Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-01 stars in Crosby

Crosby: The Pinkest of Seaside Towns! 💖

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your resident tutu-tastic blogger, and welcome to post number 3744 of www.pink-tutu.com. I hope this post finds you all shimmying and shimmering in your finest pink ensembles, because today, my lovelies, we're diving headfirst into the pinkest of seaside adventures - a trip to Crosby, on the glorious Merseyside coast!

Now, I'm not usually a beach gal, I must confess. All that sand, it gets everywhere! But there's just something about Crosby that beckons. Perhaps it's the charm of the quaint Victorian architecture, or maybe it's the irresistible allure of the famous Antony Gormley "Another Place" sculptures dotting the shore like majestic pink flamingos in a ballet performance! Ooh, flamingoes! This makes me think, wouldn't they look positively radiant in pink tutus? 😉 Anyway, the sheer romanticism of this coastal gem called to me like a whisper on a breezy summer's day.

Travel Time!

As a true advocate for eco-friendly and glamorous travel, my choice of transport was, of course, the majestic train! Imagine me, darling, a vision in my hot pink sequined dress and a fabulous bubblegum-pink feather boa, sauntering onto the carriage. Heads turn, whispers flutter, and let me tell you, I absolutely own the place. My fellow travellers are charmed by the sprinkle of magic I bring with me - after all, isn't a little sparkle what the world needs more of?

The "Another Place" Spectacular

Arriving in Crosby, I felt a thrilling tingle of excitement. Now, my darlings, I know what you're thinking - sculptures, huh? A little dull for a fabulous fashion queen like myself? Well, hold onto your bonnets! These aren't just any sculptures. Each figure is cast from the artist's own body, creating a powerful and poignant installation. Seeing them stand there, silhouetted against the vastness of the sea, filled me with a deep sense of wonder. They looked almost as graceful as a troupe of ballerinas taking their positions on stage! Imagine the costume possibilities! I would need an entire pink wardrobe just for them!

A Touch of Glamour

After exploring the mesmerising sculptures, I decided to inject some extra sparkle into this seaside town. Now, this may surprise you, but Crosby has a hidden gem – the fabulous Crosby Lakeside Theatre. It's a little pocket of performance, offering a diverse array of entertainment from dance performances and dramatic productions to live music and comedy shows. I simply couldn't resist a taste of that glorious theatricality!

Let me tell you, darling, this is where the true magic of Crosby revealed itself. The theatre is a whimsical wonderland! Its intimate space radiates charm, and its warm atmosphere makes you feel like you've been welcomed into a friend's home.

I'd always loved watching ballet on stage and I was thrilled to see a captivating production of “The Nutcracker” performed by the local youth dance group. It brought a smile to my face as I watched their young, vibrant movements under the warm glow of the stage lights. Imagine my delight when a little girl came skipping over to me at the intermission, completely enthralled by my tutu. I asked her if she liked ballet, and her eyes lit up! "I want to be a ballerina when I grow up," she declared. I simply couldn't resist taking out my bright pink hairspray and adding a shimmery, glittery streak to her hair! "This will make your dancing even more spectacular," I declared, a little bit of pixie dust raining down on her. It’s about more than just tutus, my lovelies – it’s about encouraging the magic in every child’s heart!

Tutus for Every Occasion

My journey to Crosby wouldn't have been complete without a dash of retail therapy! After all, a fashionista needs to stay on top of the latest trends, don’t you think? A little boutique called "Tutu Chic" caught my eye. It was filled to the brim with the most vibrant colours imaginable. My heart skipped a beat as I discovered their collection of sparkling, fluffy, oh-so-charming tutus. Now, it's a well-known fact that I have an overflowing pink tutu collection, but you can never have too many tutus, darling! Oh, my dears, the fuchsia and coral-toned ones were practically calling my name!

I just know that one of those luscious, pink, oh-so-fluffy tutus would make even the dullest beach day a whole lot more dazzling. The store manager, a bubbly and vivacious lady, seemed delighted to help me pick the perfect outfit. We chatted about our favourite styles and our passion for the whimsical. It seems we shared a deep love for the enchantment that a tutu brings. “We need to make the world a more colorful place,” she told me. Couldn’t have said it better myself darling! “A tutu makes any day magical!” And truly, I couldn't agree more!

Seaside Delights

And no visit to a seaside town is complete without indulging in the delights of the local cuisine, is it? My evening wouldn't be complete without a scrumptious dinner of freshly caught fish and chips! I opted for a local cafe with tables spilling onto the pavement. The sound of seagulls singing, the cool breeze whispering through my pink tulle, and the aroma of crispy, golden chips – bliss!

Final Touches of Sparkle

My final evening in Crosby was dedicated to immersing myself in the local theatre scene once again. After a delicious tea at a lovely, old-fashioned tea room, I took in a magical storytelling performance for children. Imagine, my dears, children wide-eyed with wonder as a charming storyteller brought magical tales to life! It warmed my heart to see how engrossed the youngsters were, their imaginations ignited by the stories of fairies and princesses! It really was like a scene from one of those delightful ballet performances – so full of grace, beauty and fantasy.

My weekend in Crosby, darling, has been an absolute dream! I’m leaving with my heart filled with happy memories, my wardrobe bursting with beautiful new tutus, and a renewed appreciation for the magic found in the simplest things. It truly makes me believe that every town has a story to tell – if you’re open to hearing it, of course. And who knows, my dear readers, what new pinktastic adventures will unfold in our next journey together? Stay tuned, because the Pink Tutu Sparkle show is just getting started!

Until next time, darling! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-01 stars in Crosby