
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-06-06 stars in Rochdale

Rochdale Calling: Tutu Tales from a Pink Paradise!

#4175 - 6th June 2011

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you a whirlwind of fabulousness straight from the heart of Rochdale! Oh my, you wouldn't believe the adventures I've had on this trip โ€“ prepare to be utterly enchanted, as I share my latest tutu tales with you all!

First things first, let's talk trains! I am a complete and utter sucker for train journeys โ€“ I mean, what's better than travelling through beautiful countryside, sipping a nice cuppa, and maybe even doing a spot of window shopping? My journey up to Rochdale was particularly lovely, I even saw a family of ducks paddling along the canal. Absolutely adorable!

Speaking of adorable, the reason I was in Rochdale in the first place was a most magical performance! Now, I know you all know my absolute love for ballet โ€“ I mean, what could be more graceful and beautiful than a tutu swirling across the stage? Well, I found myself totally swept up in the Rochdale Theatre's production of "The Nutcracker". Oh my heavens! The dancers were incredible, the costumes were dazzling, and the whole experience was truly spellbinding! The only thing missing was me twirling my pink tulle alongside them. Giggles

And speaking of twirling, my lovely Rochdale hosts surprised me with an absolutely delightful afternoon at a ballet class! Let me tell you, darling, trying to learn some pirouettes after a particularly busy week of performing wasn't exactly a walk in the park โ€“ I had my tutu tangled in my petticoats more times than I care to admit. But, honestly, who can resist a good, sweaty ballet session? Not I, my dears, not I! And guess what? My attempts at a grande jetรฉ nearly landed me in the lap of the most handsome gentleman in the class!

After a rather tiring (but thrilling!) ballet class, we went on a rather delightful little shopping expedition. As you know, darling, I simply can't resist a good vintage boutique, especially those full of stunning pieces of lace and delicate silk. And, of course, I couldn't possibly leave Rochdale without adding to my tutu collection! I found a stunning powder pink, double-layered tutu with sequined embellishment that would make even the most sophisticated ballerina weep! Honestly, my darling readers, you should see this creation โ€“ pure fairytale!

I'm not going to lie, my trip to Rochdale had me feeling a bit homesick for my beloved Derbyshire. You know how much I love to spend my days frolicking through the countryside on horseback, right? And although the sights of Rochdale were definitely lovely, nothing quite beats galloping through fields of lavender.

Well, darlings, my adventure in Rochdale is coming to an end, but my love affair with pink tutus and all things sparkly is never-ending. Until next time, be sure to wear a pink tutu at least once today and be ready to be the most fabulous person in the room. Love you lots, and stay glittery!

P.S. Have I ever mentioned I have a weakness for anything involving buttercream frosting? Rochdale definitely delivered! I found the most divine bakery and couldn't resist buying a mountain of delicious, sugary treats โ€“ life is definitely meant to be lived in pink hues!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


(Word count: 670 words)

#TutuQueen on 2011-06-06 stars in Rochdale