, their laughter carried by the cool, refreshing breeze. A couple, hands intertwined, gazing out at the sea, enjoying a quiet moment together. Life really does seem a little bit sweeter on the coast, doesn’t it?

My afternoon in Littlehampton was a true delight. I spent a happy couple of hours strolling along the picturesque seafront. The sand was soft under my pink-tutu-clad feet, the salty air kissed my cheeks, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore was so hypnotic, I almost lost track of time. I was surrounded by families, groups of friends, and even the occasional couple holding hands, each enjoying their own moment of happiness.

Littlehampton boasts a pier – not as long as Brighton’s or Southend’s, but still with plenty of charms of its own. A vibrant blue-and-white striped candy-coloured haven of sweet treats, fairground attractions, and breathtaking seaside views. And of course, I simply had to add some more Pink Tutu magic to this little piece of paradise.

As I walked down the pier, twirling my sparkling pink tutu in the cool breeze, I saw the curious and amused expressions on the faces of passers-by. There were children with eyes wide with delight, pointing at me with tiny fingers and giggling with glee. There were young girls in pretty dresses, captivated by the pink tutu, with stars in their eyes as they watched me twirl. And then, there were the grownups, some trying to hide their smiles, some shaking their heads with bemused affection, but everyone – every single person - seemed touched by a little bit of pink tutu magic.

Of course, no visit to Littlehampton would be complete without some fresh, juicy strawberries! I made my way to the little market stall where local farmers proudly displayed their summer bounty. The stalls were filled with an explosion of vibrant colour: ripe, juicy strawberries bursting with sweet goodness, emerald green bundles of asparagus, ruby red tomatoes shining in the sun, and bundles of aromatic fresh herbs - basil, thyme, parsley - filling the air with earthy scents.

As I paid for my basket of the juiciest, brightest strawberries I could find, a little girl with sunshine-yellow braids and sparkling blue eyes stood beside me, gaze fixed on my tutu.

"Are you a princess?" she asked, her voice a sweet little whisper.

My heart melted with warmth.

"Well, my darling," I said, giving her a little twirl. "You can say I'm a princess, but only if you promise to embrace the pink tutu magic."

And with a smile so wide it could light up a whole town, she giggled and nodded. "Pink tutus!" she exclaimed, her little hand clutching my arm.

This, my darlings, is what I love most about being Pink Tutu Sparkles - the joy of spreading glitter and kindness wherever I go. Every encounter, every smile, every giggle is a little reminder of how amazing this life truly is!

Littlehampton was a beautiful day filled with magic, charm, and – you guessed it – plenty of pink tulle. The journey home, like all good trips, was filled with a warm sense of contentment, and the memory of that little girl's delighted eyes was all the inspiration I needed to spread more pink tutu magic around the world!

Until next time, darlings, stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and never ever forget the power of a pink tutu! ✨ 💖

#TutuQueen on 2010-03-18 stars in Littlehampton