
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-02-29 stars in New York

New York, New York! - Post #4443

Oh my darlings, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink tutu-clad queen of whimsy and wonder, fresh from a whirlwind adventure in the Big Apple itself! I'm back in my Derbyshire digs now, nursing a touch of jet lag, a case of the shopping blues (oh, those department store windows!), and a suitcase full of dreams!

Let's rewind a bit... this was, you see, my very first visit to New York, and trust me, I wasn't about to leave my signature pink tutu at home! You wouldn't catch me in anything else for this adventure! It was so exhilarating! My heart skipped a beat every time a cab driver honked at me, and let's just say I felt more than a little bit like a Disney princess navigating the city streets. Oh, the sights, the sounds, the people... it was simply magic!

The whole trip was a blur of dazzling lights, endless avenues, and that oh-so-intoxicating New York energy. And let me tell you, I felt right at home in a city that seems to celebrate individuality, just like I do with my tutu.

I started my journey in style, naturally, boarding a swish, shiny Amtrak train from a sunny Boston, where I'd performed a glorious weekend at the local fair, right outside the Liberty Bell. The train carriage was just like stepping into a film, plush leather seats, grand windows overlooking rolling green countryside, and that wonderful air of adventure...

But first things first, we mustn't forget the real highlight of the trip, and it was totally unexpected! You see, my darlings, I love ballet, as you know! (Who could forget my 'Pink Ballerina' act?) I booked a tour of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in the hopes of perhaps catching a glimpse behind the scenes... but guess what?! My good luck fairies were smiling down, as I got invited backstage! I literally met a world-famous ballet dancer, at a performance, with a beautiful fluffy pink tutu and a glorious smile, just like mine! What luck, you must admit! Oh, the conversations we had, the wisdom she shared, it was simply inspiring! My inner ballerina did a little pirouette right then and there. I came away feeling utterly enchanted and even more passionate about sharing my love for ballet and its beauty with the world, and my pink tutu.

But before I could lose myself in the tutu dream, the bustling city called! Broadway, my dears! The electric energy, the theatre-lovers, the glamour and the sheer passion... we spent a delightful day touring the theatres and enjoying an exquisite lunch at the most divine Italian cafe! It made me think, darling, maybe someday Pink Tutu Sparkles could grace Broadway with a show of her own?! What do you think, darlings?

We simply had to see a show, and of course, what better than Chicago? We were so near, you see, to this iconic theatrical piece, with a whole cast in such vibrant pink and black colours, it reminded me so much of my own style. We all laughed, danced, sang and boogied along in the auditorium.

Even the horse-drawn carriage ride through Central Park, the highlight of which was my pink tutu making everyone smile (that was my goal you know!) was nothing short of breathtaking. Oh, how those majestic horses seemed to prance with such poise, it was inspiring! And the park... Oh! Imagine all those glorious, towering trees! They were magnificent. I was particularly entranced by the flowers in full bloom in that enchanting glass conservatory. Oh, my, the colour! Pink roses, white lilies, and oh! the tulips. It was the very essence of loveliness and it just felt right, with the air full of the magic of a thousand fluttering wings.

Of course, the shopping was divine! My feet must have walked a thousand miles! Pink dresses, pink shoes, pink earrings, pink everything... my handbag was almost too full! And I did not even manage to fit everything into my case!

Now, as I reflect on the adventure, one thing is crystal clear - New York City is an incredibly inspiring and fascinating place that certainly touched my heart and sparked a new wave of pink tutu energy.

Don't think for a moment that I will ever forget those dazzling New York City sights. They are now etched in my mind like diamonds! I just adore how open-minded the Big Apple is. They have even started selling tutus for every occasion! It felt like the whole world was dancing with me! Oh my dears, we are all connected, don't you think? You know what they say - every day's a celebration with a little Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Next stop, I hear there is a wonderful ballet festival in Brighton. I hear the music is fantastic and that everyone is always happy! Just my style, right?

And dear, dear darlings... please, never stop believing in the magic of pink tutus. Never let anyone tell you that you can't wear a pink tutu, no matter how old or young you are, or what your dreams may be! Just like my mantra goes - "Keep dreaming in pink!"

Love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles, (otherwise known as Alex - your lovely little lab rat - scientist)

P.S. Head over to www.pink-tutu.com for more pink-tastic updates!

#TutuQueen on 2012-02-29 stars in New York