Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-28 stars in Morley

Morley, You Pink Paradise!

Helloooo my darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and get ready to be wowed, because this is going to be a fabulous adventure! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles' diary, blog number 3771 (gotta keep those numbers up, it’s what makes me tick!), and this one’s all about Morley, my lovelies, that pink paradise I've just been strutting my stuff in! 💖

Morley, you absolute gem. This town is a proper blast from the past in the best possible way. The architecture's like something out of a Dickens novel, cobbled streets with old fashioned shops selling all sorts of treasures, you could spend an entire day just browsing, which, as you know, is right up my street!

But enough about the town for now (though let's be honest, could you possibly get enough of this wonderful town? I doubt it!), because this blog post is all about the tutus, babes! This time, it was a special, shimmering pink tulle tutu I found hidden away in the deepest corner of my wardrobe (one of 27, don’t ask), one that seemed practically designed for Morley's magic.

Let me tell you, babes, the minute I slipped it on, I was transported. The fabric, a veritable cloud of blush pink loveliness, fluttered around me like butterfly wings as I shimmied my way out of the hotel room and into the heart of town.

You see, Morley has this wonderful charm about it. You know when you walk into a place, you get that feeling? That feeling of just feeling... right? Like, 'I belong here, I could do anything'. It's a magical feeling. And you can’t achieve that with anything other than the ultimate form of self expression; a sparkly pink tutu!

And speaking of sparkly, you should've seen how that tutu reflected the sun! My little twirls in the Market Place were turning heads. One granny told me my dance reminded her of her younger years in the ballroom - we exchanged compliments over a slice of cake! It was like something out of a whimsical fairytale. And with each twirl, with every shimmy, I could just feel that sparkle! It was amazing!

Let's be real though, darling, the real reason why I love a pink tutu? It makes me feel powerful. Powerful in that whimsical, fairy-tale, I-can-make-the-world-a-pinker-place kind of way.

And where did I bring my pink magic? Right to Morley Town Hall, a majestic building with that glorious blend of history and sophisticated grace! It felt like the ultimate spot to bring my love for pink and performance to life! I put on my signature moves for a group of awestruck locals, then even convinced some of them to join in! Imagine, a gaggle of pink tutus taking over the Town Hall - you can practically feel the pink dust settle from here!

You see, babes, that's the beauty of pink. Pink has a way of making everyone around you just... smile. It lifts people’s spirits, brings out their inner child! And with my tutu, I got to bring that pink love to Morley, a town that embraced it with open arms, and in doing so, it just about broke my little pink heart!

Now, Morley was simply a whirlwind of loveliness. There’s no other way to put it! I got to see the town hall’s grandeur, took a ride on a steam train (yes! you could tell it was gonna be an extra special trip!), did a dance with a real life Lord Mayor, then ate an outrageous plate of homemade cake!

Oh darling, don't you just hate it when a trip just gets too good? And all thanks to my trusty tutu! My, what an adventure this was. And if you ever get the chance to visit Morley yourself (I urge you to, darling), take it, you won't regret it! Just make sure you’re sporting the brightest, pinkest, tutu you can find. And as always, remember to spread the sparkle!

#TutuQueen on 2010-04-28 stars in Morley