Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-30 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay Whirlwind: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the North East by Storm!


Oh darlings! Get ready to grab your tiaras and dust off those sequined shoes because Pink Tutu Sparkles is taking the North East by storm! Today's adventures begin with a journey to the charming coastal town of Whitley Bay - it’s a perfect place for a fabulous Queen to unleash a touch of sparkle!

First, let’s talk transport. Ever since that wild escapade in Brighton (don’t ask about the runaway camel – I still have flashbacks!), I've sworn off buses. Trains are my new love! The wind whipping through my hair as we race across the countryside? It's enough to make a girl wish she was wearing a billowing cape, but alas, no room for that in my little travel suitcase!

Of course, if I'm being honest, the real magic of train travel is the freedom to embrace my true sartorial self. With my luggage cleverly packed and tutu carefully stowed (there's a special secret method, darlings - no creasing!), I can be a pink-tutu-clad vision of loveliness! Today’s look was all about vintage elegance - a pastel pink, full-skirted number with sparkling sequins, paired with a classic ivory bolero and fluffy pink feather boa. Honestly, who needs first-class tickets when you've got this look?!

My heart was already a-flutter with anticipation, and as we pulled into Whitley Bay, I knew it was going to be a fabulous day. The air was crisp, with a hint of salty sea air that sent tingles down my spine! Oh, how I love the invigorating energy of the North East!

Whitley Bay, with its golden sands and quaint little shops, instantly charmed me. It's the kind of place where time seems to slow down, giving you a chance to really absorb the atmosphere. As I took in the beautiful, seaside scenery, it set me pondering - is a pink tutu actually suited to the beach?

Now, I’ve been known to do a spontaneous tumble down a sandy slope or two (no shame!) But it dawned on me that a tutu's delicate fabric could get a bit... well, sandy! Perhaps a silk scarf in a fetching shade of flamingo pink would be more fitting for my seaside escapades. But as for the ultimate pink tutu day trip – well, that’s what this Whitley Bay venture was all about!

It's all about finding the balance, isn't it? Balancing the fun of a flamboyant drag queen with a dose of practical sensibility, all wrapped in a generous serving of sparkling confidence. That's my little mantra, and as always, it seemed to work its magic!

Our first stop was The Playhouse, Whitley Bay. I mean, you just cannot come to a seaside town without immersing yourself in a bit of theatre! My love for the arts began back in Derbyshire when I was still Alex, before the dazzling world of Pink Tutu Sparkles opened up! Remember the good old days, when all I did was dance? Now it's sequins, feather boas, and enough makeup to stock a department store - but don’t you fret, my passion for performing hasn't diminished. In fact, the spark is stronger than ever!

So, imagine this: a vibrant pink tutu Queen, waltzing through the charming foyer of The Playhouse. The hushed whispers, the curious stares, the giggles from a gaggle of children, all followed by the deafening applause when I performed a surprise flash-mob, transforming “The Flower Duet” into a high-energy, flamboyant ballet extravaganza. It was magical, darlings! The energy in the theatre, the joy on everyone’s faces – pure bliss.

The next leg of our whirlwind journey took us to the charming seaside town's very own pink paradise: "Pink Boutique"! I am not kidding, dear readers, a boutique entirely devoted to the fabulous colour of my heart! It was a veritable pink explosion – pastel pinks, hot pinks, even metallic pinks! And let me tell you, it was sheer delight! For me, this wasn’t just shopping - it was an experience!

I mean, come on! It’s a pink wonderland fit for a tutu queen. How can you possibly resist that, darling? I, for one, was powerless to say no! My shopping bag grew plump and full in no time, my hands overflowing with treasures that I just knew were going to create some eye-catching fashion moments for Pink Tutu Sparkles. My daydreams were already teeming with the vibrant hues and delicate ruffles. A little tutu transformation never hurts, does it?

But it wasn't just the pretty things that got me. There’s something truly uplifting about a whole shop dedicated to a single colour. It just makes you feel so… cheerful! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying other colours are bad – there’s a place for everyone! But Pink? It's like a ray of sunshine wrapped up in a sparkly embrace!

And so, my afternoon unfolded in a beautiful pink ballet of fashion discoveries. Oh, what I would have given to show my grandmother, the Queen of vintage fashion ( with a tendency for fluffy pink tweed!), what I was discovering here. I bet she would have loved it – we would have probably ended up throwing sequins at each other, like some sort of glamorous glitter bomb!

The final stop was a charming little cafe with an equally charming view. There’s something magical about watching the waves roll in and out – it brings a feeling of serenity and tranquility. It’s almost as if the rhythm of the ocean calms the soul and prepares you for what lies ahead. Oh, how I wish I had the gift of translating the language of the waves. Imagine, darlings, a speech delivered in flowing waves with a dash of sea salt and a sprinkle of seawater sparkle! How poetic it would be!

My cafe experience wasn't just about enjoying the calming view. It was a perfect moment to reflect on my adventure, and what it meant to me. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the beach, I couldn't help but think about my own personal journey - from that shy Derbyshire boy to the vibrant tutu Queen who's conquering the world, one sequined step at a time.

And as the day came to a close, I knew I couldn't leave Whitley Bay without doing what I do best. As darkness descended, the streets began to glow with the twinkling lights of a bustling nightlife, I was ready to unleash a little sparkle. So, with my signature pink tutu whirling around me, I set out on my midnight performance, my heart beating to the rhythm of a thousand twirling skirts!

Oh darlings, there’s just nothing quite like sharing your passion with the world and being met with such warm acceptance. The smile on a little girl's face as she twirled in her own pink dress. The roaring cheers from the pub patrons as they watched Pink Tutu Sparkles show them what a real dance party can be! It's what makes my journey worthwhile.

This, my dearest readers, is the life of a pink tutu queen – a whirlwind of adventures, a tapestry of laughter, a kaleidoscope of dreams!

As for my next adventure – well, let’s just say, it’s a little something I like to call "The Great Tutu Roadtrip"! That’s right, darlings, we’re heading out on a quest to spread the joy of pink tutus from one end of the country to the other.

But more on that later, for now, I’ll leave you with this thought: What’s your pink tutu adventure waiting to be unleashed? Don’t let it wait another moment – Go get sparkly! And remember - a pink tutu can take you anywhere in the world! Until next time, darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2010-05-30 stars in Whitley Bay