Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-07-13 stars in South Shields

South Shields Sparkle: Tutu-ing My Way to the Seaside!

Post Number 4212

Hello, darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite (and only!) tutu-clad blogger, and it's time for another adventure! I'm thrilled to be reporting from South Shields today, where the salty sea breeze is mixing beautifully with my Pinkest-of-Pink Tutu™ (oh, and did I tell you I have a brand new matching feather boa?)

Now, let's get real - a seaside town on the North East coast of England might not scream 'Pink Tutu Glamour', but let me tell you, dear readers, you can find sparkle and glitz just about anywhere. The real secret to the Pink Tutu lifestyle is, well, finding the pink! This little seaside town is teeming with charm and character - you can't help but find a splash of colour here and there, and when I spotted a beautiful antique pink shop with a perfect shop window, I knew it was the place for my first Tutu-tastic Photo Shoot.

(Side note: This post's about to get intensely picture heavy. Can't blame me, babes! The sea, the sand, the shop window and… ME! I'm like a rainbow on a stick - or rather, a sparkling tutu on a seaside boardwalk. Oh, I'm such a dramatic creature, but let's face it, I wear my pink with pride!)

The Tutu Road to South Shields

Reaching South Shields involved a little bit of travelling magic. Of course, I couldn't resist taking a vintage train, so I hopped aboard the Flying Scotsman express. Honestly, dear, nothing beats travelling in a carriage where every piece is meticulously restored and you can almost smell the whispers of history floating in the air! It truly set the mood for a fabulously stylish adventure. Plus, everyone just adores my flamboyant arrival.

Before leaving Derbyshire, I picked up the most gorgeous bouquet of pink roses from the flower market, their fragrance just perfect for filling the train with a little Tutu-love. Naturally, they matched my new feather boa, and the scent added that extra special "Pink Tutu Sparkles" magic.

When the train chugged into South Shields station, I had my suitcase in hand and, just as the last ray of sunshine fell on the platform, my taxi pulled up, all polished and shiny. It took me straight to my dazzling destination - a beautiful hotel that wouldn't look out of place on a London street but held the most spectacular views of the sparkling coastline. It's practically tailor-made for my Tutu-ful dreams.

The Shop Window Glamour

And here we are! The vintage shop I mentioned. Oh, darling, the light caught the pink silk in my Tutu so perfectly, as if the heavens were lighting my way. And my little tutu, the shop window was a stage! I gave a dramatic twirl, the tulle billowing out in all its glorious glory. Honestly, the locals were stunned! (I know, I know. Shocking. Me. A pink-tutu-wearing drag queen. On the street.) But there's something about the pink, darlings! It catches people’s eye! I had them stopping for a photo op – even the old gents on their walks looked mesmerised! Who can resist a sprinkle of glamour, huh?

Seaside Delights and Tutu Treats

I mean, what's a trip to South Shields without indulging in some local treats, right? Oh, darling, you HAVE to try their famous fish and chips! Now, you might be thinking "Pink Tutu and Fish and Chips? Hmmm…" But hear me out, sweethearts, I don't let a little greasy spoon dampen my glamour!

My darling self found the most amazing fish and chips shop right on the beach. The salty air blowing in my hair while I enjoyed crispy, golden chips was simply magical. (They had pink ketchup, but, of course, it's no substitute for the proper rose-coloured glasses.) I even persuaded a charming elderly gentleman to pose for a Tutu-worthy snapshot while munching on his fish. The picture is adorable.

The rest of the day was filled with beachside promenades, where I discovered the cutest seaside shop selling hand-made pink shells! Yes, they were literally hand-made! (Don't ask me how – it was some serious artistic dedication!) And to add even more shimmer to my life, a street performer started dancing a beautifully choreographed ballet piece. I immediately decided I needed to get down to the pier and enjoy the performance, so I slipped into my fabulous pink tutu, grabbed my dancing shoes from the car (they have glitter, naturally), and found myself the star of the show. Let me tell you, honey, those passersby loved my moves! (Maybe not so much when my twirls whipped up a small sand storm, but that just added to the spectacle!)

Farewell South Shields!

As I wave goodbye to this stunning town, my heart swells with pinkness. This whole trip has reminded me why I do what I do – I wear this Tutu, honey, to spread love, sparkle, and that sprinkle of Tutu-magic that everyone needs! The world needs more glitter and I’m just the one to make it happen!

Catch me on Instagram at @PinkTutuSparkles, dear readers! Until next time, darlings! Keep sparkling, keep dreaming, and remember - even in South Shields, the pinkest tutu always finds its way!

Now, onto my next grand adventure. But don't worry, my dear followers, I'll keep you posted with every colourful step of the way. See you in the next post!

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS Don't forget, all you lovely Tutu-followers, if you want to share your own Pink Tutu adventures, use the hashtag #PinkTutuLife on all your social media platforms!

#TutuQueen on 2011-07-13 stars in South Shields