
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-02-13 stars in Colchester

Colchester Calling! TutuQueen's Adventures Continue... ๐Ÿ’–โœจ

Hello, my darlings! It's your favourite TutuQueen here, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and it's time for another fabulous adventure! ๐Ÿ‘‘ Today's post, number 4427 (whoa, that's a lot of fabulousness, right?), is all about my trip to Colchester, a charming little town in Essex that stole my heart with its historical charm and warm welcomes.

You know I love to travel, my dears, and every trip is an opportunity to spread the pink tutu gospel! My motto is, "If in doubt, wear a tutu! If in doubt about the colour, it's pink all the way!" And trust me, you can never have too much pink sparkle! ๐Ÿ’•

Now, before we get into all the exciting Colchester bits, a little behind-the-scenes peek into how this tutu-loving queen rolls: by day I'm Alex, a scientist in a lab testing fabrics, surrounded by the wonders of textures and colour. You'd be surprised how many experiments involve fabrics in different stages of their lifecycle. It's my hidden superpower โ€“ I can tell you the exact ingredients and the life journey of any fabric! But don't worry, I don't subject the fabrics to the same dramatic transformation my fabulous tutus undergo every night! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, my nights are dedicated to unleashing the inner diva! The stage is my canvas, and the pink tutus are my brushes! Every show is an explosion of energy and fun, and there's no greater joy than seeing a crowd dancing and smiling. Especially if they're rocking a little pink! It's like the world gets a little bit brighter with every twirl, wouldn't you agree? โœจ

But let's get back to Colchester, my lovelies! After all, that's why we're here, right? This journey started with a train ride, a magical adventure through the English countryside, where I dreamed of all the pink possibilities that Colchester might hold. (Who knew I could find a tea shop in a train station that served pink cakes! It was practically destined, wasn't it?) Once I reached Colchester, my senses were overwhelmed. There was so much beauty everywhere! The cobbled streets, the charming pubs, the grand architectureโ€ฆ and even more excitingly, a real-life Victorian fair in full swing! My heart was bursting with the joy of it all. ๐Ÿ’–

The fair was a treasure trove of exciting colours and smells. I must have tried ten different fudge flavours, my love for sugary treats knows no bounds! And, of course, I couldn't leave without snagging a couple of beautiful handmade lavender sachets โ€“ they are the perfect addition to my pink tutu dressing room, wouldn't you agree? You can never have enough lavender in a queen's life!

And let's talk fashion, darling! I mean, what is a TutuQueen blog without a little fashion focus, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I must say, Colchester really had a lot to offer. There were quaint boutiques bursting with vintage gems, designer shops with bold, daring clothes, and charity shops overflowing with amazing finds. Of course, I couldn't resist snapping up a couple of floral print blouses and a couple of sparkly pink hair clips, because a true queen always has an accessory for every occasion, you know. I love browsing those charity shops, because finding a unique gem, it's a real joy, isn't it? Like a little treasure hunt. I also found a fab hat shop with the most whimsical collection of hats - and they had a hat with a pink feather, obviously! ๐Ÿ˜‰ But the crown jewel of my fashion spree was a pair of fabulous silver sparkly shoes I found at a shoe shop with an enchanting name - The Shoebox. The shoes are just the right kind of sparkle for my next Colchester performance. โœจ

Oh, and speaking of my performances, you might wonder what a TutuQueen is doing at a Victorian fair. Well, my dears, the crowds loved my performance! You should have seen the kids! It's just magical to see them all giggle and gasp, watching me twirl and shine. A pink tutu has the power to turn anyone into a star for a few minutes, and that's the best thing ever!

Then, to round off my Colchester adventures, I went to see a ballet show! It was simply magical. The costumes were breathtakingly beautiful, and the dancers were just incredible. Seeing graceful ballerinas twirling and leaping under the soft lightingโ€ฆ It fills my heart with pure joy!

After a quick chat with a local dancer who's actually a huge fan of Pink Tutu Sparkles! Can you believe it? My own fan club is expanding every day! ๐Ÿฅฐ We were exchanging tips on tutu-wearing etiquette, sharing dance moves, and reminiscing about the best pink outfits weโ€™ve ever seen. My dream, to spread the love of pink tutus, itโ€™s coming true little by little, one glitter-tastic twirl at a time!

I left Colchester feeling utterly enchanted. The place itself is a piece of living history, with friendly people and delicious food. And, oh, the stories it must have! A historical town and a historical Queen! We have something in common, right? ๐Ÿฅฐ But what made my journey truly magical were the little things: the smiles I received while twirling in my pink tutu at the fair, the delight on a childโ€™s face watching my act, the connection I made with a fellow tutu-lover in a beautiful ballet hall. That's the kind of experience that fills your heart with sparkle, don't you think?

So, thank you, Colchester, for a wonderful time! I'll definitely be back, my dears! And who knows what adventures await? If you want to see me on stage, check out www.pink-tutu.com for my next performance, but promise me you'll wear your best pink outfit to come see me, my darlings! ๐Ÿ’–

And remember, every day can be an adventure. All you need is a little pink sparkle! โœจ

Love and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. Have you ever worn a pink tutu? What was your experience? Tell me all about it in the comments below! I love hearing your stories, you know. ๐Ÿ˜˜

#TutuQueen on 2012-02-13 stars in Colchester