
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-07-21 stars in Grantham

Grantham Calling! Tutu Travels Post #4586

Hello darlings, and welcome to another Pink Tutu Sparkle adventure! This time, I'm twirling my way to the charming market town of Grantham, nestled in the heart of Lincolnshire. Buckle up your sequined boots and prepare for a journey packed with pink, glitter, and an absolute love for all things sparkly!

My Grantham adventure began as it often does, with the delightful hum of a steam engine. I'm a train enthusiast at heart, and the rhythmic clickety-clack of the train always sets my imagination on fire. Today, it conjured up visions of Victorian ballerinas prancing around the opulent Grantham Town Hall - oh, the glamour!

I was heading for a very special event ā€“ the Grantham Dance Festival, celebrating the joyous beauty of dance in all its forms. You might wonder what a pink tutu queen like me is doing at a dance festival? Well, my dears, tutus aren't just for ballerinas, you know! They're an expression of individuality, a symbol of joy and freedom. Theyā€™re like a little cloud of happiness floating around you, catching the light and bringing a smile to everyoneā€™s face!

And anyway, I couldn't possibly miss the chance to showcase my very own unique brand of tutu magic. For this festival, I decided to combine the elegance of traditional ballet with the flair of a glamorous, sparkling Pink Tutu Sparkles touch. Imagine if the Sugar Plum Fairy had a penchant for sequined hotpants ā€“ that's the vibe!

The Grantham Dance Festival was a dazzling spectacle! The energy was electric as talented dancers from all ages and styles took to the stage. From ballet and contemporary to hip-hop and salsa, every performance was infused with passion and beauty. There was a little bit of something for everyone, and I loved seeing so many excited faces in the audience.

My performance was met with a chorus of cheers and whistles, and, as always, I gave the audience everything I had. I twirled, I shimmied, I sashayed! I even brought out my signature pink feather boa for a final, fabulous flourish. You can find the whole thing on my Insta (@pinktutusparkles), darling. My DMs are open for requests!

While performing, I couldn't help but be inspired by the stories unfolding on stage. Seeing dancers with such dedication and passion reminded me of my own journey. I started performing as Pink Tutu Sparkles back when I was studying for my science degree, believe it or not! It all began when I donned a tutu for a charity fundraiser. Now, don't you go thinking science and tutus donā€™t mix, love. It's the perfect combination of intellect and glamour! And it's important to remember, darlings, that just like you can have a science degree in one hand and a sparkly wand in the other, you can be a ballerina, a popstar, a scientist ā€“ absolutely anything you set your heart to!

My love affair with ballet started young. You could often find me sneaking into my mum's bedroom and trying on her dance shoes, pretending to be a prima ballerina in front of the mirror. Then came the fateful charity event. Trying on that pink tutu for the first time, I felt a magic spark! It was a sensation that sent shivers down my spine.

Don't worry, darling. The next time you're thinking about giving it a try, Iā€™ll give you all my tips on how to look the best, whether you're a ballet bunny, a street dancer or just looking for a little confidence boost. Trust me, it works wonders! It just felt right, you see, the tutu and the performance! I was like a pink fluffy, sparkling tornado taking the stage. And it opened up my whole world to performance! The tutu itself felt magical, a little bubble of happiness. I love watching others in tutus. A tutu is so feminine and romantic - it always sets my heart to fluttering!

Oh, darling! I also met a darling group of Granthamā€™s tutu enthusiasts, you know, lovely local girls who loved all things pink! We had the best chat ā€“ they shared their favourite local shops and boutiques where I can get the best accessories to complete my latest creations, and they introduced me to the magical local ballet academy! I even picked up some inspiration for my next pink and sparkling tutu masterpiece.

Speaking of which, have I told you about my upcoming "Pink Tutu for All!" campaign? That's right, dears. I'm on a mission to get everyone ā€“ yes, everyone! - to wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives. Why? Because wearing a pink tutu is a powerful statement. It's saying ā€œI embrace my inner joy, I love life, and I'm not afraid to express myself!ā€ So, let's get this movement started! Join me, darlings, in my mission to fill the world with pink tutu magic! The more, the merrier!

You can always find out how you can help make a statement with a Pink Tutu! It could be something special, for charity or just for fun. There's no wrong way to embrace your inner tutu diva, darling! But you know me - we canā€™t make it about that - it needs to be FUN and sparkly. A little glitter? Yes please! A feathery trim? Of course, darling! Thatā€™s the Pink Tutu way. A tiny little touch of fairy sparkle magic for everyone.

The evening brought an exciting new addition to my travel repertoire: a horse and carriage ride! Now, who could possibly say no to a journey through the cobbled streets of Grantham on a horse-drawn carriage, sparkling tiara perched precariously upon my head? (Donā€™t you just hate when you accidentally hit a cobblestone on your tiara? The wobbly fear - and fear of the crown going astray, it's just the worst). Thankfully, I managed to stay put - although the horse driver did tell me heā€™d done so many ā€˜grantham roundsā€™ that a wobbly tiara was the least of his worries, darling!

After my fairy-tale journey, I was invited to a very special private gathering in the grandeur of the Grantham Town Hall. This magnificent Victorian masterpiece was bathed in a magical, pink glow for my performance. Can you imagine? Dancing in that ballroom with its beautiful Victorian furnishings. So beautiful!

Of course, my wardrobe needed a change for this formal occasion, and what better place than Granthamā€™s most enchanting boutique! With its sparkling shop windows and array of dazzling fashion treasures, it was an absolute haven for a tutu queen like myself. Youā€™d think the girls were a little taken back when a pink-tutu wearing drag queen walked in! They quickly warmed up to the glamour and, before I knew it, they were pulling out the most fantastic outfits for my performance!

By the end of my day, I was quite literally twirling with delight. Grantham's charm, the enchanting Dance Festival, my horse-drawn carriage journey, and my new sparkle buddies left my heart bursting with joy!

So, that's my latest tutu travel tale, darlings! And guess what? I'm already planning my next trip! Keep a lookout for my blog next week, where I'll be sharing all the details. But for now, until we twirl again, may your day be filled with pink sparkle magic! Remember, a Pink Tutu Sparkles a day, keeps the frowns away!

Until then, remember: * Donā€™t be afraid to be yourself. * Embrace your unique sparkles. * Wear pink, wear a tutu, and wear your sparkle with pride.
* Most importantly, never stop twirling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2012-07-21 stars in Grantham