
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-08-15 stars in Edgware

Edgware: The Sparkle in the Suburbs! ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ

Hiya darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming to you live from the wonderfully whimsical world of Edgware! โœจ

Today, I'm on post number 4245 (how time flies!) and bursting with excitement, ready to share the wonders of this fab London borough with you all! If you're looking for a touch of "pinktastic" fun mixed with a sprinkle of ballet magic, look no further, darlings, you've found your fairy godmother! ๐Ÿ’–

Edgware has a rather charming, old-school kind of appeal. Not the grand, majestic, Buckingham Palace sort of charm, no no. Edgware has a warm, friendly vibe, a sort of "village feel" tucked away in a sprawling city, if you can picture that.

It's definitely got a heart of gold! It's like stepping into a postcard with its picturesque shops, lovely little park (Edgwarebury Park is my favourite! The squirrels are absolutely darling, and so sassy!), and the iconic station, that glorious Edwardian-era red-brick station! (There's nothing more chic than vintage architecture!) ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Now, let me tell you, arriving in Edgware is like walking straight into a dreamland, the station bustling with laughter, and every single person you see looks fabulous, which, you know, is a real treat for the eyes, not to mention a huge inspiration!

I love how Edgware celebrates its history. They've got a lovely little museum dedicated to its past, and the old Edgware Road, well, it just screams history! It feels like a steppingstone to a whole other era, which is totally right up my alley!

Now, I arrived by train, which you already know is my preferred mode of transport - it's just SO dramatic, darlings! Plus, I have a thing about compartments! (Anyone else love that feeling of privacy with a big window view?! ) The train journey itself was a delight. You could just feel the excitement in the air as we chugged closer to the suburbs, and, my, did the journey remind me of childhood trips on the railways with my parents! Those are some of my best memories. ๐Ÿ’–

But, oh, you already know the journey isn't just about the transport! I love my journey pre-show prep! I just have to slip into my signature Pink Tutu Sparkles gear (my favourite pale pink satin tutu with the sparkly butterflies on it!) for the photo shoot - a ritual for every adventure! I also packed my Pink Tutu Sparkles makeup kit - thatโ€™s my secret weapon for the show!

Oh, darling! You'll never guess what my secret discovery was on this little adventure! I wandered down a quaint side street (you canโ€™t leave out exploring when in Edgware, itโ€™s a must!) and came across a darling shop with the most stunning array of fabric I've ever seen - Itโ€™s a vintage shop owned by a wonderful lady called Agatha (such a lovely, bubbly soul!). The fabrics were so beautifully vibrant and textured, and Agatha's expertise made my heart flutter! ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿคฉ It's almost criminal, this beautiful shop tucked away from the world, yet a complete treasure chest. I immediately fell in love with a gorgeous, silky, salmon pink fabric (with a bit of a shimmering effect) that I just had to get my hands on!

After a delicious lunch (the sandwiches in that little cafรฉ by the park were absolutely divine!), I did a bit of impromptu shopping in Edgware's delightful, vintage shops. I found the cutest pink heart-shaped locket necklace in an antique shop called โ€œA Bit of Time.โ€ It will make such a cute stage accessory. It feels totally unique - I love vintage things! And, you already know, pink is my obsession! ๐Ÿ’•

Speaking of which, did I tell you about my ballet experience in Edgware?! It was fantastic, absolutely captivating, with the grace of the dancers, and the vibrant stage design and those costumes! There were, of course, pink tutus in the production! It's like seeing the soul of London come alive, with that kind of creativity and art mixed into it, a really heartwarming feeling, I think. ๐Ÿ’–

But oh! There's more! There was also the fabulous Edgware Street Fair It's absolutely charming, and full of that London charm! The fair was a perfect place to people watch! Youโ€™ve never seen such an amazing fashion display in your life. But oh darling, a fair without some dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles wouldnโ€™t be complete, so I decided to put on a little impromptu performance. Let me tell you, they were cheering! It really warms the heart! ๐Ÿ’— It was an incredible afternoon, dancing and having fun with everyone.

Well, darling, I've got to rush now, a big, exciting week ahead for your Pink Tutu Sparkles! But, let me leave you with this: Whether youโ€™re a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer, just embrace that spark of wonder in Edgware! You never know, a sprinkle of pink magic may await! โœจ

Have a fabulous time and remember - always embrace your inner sparkle, whatever that looks like! ๐Ÿ’–

P.S: Donโ€™t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more of your daily dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic!

#TutuQueen on 2011-08-15 stars in Edgware