Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-11 stars in Ramsgate

Ramsgate Rampage: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Coast!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 3784 from the sunshine-kissed shores of Ramsgate! As a tutu-loving, pink-obsessed queen on a mission to spread joy, well, I couldn't miss the chance to explore this charming seaside town.

A Tutu-tastic Train Ride

I love my trusty old train for a good adventure. The rhythmic clatter of wheels on the track just sets me dreaming about my next grand entrance, my sparkling tutu swaying like a thousand pink butterflies. And this journey was no different! With a bright pink tote bag filled with my latest costume creations – oh, I couldn't resist picking up some exquisite lace and silk from a haberdashery in Canterbury on the way! - I was ready for a proper seaside escapade.

Ramsgate's Ballet Boutique

Now, you know how much I love ballet! There's just something magical about the elegance and grace of the dancers. I wouldn't dream of traveling without checking out local dance studios, and let me tell you, Ramsgate didn't disappoint! I found a real gem – The Dance House, nestled in a charming old building with twinkling lights around the door. I couldn't resist peeking in – those pirouette practice mirrors were just begging for a glimpse of my tutu, and the smell of lavender from the changing rooms just whispered stories of beautiful dancers in their leotards. I imagined myself performing my own graceful, pink tutu ballet routine, a modern take on "Swan Lake" where all the swans are rosy-hued.

A Pink Tutu Adventure at the Pier

I wouldn't be true to myself without a proper beachside photo shoot, and where better than on the vibrant Ramsgate Pier? It was bustling with excited tourists and playful children, and I just had to spread the Pink Tutu Love! My dramatic entrance – complete with a wave of my pink feather boa, "Bonjour, mon choux!" - sent the crowd into a delighted flutter. Children squealed with delight, mums snapped selfies, and even a seagull swooped in for a closer look! Honestly, it felt like everyone was living their best "pink-tastic" lives right there on the pier!

A Taste of Ramsgate’s Glamour

After all that excitement, I deserved a delightful bite to eat. And where else would Pink Tutu Sparkles dine than at the "Tutu Treat" Cafe – with pink-hued cocktails and fluffy pink frosted cakes? Yes, they named it after me, they really did! Well, I like to think it was fate… The friendly waitress, a true beauty in a green satin dress, had the best chuckle at my sparkly heels, and the scones were positively divine. A cup of tea with a delicate china teacup – a truly regal affair, I'll tell you!

A Night Under the Ramsgate Stars

As the sun started to set, painting the sky with hues of rose and orange, I couldn't resist getting back into my drag attire. With my vibrant, glittering costume, a fluffy pink hat, and my ever-present pink tutu – I felt positively enchanted.

I performed a spontaneous open-air show right there on the beach, for the locals and a gaggle of tourists. My set list? The most joyful, glittery, pink-inspired numbers I could find – you'll have to trust me on this! The air vibrated with cheers and applause, the beach lit up by the golden light of the setting sun. There I was, under a vast, sparkling night sky, reminding the world that life is just a big, glamorous show, and it's a joy to be part of the magic.

Back to Derbyshire - But with a Pink Tutu Promise!

It's back to the lab for me tomorrow, testing those beautiful new fabric blends, but I’m taking a whole lot of Ramsgate sunshine, a smile on my face, and a song in my heart. And with every new pink tutu design, every joyful performance, I’m inching closer to my goal – a world full of sparkle, joy, and yes, you guessed it…pink tutus for all!

Remember, darlings, life is short, so go forth and wear that pink tutu with pride, spread that joy, and never, ever lose your sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles out, for now!

Until tomorrow…

Find out more about Pink Tutu Sparkles and all things pink at www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-11 stars in Ramsgate