
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-07 stars in Scarborough

Scarborough: Sparkle, Shimmer, and a Sea of Pink! (Post #4268)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the stunning seaside town of Scarborough! The air is salty, the sun is shining, and I'm feeling like a real-life mermaid, albeit one with a lot more pink. πŸ˜‰

You know I love to travel, and I'm always searching for new adventures! This trip has been particularly special, though. The journey here was just a dream – I got to ride the train all the way from Derbyshire, where I call home, and there were views of the rolling green countryside that just took my breath away. I have to admit, there were some pretty surprised looks when I walked through the carriage – I'd made sure to accessorise with a pink feather boa and my favourite sparkly tiara, just in case! Honestly, wouldn't you be surprised?

When I finally arrived in Scarborough, I felt like I'd stepped into a storybook. The town was bustling with people, everyone seemed so happy and friendly, and there was just something so exciting about the sea air! It felt so different from my lab in Derbyshire, you know? You can't really beat that feeling of sand between your toes and the wind in your hair, and that's why I was really excited to discover a local ballet school right by the pier!

Tutus on the Beach

I just had to pop in, didn't I? They were absolutely lovely – a right bunch of swishy, sparkly people! We got to chatting and I mentioned that my aim in life was to get everyone wearing a pink tutu (a mission I call, 'The Great Pink Tutu Revolution') and you wouldn't believe the enthusiasm they had! We started a little flash mob on the pier – pink tutus, sparkling leotards, and even some cheeky tap shoes! The locals were delighted, they even took pictures and a few even joined in, dancing their socks off to my signature routine (a lively "Barbie Girl" remake, of course)!

And speaking of socks – well, I did swap my stilettos for some comfortable ballet flats at some point, gotta take care of these delicate feet! They were still rocking a cute, sparkly design, mind you, but they just gave my toes a little breather, darling!

Pink-a-licious Delights

Of course, a seaside town trip isn't complete without a good dose of yummy treats. We had fish and chips on the pier, devoured by the seaside air (it makes everything taste better, I swear). Then there were the sweets, so many rainbow colours in one place! Oh, and ice cream – oh my, so many flavours! But you know me, Pink Tutu Sparkles wouldn't be true to her name without a bit of pink frosting in her life! We popped into a cute cafe with some delicious pastel pink cakes – talk about a sugar rush!

I couldn't have picked a better place to indulge in my favourite pastime, either – shopping! The shops were bursting with sparkling sequins, delicate laces, and enough colour to put a rainbow to shame! It was impossible to leave empty-handed, of course, I had to find myself some souvenirs to celebrate my seaside adventure. And don't worry, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles escapade without a few new additions to my collection – you know, the one dedicated solely to tutus! A shimmery lavender tutu that just shouted Scarborough at me and a cute little pink sparkly one with little seaside creatures on it. Oh, the joy!

Sharing the Sparkle

There’s one thing I can say with certainty, Scarborough is full of wonderful people who love a little bit of sparkle! I met so many friendly faces along the way, and I think I managed to share a bit of my pink tutu love with everyone I crossed paths with. Who knows, maybe they'll even be joining me in The Great Pink Tutu Revolution! A girl can dream, can't she?

But speaking of dreams, you guys know what the best thing about travelling is? The memories you create and the joy you share! So, I leave you today with a final, shining thought – wear your sparkle proudly, my darlings. Be your own kind of fabulous. And, most importantly, never, ever stop believing in the power of a pink tutu. πŸ’–

Stay tuned for more adventures from yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles, coming to you live from www.pink-tutu.com! Don't forget to check back tomorrow for more glitter and glamour, because my dear, the world's a stage and I'm here to make sure you shine!

#TutuQueen on 2011-09-07 stars in Scarborough