
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-07-31 stars in Upminster

Upminster: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #3865)

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite, utterly fabulous, pink tutu wearing blogger! Itā€™s 31st July 2010 and, after a truly smashing train journey (first-class, of course, pink tutu canā€™t travel any other way!), Iā€™m ready to sprinkle some magic on Upminster!

Now, Iā€™m not gonna lie, Upminsterā€™s not exactly known for its dazzling nightlife. More a quiet suburban haven, where the most exciting thing happening is probably the local garden centre. But, let me tell you, that's what makes this adventure all the more fun. Like a lone ballerina leaping onto a pristine, grassy stage - Iā€™m ready to turn this town pink!

Itā€™s a beautiful summerā€™s day, the sun's beaming, birds are chirping ā€“ the perfect setting for my favourite pink tutu and a big, bold smile! (Did I mention itā€™s the perfect pink? Oh, the joy of colour coordinating!). Today, Iā€™m feeling especially radiant! After all, a pink tutu never looks dull. Especially not this one, my new hand-sequined creation, featuring an array of shimmering pink tones and an absolutely glorious, oversized pink bow that makes even the most mundane of days feel like a celebratory occasion. Itā€™s a statement! A bold statement that says, "I'm here, I'm fab, and Iā€™m here to share the pinkness!ā€

As a drag artist, travelling and performing is the real spice of life. Each new town is a chance to make an entrance, share a bit of pink glitter, and remind everyone about the beauty and joy of expressing yourself through fashion. And I tell you, nothing brings more joy than seeing someoneā€™s face light up as they witness a tutu-wearing queen like me strutting into the room.

But the real excitement of Upminster started before I even stepped off the train. Remember those train journeys, I was telling you about, full of glamorous excitement? I was seated in a little compartment, relishing the smooth, rhythmic rocking of the carriage when - imagine my surprise - a lady across from me is wearing a vintage-style dress. You know the type - tea dress, with a floral pattern in the prettiest shade of blush pink! My heart practically skipped a beat. Itā€™s like fate, darlings, a gentle nudge in the right direction, leading me towards the pinkness that awaits. And honestly? I canā€™t wait to sprinkle my magic over Upminster.

The main draw this trip? The legendary ā€œUpminster Fashion Festivalā€. A veritable explosion of clothes, accessories, and all things sparkly, it's the perfect platform to share my pink passion. Oh, and letā€™s not forget the stage, a perfect space to showcase my dance moves and maybe teach some ballet street moves along the way. The pink tutu needs to be shared with the world, wouldnā€™t you agree?

Tonight, my dear readers, the plan is to put on a show! And not just any show, itā€™s going to be ā€œPink Tutu Serenadeā€! A one-woman (well, technically one drag queen) spectacle where I'll dance to classical melodies (balletā€™s my first love!), show off some fancy footwork, and sprinkle glitter with abandon. Maybe even encourage the audience to join me for a ballet class later. Think pink! Think grace! Think elegance! Who knows, maybe weā€™ll even find a pink tutu or two amongst the festival attendees.

Don't forget to check my Instagram (it's @PinkTutuSparkles!) and the pink-tutu.com website later for an update on how my day in Upminster unfolds.

Stay sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

## A Pink-tastic Day in Upminster!

Itā€™s been an amazing day here in Upminster, filled with pink, fun, and laughter. I canā€™t tell you just how much it warmed my sparkly soul to see the festival buzzing with activity.

I made a grand entrance to the ā€œUpminster Fashion Festival,ā€ twirling my way through the stalls, stopping to chat with curious festival goers. The looks on their faces when I told them my story - the science degree, the ballet, the dream of a world wearing pink tutus! Honestly, it felt like a wave of pure joy spreading around us. And of course, no visit is complete without sparkling pink accessories for all. It seems Upminster's residents were open to spreading the pinkness! I even got a local mum to try on a pink tutu - a true sign of my missionā€™s success. She looked absolutely fabulous!

The real magic, though, started on stage during my performance! My Pink Tutu Serenade had people on their feet. They even dared to join in a ballet-inspired dance party afterwards! What an amazing crowd! It felt like everyone was truly embracing the spirit of Pink Tutu Sparkles. They cheered and laughed along with my choreographed routine (ballet and sassy jazz moves! Think Tchaikovsky with a bit of modern flair), and even dared to try out a couple of pink-inspired outfits. This wasnā€™t just a show, it was a movement, spreading joy and sparkle, one pink tutu at a time.

The energy was electrifying! I felt it! And so did Upminster. It's incredible what happens when you dare to be different, to be bold, to celebrate pink and tutus! After all, lifeā€™s a stage, and why not wear a tutu while you're dancing through it?

Later, after a delicious afternoon tea at a charming little cafĆ© with pink tablecloths, I felt the call of the ballet class. This town, you see, had a secret, a ballet school tucked away in a quiet corner, ready for pink tutus to unleash its graceful energy. There, I gave a masterclass ā€“ a sprinkle of Pink Tutu magic, mixed with classic technique and a whole lot of laughter.

Leaving Upminster was a little bittersweet. After all, itā€™s not everyday I get to share my pink tutu love in a place that seems to have been waiting for a spark. But it is a reminder that pinkness can be found anywhere, even in the most unassuming of places. Itā€™s a reminder to embrace the colour, to embrace the sparkle, and to spread joy wherever I go. And, of course, to keep dancing, because the journeyā€™s more fabulous with a pink tutu by my side!

## A Pink Tutu Lesson for Life

My travels in Upminster made me realize something. You don't have to live in a bustling city to spread some pink glitter magic.

I started this pink tutu journey, you know, because I wanted to share a feeling, a passion for all things sparkly, bright, and fabulously unconventional. I thought it would only resonate with those who, like me, felt a calling for the dramatic, the glamorous. But, it seems, thereā€™s something more profound, more universally appealing about pink tutus! Maybe it's the freedom to express yourself, to defy expectations, to break away from the ordinary and embrace the unique. Maybe itā€™s the joy of finding a spark, a flicker of unexpected excitement, in the most unexpected places.

Whatever the reason, it seems like pink tutus are spreading a wave of magic around the world, one sparkly step at a time! From London to Upminster, each town is a canvas ready for my Pink Tutu message. And, every day, Iā€™m reminded of the joy it brings, the warmth, the sheer exuberance. And this makes my heart, well, sparkle!

This is why I say, the Pink Tutu is more than a piece of clothing, more than a statement. Itā€™s a symbol, a reminder to be bold, to celebrate life's little eccentricities, to find joy in being unique! Itā€™s an invitation to sparkle, to find that little pink flare within you!

So, darlings, put on your favourite shade of pink! Donā€™t be afraid to stand out. And always, always remember:

Every dayā€™s a chance to be your most fabulous, most colourful self!

Until next time,

Your very own, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2010-07-31 stars in Upminster