Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-08-13 stars in Liverpool

Liverpool: A City that Makes You Wanna Twirl! 🩰

Hello my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the fabulous city of Liverpool! This is blog post number 3878, and today's theme? Let's just say it's a tutu delight! 💖

Liverpool, you see, is like a big, glittery pink tutu that's been dipped in sunshine. The energy here is contagious, the people are so warm and welcoming, and the streets...well, they're positively bursting with character.

Now, as many of you know, I'm a girl who loves a good adventure. And for me, there's no better way to get there than on the railway! Train journeys are the perfect time to daydream about tutus, to flick through fashion magazines, and to admire the ever-changing landscapes outside the window.

So, after a scenic journey from my lovely Derbyshire home (where I live when I'm not sparkling on stage, of course!), I found myself stepping out into the heart of Liverpool. The air hummed with excitement, and I swear I could even hear the faint echo of a happy, twirling melody.

I'm not gonna lie, darling, this whole city is practically made for pink tutus. Think grand Victorian architecture with sweeping staircases (perfect for grand entrances, natch), charming cobbled streets where I can strut my stuff with my killer heels, and bustling markets filled with sparkly trinkets that I just have to add to my tutu collection.

The very first thing I did after arriving was pop into one of those lovely tea rooms you see in all the travel magazines. And you know I couldn't resist whipping out my signature pink tutu to compliment the delicate china and perfectly brewed tea. It’s just the kind of whimsical touch that brightens everyone’s day, wouldn’t you say?

After a much-needed spot of tea, I set out to explore Liverpool's artistic side. The city, of course, is renowned for its rich musical history - The Beatles! Imagine the tutus those lads would be wearing if they were alive today! 😜 I mean, the Cavern Club itself is almost a landmark for tutus. But it’s not all music in this glorious city. The Walker Art Gallery, with its stunning collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, felt like a fairytale. And there I was, a pink-tuted fairy princess in a museum, blending in flawlessly with the grandeur. The way I see it, a tutu is like a universal language - it brings joy to all, be it art or a museum.

Of course, no trip to Liverpool would be complete without a little bit of dancing, wouldn’t you say? I've been known to twirl a little bit on the street, but the energy in this city? It practically begs you to dance! 💃 There were live bands performing on every corner, and people were busting a move in cafes, pubs, and even on the cobblestone streets! I couldn’t resist joining in! I love finding a local theatre performance, and the city boasts an amazing number of smaller ones as well as its own fantastic Royal Court Theatre. Ballet classes and street dancing, my favourite! There is no place like this for it.

Later in the day, I headed to one of the local markets where I found myself drawn to all the quirky handmade jewellery and vintage clothing. A tutu needs sparkly adornments you see, it’s all part of the package, and where better to find some fabulous bits than a market? I found a few gems to add to my repertoire and bought enough sequins to cover a small town. (Just imagine the potential for a tutu-tastic sequins spectacle!).

I'll tell you one thing, dear readers, this trip to Liverpool has already cemented its place as one of my most fabulous adventures ever. From the delicious local cuisine, the warm and friendly people, the historic buildings and the infectious energy, it’s like everything has a sprinkle of magic, or should I say, a twirl of sparkle?

Speaking of sparkles... I've been absolutely soaking up the atmosphere in this charming city. From the bustling markets to the historical museums, I feel so inspired! I can already picture a brand new tutu design inspired by all this vibrancy and a set of routines that I simply have to try out. Who knows, maybe I'll even inspire a whole Liverpool ballet with all my fabulous tutus! Now that's something I'd love to see, a sea of tutus dancing through the streets of this beautiful city.

Before I leave this dazzling city, I want to leave you with some words of wisdom: embrace your sparkle! You are uniquely wonderful and amazing! Wear a pink tutu! Spread the joy! Don’t forget to be kind to yourselves, and to the amazing humans around you. This, my friends, is the real recipe for happiness.

Until next time, stay pink and sparkly, darlings!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2010-08-13 stars in Liverpool