
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-10 stars in Leith

Leith: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Magic (Post #3753)

Oh darlings, prepare yourselves for another dazzling adventure! This week, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sequin-loving diva has ventured north to the charming seaside town of Leith. Now, if you're anything like me, you'll find a certain allure in the maritime vibes of these seaside towns - think cobbled streets, charming pubs, and the fresh, salty air. But don't think I was going to let a wee trip to the coast dampen my usual glamour! I was in full pink-tutu-mode, complete with my signature pink feather boa and a glitter-bomb of a look, ready to sprinkle my unique brand of magic over Leith!

Remember last month when I said I wanted to become the Queen of all things pink tutu? Well, my friends, I'm on a mission, and it takes me to some incredible places! This time, the call of adventure brought me to Edinburgh, and what better way to make a grand entrance than with a whistle-stop trip to its hip, trendy harbour town, Leith? I absolutely love the bustle of cities, but there's a certain charm in a harbour town that reminds me of home in Derbyshire - less grand, more friendly.

Now, my darlings, the thing about a drag queen is that we're always searching for that perfect blend of glitz and glam with a touch of unexpected, right? And Leith had that in spades! While I did, naturally, spend some time in the boutiques on the cobbled streets (hello, beautiful handmade jewellery!), I also found myself drawn to the quirky antique shops and art galleries that dotted the harbour.

One such gallery I stumbled upon was "The Pink Flamingo," which is just as extravagant as it sounds! Think walls plastered with bold pink and splashes of fuchsia, and the whole space decked out in a funky, modern bohemian style. I found a magnificent, oversized pink feathered head-dress, and although it's definitely not the type of accessory I wear on stage, it screams my name, darling! I just had to bring it home - think about it, this piece is going to be perfect for my next themed photo shoot. Think high tea with a splash of avant-garde!

Oh, and speaking of high tea... my adventures in Leith would be utterly incomplete without a mention of the delicious treats I discovered! From buttery scones and decadent pastries to the perfect blend of loose-leaf tea, the traditional cafes and tearooms truly delighted my palate.

You see, the beauty of travelling is that it lets you delve into the culture, and it also inspires you to create! As a drag artist, it's essential to keep your look fresh and exciting. Iโ€™ve been taking notes from the incredible murals that decorate the Leith streets, and already sketching my next design for the big show! And, if Iโ€™m honest, thereโ€™s something about being surrounded by so many colours, patterns, and shapes that gets my creative juices flowing!

Now, this is what my journey is about: Itโ€™s about the love of beauty, finding inspiration wherever I go, and the pure, unadulterated joy of dressing up and being my dazzling, extravagant self. It's about making people smile, about encouraging people to embrace the sparkle within and spread joy like a sprinkle of glitter! So next time you're feeling a little down, put on your brightest smile, spin around a few times, and imagine yourself dancing in a fluffy, pink tutu! Remember, darlings, a pink tutu is just a magical little vessel for inner sparkle.

This Leith journey has shown me that life is just one giant, glamorous dance floor waiting for you to strut your stuff! Keep dancing, keep shimmering, and never stop wearing that pink tutu - the world needs your unique brilliance, darlings!

Until next time, stay pink, stay sparkly!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my next blog for the story of my whirlwind trip to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe - a truly outrageous extravaganza filled with feathers, sequins, and a whole lotta love!

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-10 stars in Leith