Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-08-15 stars in Carshalton

Carshalton: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes For A Spin! (Post 4611)

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to spill the tea (or should I say, the glitter?) about my latest adventure! I’ve just had the most delightful time in Carshalton, a charming little town just outside London, where the cobblestone streets beckon and the air is thick with the sweet smell of lavender and… well, honestly, the aroma of a good fish and chip shop. Oh, you know me, I'm always up for a little cultural exploration and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now, you know me, I love my travel. Be it a scenic train journey with a cuppa and a good gossip magazine, or a jaunty gallop through the countryside on a trusty steed - yes, I ride, my dears! I'm no stranger to a good adventure, and this time it was all about bringing the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles to the wonderful folks of Carshalton! And honestly, my lovelies, you haven't seen sparkly until you’ve seen my latest creation – it’s a shimmering masterpiece of pink tulle, feathers, and rhinestones! You just wait until you see the photos later on!

Remember, it all began at university, a world of beakers and equations where I swapped lab coats for a pink tulle tutu in a moment of serendipitous charity work for our ballet club. You know the story: it was instant love, the magic of pink tutu ignited, and a new world of shimmer and twirl opened up before me. The pink tutu, my lovelies, is my compass, my north star, my sparkly, feminine, and gloriously fun alter-ego. By day, I test fabric and write reports on the properties of nylon. By night, I wear a tutu and glitter bomb a dance floor! Who knew, right?

And oh, what a beautiful town Carshalton was! I was captivated by its elegant parks, lush greenery, and charming high street shops. Now, I'm not going to lie, I did have a rather extravagant trip to the local vintage clothes shop. You can never have enough tulle, right? But truly, this town had the kind of atmosphere that feels like a scene from a classic British film, you know, one where the heroine is a bit eccentric but totally charming – much like myself!

Speaking of charm, my performance at the Carshalton Theatre was utterly fabulous! The crowd, a lovely mix of families, couples, and a few adventurous souls wearing pink tutus (thank you!), was just amazing. They truly made me feel like a superstar, my darlings. I even had a group of little girls in the front row singing along to my signature song, "Pink Tutu Power". Oh, my heart nearly burst! I told them to wear a pink tutu, too!

After my dazzling show, I treated myself to a well-deserved cup of tea at the charming tea room I’d spied earlier, "The Pink Cupcake." I'm just telling you, these folks know their cake, they have a fabulous selection, a perfect mix of traditional British treats, some inspired twists on old classics, and plenty of Pink Tutu approved sugar rush delights. It's just the kind of place I like to imagine the tuttiest version of Alice In Wonderland could hang out.

My weekend in Carshalton was a whirlwind of tutus, glitter, and good times! This town is full of magic and charm and reminds me to always Embrace The Pink! And let's be honest, who can resist a good twirl or two in a fabulous tutu? I've already marked my calendar for next year, ready to come back and share the Pink Tutu Sparkle with the delightful people of Carshalton! Until then, don’t forget, I encourage all of you, to embrace the sparkle that's within you. Remember: "Pink Is Always In!". Keep those tutus twirling, my darlings, and follow me on my next sparkly escapade at www.pink-tutu.com.

With all my sparkly love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2012-08-15 stars in Carshalton