
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-07-28 stars in Boston

Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits Boston! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Post #4227

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another daily dose of fabulousness from my world of twirls and sequins. Today, I'm writing to you from the heart of Boston, Massachusetts!

The Big Apple - Sorry, Boston - Here I Come!

Now, I know what you're thinking - Boston? A bit of a change from the usual European escapades, isn't it? Well, my dears, I'm always up for a bit of adventure! After dazzling the crowds in Paris, I thought it was time for a bit of transatlantic flair. And you know me, I can't resist a new challenge. Plus, it wouldn't be right for a pink tutu wearing queen to miss out on all that history! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Getting There... In Style!

Now, the journey from Derbyshire to Boston was a rather exciting affair, wouldn't you say? I couldn't quite squeeze a horse in my suitcase (even if he could do a good side-step!), so I opted for a journey across the pond on a beautiful vintage train. Imagine, plush red velvet seats, crisp white linen tablecloths, and the most fabulous array of sandwiches you could dream of. All while I'm reading a copy of Pride & Prejudice in a silk dressing gown, and gazing at the sweeping landscapes outside. Talk about a glamorous start to the trip!

Exploring Boston - Like a True Queen

Since arriving in Boston, I've been diving headfirst into all things sparkly and enchanting. I've been indulging in some serious retail therapy - think boutiques filled with the most gorgeous silks, satins, and oh-so-many sparkly embellishments! You can't wear pink tutus all the time, darling, so a girl needs some serious wardrobe options! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've even managed to squeeze in a ballet lesson at the Boston Ballet School, a real highlight of my trip! There's nothing like the feeling of graceful movement in a stunning dance studio - all those pirouettes and grand jetรฉs truly are divine.

A Night in the Theatre - Magic in the Air!

Last night, I saw a beautiful performance of The Nutcracker, at Boston's legendary Opera House. The sparkle and colour, the elegance, the sheer beauty of it all... Oh darling, I felt like a little girl again! And of course, my Pink Tutu Sparkles dress (this time a fiery crimson, a lovely departure from my usual pink!) was the talk of the evening. ๐Ÿ˜‰ People were genuinely surprised when I mentioned I wasn't actually part of the ballet, I think I shocked a few grandmas there with my performance at the intermission, I tell you!

Boston's Secret Gems

There's more to Boston than ballet and Broadway, darling. I've been taking walks along the historic Freedom Trail, admiring the charming cobblestone streets and Victorian architecture. And the Boston Common - what a delightful place! So green and serene, perfect for a picnic in a pastel floral dress (you know how much I love pastel floral!).

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love!

And of course, what's a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without spreading a little bit of that pink tutu love? I've been showing off my sparkly style at the most delightful coffee shop and pastry boutiques - every place needs a little sparkle, darling! People keep stopping me in the street, even when I'm just picking up groceries. "Aren't you Pink Tutu Sparkles?" They ask with delight! And let me tell you, seeing those smiles is truly the best feeling in the world. It's a beautiful reminder that I'm on the right path, spreading happiness one twirl at a time.

Oh, The Places We'll Go!

This Boston adventure is only the beginning, my dears! I've got so many more incredible journeys planned. Keep checking in for all the latest updates from Pink Tutu Sparkles, your resident purveyor of pink tutus, positivity, and all things fabulous!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’–

P.S. Don't forget to check out my blog at www.pink-tutu.com for daily dose of fabulousness and more details on my travels!

#TutuQueen on 2011-07-28 stars in Boston