
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-10-19 stars in Scunthorpe

Scunthorpe Sparkles: Post #3945

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the glamourous town of Scunthorpe. That's right, I said it, glamorous! This delightful town is absolutely buzzing, ready for a little sprinkle of pink tutu magic.

As you know, my passion is spreading the love of tutus, one shimmery twirl at a time. And I just had to bring that sparkle to Scunthorpe, a place that truly embraces diversity, and, let's be honest, needs a little more glitter!

This is my 3945th post, can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday I was a shy Derbyshire lad in the university ballet club, trying on my first tutu for charity. And now, look at me, a global fashion icon with a website dedicated to pink tutus and a heart full of dreams to make everyone in the world wear a tutu!

This trip to Scunthorpe started on a sunny afternoon, my trusty steed taking me on a delightful journey through the rolling hills of Derbyshire, past sheep that looked as if they were wearing their own miniature tutus, and on towards my final destination, the charming station in Scunthorpe. There, amidst the bustle of the day, I found myself gazing at the spectacular views, my mind wandering to the fascinating stories each passing face held.

Now, I must confess, some folks have asked me why Scunthorpe of all places. Well, darling, you'd be surprised by the creative energy here, and I was honoured to perform at the annual Arts Festival, a wonderful event with a truly diverse array of performances and talents. I felt right at home among the artists and the artists in the making, the enthusiasm was palpable.

Now, let's get down to the good stuff, shall we? This is a blog post about fashion and sparkle, after all!

A Day in the Life of a Pink Tutu Sparkles:

Firstly, I must tell you, my arrival in Scunthorpe was a grand event. A few local kids had spotted my pink-tutu-clad form arriving on the station platform, and suddenly, a mini parade of my own creation erupted! We were all twirling in the midday sun, smiles as wide as the English skies!

For my performance at the Arts Festival, I'd designed a spectacular tutu of a thousand shimmering pink and silver sequins! It was inspired by the Scunthorpe Ironworks in a modern, contemporary way. I used the textures of the steel as inspiration for the layers of fabric, and the powerful energy of the work in the shape and movement. A few people looked at me funny when I told them about it, but you know what they say 'Don't judge a book by its cover, unless it's a book about pink tutus - in which case judge the heck out of it'!

My act involved dancing in that sequined beauty, but it was more than just dancing. It was a story about Scunthorpe itself and the people who make this town special.

Of course, every performance must include a bit of a fashion show. For this particular act I wore a number of different pink tutus inspired by different elements of the town: the beautiful Scunthorpe Market Hall, the Scunthorpe Museum, the scenery of the nearby Lincolnshire wolds, and even the famous 'Scunthorpe Scone' which is, by the way, a local delicacy - a delightful must for any pink tutu-loving queen visiting!

You wouldn't believe the fun we had with the 'Scunthorpe Scone'! It became the centrepiece of my act, a fluffy pink cloud of delight! The audience went wild, shouting 'Scone!' in between my twirls - and let's face it any time a crowd can say the word 'scone' in sync it's a win in my book.

But this was just a taste of my Scunthorpe sparkle adventure!

Scunthorpe Style Adventures

Now, you know me, a pink-tutu loving queen must experience everything a town has to offer, from the grand art galleries to the quaint tea rooms. I got lost in the beauty of the Scunthorpe Museum and Art Gallery, admiring local artwork, local history and finding some interesting inspiration for future pink tutu creations (more about that later!).

And the tea rooms! Such a treat! I stopped by a charming tea room on the high street that offered the most beautiful pink lemonade and homemade scones, the perfect accompaniment to a day filled with pink-tutu adventures.

But I had a secret mission: finding the perfect Scunthorpe souvenir to remind me of this delightful trip. After much searching, I stumbled upon a small gift shop just around the corner from the Town Hall. Inside, nestled amongst a treasure trove of unique and interesting objects, I spotted it - the perfect Scunthorpe souvenir!

It's a gorgeous pink tutu, made by a local artist, and emblazoned with a beautiful design inspired by the iconic Scunthorpe Ironworks. Itโ€™s the most adorable little tutu! Iโ€™m already planning on wearing it on my next big pink-tutu adventure.

More Pink-tutu Magic in Scunthorpe

And then came the evening, and the chance for me to share more of my pink tutu magic. This time, it was a different venue, a grand hall with a spectacular stage! I knew I had to come up with a truly amazing show!

For my night performance, I designed another sparkly tutu! This time, I focused on the gorgeous flowery gardens of Scunthorpe. The tutu itself was an explosion of pink, orange and yellow, sparkly sequins representing the beauty of the local floral life.

My evening show was a triumph. The crowd was cheering and dancing, and the air was full of joy and love!

I had so much fun dancing in the bright lights of the stage, sharing my love of pink tutus, fashion, and performance with everyone. And as I bowed at the end of the show, I knew that Scunthorpe had truly become a pink-tutu-loving town.

Saying 'Scone' to Scunthorpe

I must say, darling, I left Scunthorpe with a heart full of sparkle and a smile on my face. The people were lovely, the town was a treasure trove of delight, and the pink-tutu magic really took hold.

But as my journey back to Derbyshire began, I found myself wishing I could stay longer, explore more and bring more pink tutu magic to Scunthorpe.

But there's always next time. In the meantime, if you find yourself in Scunthorpe, do give it a twirl! Put on a pink tutu (or a lovely hat if you arenโ€™t into tutus, there are no judgments here!), take in the art, the history, and the delicious scones! Youโ€™ll discover that Scunthorpe is a town that truly sparkles!

And, darlings, until my next pink tutu adventure, remember to wear your tutu with confidence and pride, and always make sure to have some pink lemonade ready!

Love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2010-10-19 stars in Scunthorpe