
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-09-05 stars in Consett

Consett Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the North!

Hello my darling darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live fromā€¦ drumrollā€¦ CONSETT! Thatā€™s right, Iā€™ve swapped the bright lights of Londonā€™s West End for the bustling streets of County Durham and let me tell you, the North East knows how to party! This is post number 4632 for you lovelies, so if youā€™re new here, grab a cuppa, settle in, and let me tell you all about my fab adventures.

As usual, I had to get here in style, of course. Now, Iā€™m not usually a fan of the road, a little claustrophobic if you catch my drift. But for this trip, I had to switch things up and opted for a grand old-fashioned train journey. Nothing says ā€œpink tutu queenā€ more than a vintage carriage with a roaring engine, right?

My arrival in Consett was a blast of northern charm. A quaint little town with cobbled streets and that quintessential "small town" vibe I just adore. Itā€™s so different from the bustling metropolis I call home, and I felt that wonderful sense of stepping into another world. A good old fashioned breath of fresh air, if you will.

But letā€™s talk about my outfit, darlings! You canā€™t possibly expect me to journey all the way up north without a fitting pink ensemble, now can you? This time I went for a vintage-inspired number, complete with a tiered tulle tutu in a blush pink shade with iridescent sequins, shimmering like the night sky on a cloudless summer night! It flowed perfectly as I stepped onto the platform, feeling like a proper fairy princess ready to take on the world, or at least the whole of County Durham, which was enough for one day.

Naturally, my accessories were equally extravagant. A diamantĆ© headband sparkling with rainbows of colour that mirrored the colours in my tutu, a beaded pink handbag big enough for all the goodies I need ā€“ a lip gloss for touch ups, an extra pair of those fabulous pink heels, and an emergency stash of sequins just in case! (One never knows when a fashion emergency might arise!)

And then there was my make-up! Cue the dramatic pause Now, Consett may not be London, but it's a drag queen's paradise when it comes to glam! I mean, the smoky eye game is strong here, ladies. Think peaches, pinks, and glitter with a dash of glamour that could melt the snow! And as for my signature pink lip, let's just say, it's an explosion of colour! I don't just wear pink, darling, it lives within me.

The performance itself was a real joy! A fantastic family-friendly affair, you know, a proper fun-for-all affair! I mean, think balloons, sing-alongs, even some good old fashioned bubble-blowing - pure child's play with a sprinkle of fairy dust! Of course, no show is complete without a fabulous set, and my one, as usual, didnā€™t disappoint. Pink, naturally! A kaleidoscope of frills, ruffles, and glitz! Imagine a cloud of candy floss gone glamorous and youā€™re getting closer to the idea! My entrance had me being lowered on a pink silk rope - what else? And to the cheers of the crowd I took the stage to spread the message of joy and fun, all while shimmying and twirling in a gloriously pink tutu!

The best part of these shows? The interaction with the audience! They were simply wonderful. Every gig gives me the chance to connect with people from all walks of life. And I just adore hearing the little ones tell me all about their favourite fairy tales! Thereā€™s something truly magical about witnessing that pure joy and awe on a childā€™s face when they see a pink tutu sparkling under the stage lights. They really do inspire me! And for the adults, well, they were the best company! Chatting about everything under the sun - the weather, the latest fashion trends, you know, all the essentials. I felt like a little queen presiding over my very own court!

I canā€™t talk about Consett without mentioning the food, of course! A hearty meal at a local pub is just what the doctor ordered after a hard day of glitz and glamour! They whipped up some divine homemade pie with mashed potatoes, which I can't forget! I can almost still smell that beautiful, heartwarming aroma. Oh, and of course, a creamy Yorkshire pudding! This, my darlings, was a true feast fit for a princess.

After my whirlwind trip to Consett, I boarded a train home feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, like a new pink tutu waiting to blossom! It truly is about so much more than the makeup, the glitz, and the glam, isn't it?

Consett will stay with me, my darlings. A reminder that sometimes, itā€™s the simple things that bring the most joy! From the warm smiles of the locals to the delicious pub food, it was a journey brimming with laughter, kindness, and a lot of sparkle!

Remember my darlings, if you haven't already, get out there and embrace the fabulous you! It's all about feeling confident and joyful, so whether you're rocking a tutu or a tailored suit, just let your unique personality shine! Until next time, stay fabulous and always keep a little bit of sparkle in your life!

See you next time, on www.pink-tutu.com

Yours eternally, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2012-09-05 stars in Consett