Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-11-14 stars in Waterlooville

Waterlooville: Pink Tutu Sparkles Gets All Whimsical

Hiya darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming to you live from the wonderful Waterlooville, and this is post number 3971 - phew, you wouldn't believe the amount of travelling I do, I need a lie-down! You can find me, and all my lovely adventures, on www.pink-tutu.com every single day!

Now, darling, you know how much I adore my twirls! My favourite way to get around is either in my very own pink tutu-themed train carriage (don't ask how I got that) or on horseback – they’re such good listeners, I just whisper, “Giddy up and go!” and they're off! I can’t believe it's been another day filled with glitter, laughter, and fabulousness. Let me tell you all about it…

It started, as always, with a bang! After a whirlwind morning perfecting my "Ballet-a-licious" look – think vibrant pink eye shadow, blusher, and lipstick, all with a shimmer that could rival the sun - I took a well-earned coffee break. Darling, did I tell you about my new favourite place for coffee? It’s in a tiny little tearoom in Chesterfield, nestled away from the hustle and bustle, and their raspberry and pink teacake is heavenly! It’s got those sweet, delicate crumbs with a light and fluffy texture… it's truly heavenly! I tell you what, sometimes you just have to get that sugar rush, don’t you?

With my blood sugar at a perfect level and my hair absolutely shimmering, I made my way to the station for the grand trip to Waterlooville. You see, today, I was booked to perform a delightful 30-minute set in the Town Hall! And what's more, after the performance, I had a fun and frivolous ballet workshop for the children of the local ballet school! Can you believe it, the school even named their yearly end-of-year show “Pink Tutu Sparkles' Gala”, how wonderful is that! The children are adorable.

It took me about four hours on the train – I must confess I do adore the gentle rocking and the gentle breeze. Sometimes I have a lovely little singalong with the other passengers, you know, a bit of 'I Dreamed a Dream' or ‘If I Didn’t Have You’. Nothing says, ‘hello sunshine’, more than some Broadway hits. It always cheers me up. Sometimes though, I find it helps to simply stare out at the world passing by - watching the world whizz by, from fields to busy towns, there’s always so much beauty in life when you look for it.

Waterlooville, oh darling, Waterlooville, what can I say? A truly lovely town, charming, bustling, and with so many friendly faces. My journey continued with a charming gentleman, whose name is Edward and whose beard, if I may say so, was like spun gold! It matched the colour of his hair, which reminded me of a strawberry-blonde bobble – divine. Edward had never seen a tutu in person and was simply fascinated by it. We had the best chat, I mean, who knew a good conversation on the merits of fluffy tutus could be so inspiring?

The Town Hall was charming, decorated in lovely pastel shades with pretty, white and gold trim, perfectly fitting for the dazzling debut of this diva! I'm just so happy with the audience, the staff at the Town Hall, and everyone at the ballet school, it was the most delightful trip and experience I could ask for! You see, it is always about finding those special moments, connecting with people, spreading a little joy and of course, getting the pink tutu vibe flowing.

Here are a few pictures of the ballet school and my wonderful performance! As you can see, it really did bring smiles to the children's faces, their excitement, so joyous, reminded me why I became a drag artist in the first place!

(Photos 1-5 show Pink Tutu Sparkles dressed in a beautiful pink tutu with different glittery and shimmering elements on top of it. She is doing dance poses and has children wearing tutus behind her, and smiles.)

After a wonderful night, I caught the late train back home. The carriage was full of weary, sleepy commuters, most still clutching their laptops – just a small piece of office furniture being lugged along for the ride, I always laugh at those - I couldn’t resist having a little chat with the chap opposite.

He told me he’d just been to see a friend who had a new baby girl. I’d only just had a delicious, giant raspberry macaron earlier and it got me thinking! ‘You know darling,’ I told him. “We need a baby tutu for her, with lots and lots of pink and sparkle. Wouldn’t that be lovely, she could be a Pink Tutu Queen like her lovely mama!”

He started laughing, he had never heard of Pink Tutu Sparkles and was so sweet! It was delightful to have a chance to explain to someone new about this fun, friendly world of pink and sparkly happiness, about our pink tutu life. We spoke about how it’s about embracing our love of all things pretty, fabulous and yes, pink, and celebrating every single person as they are. That’s what life is all about, isn’t it?

As we approached my stop, he started grinning at me. He said: ‘I didn’t expect to find a talking tutu in my journey home! But I’m really glad you cheered me up. Thank you Pink Tutu Sparkle.’

“My pleasure!” I winked, ‘Next time, let’s meet in Waterlooville – come and see my next show!’

He giggled and I know he was wondering if he’d gone mad… it’s just as well, I can’t reveal how I managed to get the carriage for myself or what happens when you accidentally touch the fluffy pink upholstery! He said he was ‘going to make a point of attending’ - which you know, was very sweet of him.

I was back home in Derby by midnight, ready to snuggle in and do a bit of a deep dive through the world of tulle and pink, the life blood of my blog. You can be sure I will share every fabulous minute on my blog for everyone! If you’re a tutu fan or not, this is a life about sparkle, positivity and all things gorgeous, it’s certainly worth taking a peek! So, till tomorrow darlings! Keep it sparkly and be true to you!

Love you! Pink Tutu Sparkle.

#TutuQueen on 2010-11-14 stars in Waterlooville