
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-18 stars in Herne Bay

Herne Bay: Where Pink Tutus Met the Sea (Blog Post #3791)

Darling dears,

Hello my fabulous followers! Todayā€™s post comes to you straight from the charming seaside town of Herne Bay, where the crisp air smells of salty kisses and the sun, well, itā€™s doing its best to shine. But donā€™t let the temperamental weather dampen your spirits! This pink princess is positively radiating, and youā€™ll know why when you see this month's newest collection of tutus Iā€™ve got lined up. But more on that later!

Firstly, I'm so excited to be sharing my latest adventure with you all. It wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without some glamourous travel, and let me tell you, this one was an absolute dream! Now, you all know I have a special place in my heart for a good old-fashioned train journey. That rhythmic clackety-clack of the wheels, the hushed conversations, and the delicious aroma of coffee - oh, it truly takes me back to childhood adventures. But, a secret Iā€™m willing to share is I have an equally big passion for travelling by horse! Just imagine, darling, trotting along a winding countryside road, with the wind in my hair, feeling the sway of the horse beneath me. Honestly, nothing makes me feel quite as free and alive.

And what could be more fitting for this trip than arriving at Herne Bay in style on the back of a magnificent steed? (OK, darling, letā€™s be real ā€“ it was the train, and I have been perfecting that glamorous pose of nonchalance when disembarking. Think Audrey Hepburn, with a pinch of ā€œI am royalty, get out of my way,ā€ if you catch my drift).

The moment my feet touched the cobblestones, I knew this town was destined to be part of my story. The sun peeked out from behind the clouds, just long enough to cast a magical glow across the golden beach. And speaking of magical, have you ever seen so many seagulls in one place?! They swooped and dipped, their cries like an angelic choir ofā€¦ well, feathered creatures.

Oh, and the pier! That magnificent structure just begs to be danced on, and of course, I couldnā€™t resist a quick pirouette or two. (Donā€™t worry, darling, I kept a tight hold of my gorgeous, oversized pink handbag to prevent any unnecessary fumbles).

But it wasn't just the picturesque scenery that captivated me. The people! They ooze warmth and a certain kind of down-to-earth charm that only a seaside town can offer. As soon as I stepped onto the promenade, I was greeted with smiles and cheery ā€œgood morningsā€ ā€“ itā€™s enough to make even the most jaded soul feel at home. And honestly, darlings, it's impossible to not feel cheerful in a place that radiates positivity like a luminous pink tutu!

You might be wondering how I ended up in Herne Bay. Well, Iā€™ve got to give thanks to my ever-reliable social media network. A certain drag queen friend from Birmingham told me she was holding a fundraiser at a local cabaret club and swore to me, my darling, that ā€œYou would adore the crowd! Theyā€™re all fab, fabulous!ā€ She knows me too well. Now, thereā€™s something quite exquisite about the seaside - all those vintage seaside postcards, those beautiful seaside hotels with grand balconies, the ice cream kiosks... thereā€™s something so charming about it. And besides, a girlā€™s got to keep her sparkle in top shape!

So, the performance at the cabaret club was an absolute riot, darling! Let's just say those seaside townsfolk know how to party! We sang, we danced, we laughed until we criedā€¦and I even pulled off a particularly impressive triple pirouette, to much applause, might I add. As for the outfits? Oh my, darlings! My performance-wear was absolutely out of this world. I'm talking feathers, sequins, and a whole lot of sparkle. (Donā€™t even get me started on my custom-designed pink tutus ā€“ but youā€™ll have to wait for my next post for all the details, darling). It was just pure fun, the kind of show-stopping performance that reminds me exactly why I fell in love with the world of drag in the first place. I just have to remember that no matter where life takes me, never ever lose your inner spark. Because darling, letā€™s face it ā€“ the world needs a little more Pink Tutu Sparkle. And frankly, with outfits this good, itā€™s difficult to imagine any other life for me.

Speaking of tutus, while in the area I paid a visit to the most delightful shop on a quaint little street, overflowing with the most extraordinary garments. It was like stepping into a fairytale, a pink-hued haven filled with luxurious fabrics and stunning designs. And naturally, my sweet little heart went aflutter with the sight of a vibrant collection of tulle, shimmering silk, and - you guessed it! ā€“ a plethora of the most extraordinary pink tutus Iā€™d ever seen. They were absolute works of art, each crafted with such delicate detail and passion that they left me utterly mesmerized.

But, my darling, you know I've always been drawn to more than just a beautiful outward appearance. These tutus are more than just pieces of fabric. They represent freedom, expression, and that wonderful sense of joy we all yearn for.

But hereā€™s the thing, darlingā€¦ You donā€™t need a stage or a showstopping performance to rock a tutu. You just need that inner spark that I talk about all the time. Just remember, everyone deserves to wear a tutu. A simple white ballet skirt? Totally. A layered lilac princess number? Why not? You could be in your 20s, in your 60s, in your 80s... and, you'll be radiating joy. Iā€™ve seen it for myself! I even convinced a lovely gentleman in a rather dapper tweed suit, to strike a pose wearing a bright yellow tutu. Now, Iā€™ve always saidā€¦ the world is better in pink.

As for the inspiration for this post... Youā€™re going to laugh darling. This is quite funny! But my fascination with pink tutus is thanks to the lab! No, darling, let me tell you a secret - in my daily life Iā€™m not quite the drag sensation that I am by night! You could even call me a bit of a science geekā€¦ whispers... I actually work in a lab! (Can you imagine, the irony! I get paid to test fabric... and then I go out and get paid to strut my stuff on stage!) And you know what inspired my tutu passion? I joined the University ballet club as an experimentā€¦ and then tried on a tutu as part of a university charity event! And just like thatā€¦I fell in love with it! Thatā€™s when I knew it had to be pink. And since then, darling, it's been an unbreakable bond!

So, what's next for this little pink princess? Well, my love for tutus, theatre, travel, and, let's be honest, shopping, means I'll continue spreading joy one dazzling pink tutu at a time! I'll be dancing across the country, exploring charming seaside towns, sharing my love for tutus, and inspiring others to find their inner Sparkle.

And you, darling, keep a lookout for me on your travels. Perhaps our paths will cross. And when they do, remember to twirl, dance, and celebrate the joy of simply being you, pink tutus and all.

Until next time, my darlings. Remember to shine bright, sparkle hard, and wear your tutu with pride!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-18 stars in Herne Bay