Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-01-07 stars in Surbiton

Surbiton Calling! 🩰👑

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to sprinkle a little extra glitter and sunshine on your day, this is blog post number 4025! 💖✨

Today’s journey takes us to the charming town of Surbiton. A delightful mix of historic charm and modern bustle, it’s the perfect place to unleash my inner tutu-loving, sparkle-obsessed self.

Remember the last time I was in Surbiton? It was for the Royal Ascot extravaganza, where I totally stole the show in a hand-beaded tutu the colour of champagne bubbles, don’t you remember? Oh, and that hat! I still get compliments on the hat… 😉 But this trip, we’re taking a less glamorous, yet still utterly fabulous, approach.

We’re here for a whirlwind weekend of fun, starting with the Surbiton Spring Fling, a local event celebrating all things colourful and vibrant. Imagine craft stalls bursting with handmade trinkets, food trucks tantalizing our tastebuds, and live music serenading the afternoon air! Now, just picture Pink Tutu Sparkles shimmying amongst it all, radiating positive vibes, and giving out free pink tutu ribbons. It’s a whole mood, darlings!

After that, we’ll be taking a leisurely stroll through the vibrant Surbiton market. I have a hunch I’ll be finding the perfect pastel pink accessory to add to my already impressive collection, maybe a vintage brooch or a hand-painted pair of gloves?

I'll also be sneaking in a ballet class at the local dance academy. I mean, a queen's got to stay in tip-top form! A quick ballet warm-up, a few elegant pirouettes, and a well-placed jeté, and I’m ready to conquer the night.

And what’s a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a little theatrical flair? That’s right, tonight’s highlight is the Surbiton Players' production of “A Midsummer Night's Dream"! Now, I've always had a penchant for Shakespeare – don’t get me started on his poetic descriptions of love, loss, and moonlight… It’s almost enough to make a grown-woman cry. Almost. I’ll be paying homage with my own signature style – a glimmering tulle tutu inspired by the moonlit forest, of course!

Did I mention this week’s blog post theme is “Embrace the Pink”? Because, I’m on a mission, darlings. It’s time to take our world to the next level and let the pink reign supreme! Forget boring beige, banish blah brown, let’s embrace the vibrant hue that truly sets the soul aflame! And if a little sparkle falls along the way, so be it!

But wait, there's more! I have a confession… I have a tutu addiction! It's no secret, I’ve even got an entire room in my Derbyshire flat dedicated to the pink fluff, you know, the "tutu boudoir", where each tutu sits upon its throne like royalty, lovingly displayed.

Now, if you're like me, a devoted member of the Tutu Society (membership is open to all!), then you'll already know that it’s more than just a dance costume, it’s a symbol of joy, freedom, and confidence! A pink tutu, however, has extra power - it’s a reminder to embrace our inner child, a permission slip to dance in the streets, to shine with our whole heart, and to let the world see our unique beauty.

I know what you’re thinking, “Alex, how can a scientist become a tutu queen?!” And you’d be right to question it! Well, I wouldn't believe it either if someone hadn't shown me the way…

It all started in my university days, you know, that magical time when life revolved around labs, lectures, and late-night study sessions. A time when my head was stuffed with all those equations and formulas. And then one fateful night, at a university fundraiser for charity, the university ballet club had a stall selling tutus to raise funds! Of course, my friends had a little too much fun, so I, a little shy and not usually known for dancing, volunteered to try one on...

To say I was surprised is a colossal understatement. In that swirling pink fabric, suddenly I wasn't Alex the scientist anymore, I felt something magical - confident, carefree, like I could conquer the world. You know the saying: "Every girl needs a little pink tutu in their life!" My, how right it is.

After my whirlwind college life, the world of science beckoned. I was destined to work in a lab testing fabrics - you’ll be surprised how many different kinds of material require careful scientific analysis! So by day I'm in a lab coat and a safety glasses, making sure your clothes are safe and durable. By night, well… It's tutu time! I transform from Alex the scientist to Pink Tutu Sparkles the queen.

From bustling railway stations to charming horse-drawn carriages, I embrace my travels as opportunities to spread the message: “Put on a tutu and let your true colours shine! ” Whether you’re a seasoned tutu-enthusiast, or someone just considering your first foray into this world of sparkly, voluminous magic, you’re most welcome! It's about spreading joy and unleashing inner confidence through the beauty and transformative power of a pink tutu. It’s an invitation to embrace our joyful, whimsical sides - no matter what we do in our day-to-day lives.

Now, you're all caught up with my grand adventures in Surbiton. I can't wait to hear your thoughts. If you have a tutu tale of your own, please do share in the comments.

Until next time, darlings, remember to twirl with a purpose, sparkle with confidence, and keep the pink tutu dream alive.

Much love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2011-01-07 stars in Surbiton