Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-19 stars in Berlin

Berlin: The City That Makes My Tutu Twirl! 💖✨🩰

Hello my darlings, it's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from the fabulous city of Berlin! This is post number 4676 on www.pink-tutu.com and oh boy, get ready to have your sparkle meter go into overdrive! Berlin has truly captured my heart, not just for the architecture, history, and art scene (although, don't get me started on the Museum Island!), but because it’s just so darn chic!

Berlin is, as they say, a "city of contrasts". Gritty industrial architecture rubs shoulders with elegant boutiques, street art murals cover historic facades, and a relaxed attitude about everything just makes you feel like you can let your true self shine. And let's be honest, when it comes to shining, Pink Tutu Sparkles always has that covered!

I have a real passion for a good train journey, and coming from a little corner of Derbyshire, travelling by train is in my blood! I was on a 12-hour overnight train to Berlin. Imagine: my big fluffy pink suitcase full of glitter and tutus perched neatly on the overhead rack, a glass of champagne in hand, and the anticipation for my Berlin adventure bubbling inside me! I mean, the magic never ends! It’s the kind of adventure every single one of you should experience!

But before I get to all the exciting details about the performances, the sights, and of course, my absolutely fabulous tutu looks, let me give you a peek into my little life!

Pink Tutu Sparkles by Day, Alex the Scientist by Night (and a Tutu Lover Always!)

Now, don’t judge, but back in my uni days, while I was a mad scientist trying to wrap my head around chemical structures, a rather transformative experience happened. The University's annual fundraising event called for volunteers to try on tutus for donations - yes, tutus! I felt utterly magnificent! Suddenly, a dormant sparkle awakened inside me, and the Pink Tutu Sparkles persona was born. From that moment on, life became a kaleidoscope of colour!

And as life is about balancing life, I balance the glamorous life of Pink Tutu Sparkles with my work life, where I help keep clothes, and yes, even those fabulous pink tutus you see me in, colourfast. It might not sound super glamorous, but hey, if I’m helping people wear their sparkles proudly, then that makes my little science heart very happy!

So, let's rewind to Berlin... and oh boy, this trip has already been the stuff of fabulous fairy tales!

First Stop: The Reichstag, Tutu-liciously

The Reichstag! Talk about architecture that could give a ballet a run for its money! From the moment you step into those grand halls, the grandeur makes you feel like you’re on stage yourself, except the backdrop is real, history! I stood mesmerized by those beautiful columns and the way they reflected the light. It was just divine! And naturally, Pink Tutu Sparkles had to capture the moment, pose twirling, and add a little sparkle to the whole thing. And yes, I did find a place where I could have a cheeky twirl or two in my tulle without feeling like I was being a tourist (but I mean, I totally am anyway).

And speaking of twirls, my second stop in Berlin, you know, this amazing city has an incredible ballet school that was on my radar for months! I even signed up for a masterclass (just had to sneak in those pirouettes!) It was SO inspiring! Watching these students just gave me the ultimate ballet motivation. Their grace, passion, and sheer dedication was like magic! They just flowed, effortlessly like they were made of starlight! I learned some serious moves - no, I'm not spilling all my secrets, darlings, just a little sneak peek at Pink Tutu Sparkles’ secret weapons!

Performance Power in a Pink Tutu

Now, let’s get to the part I know you all love - my performances! Berlin was an absolute whirlwind of glittery glory! From the Theatervierteli – Berlin's thriving theatrical hub to the bustling outdoor market by the Tiergarten. The whole city buzzed with life. Pink Tutu Sparkles' mission was clear: bring the dazzling, pink tutu power and share my love for all things sparkly, which was met with incredible enthusiasm, *I love Berlin! *

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes the stage:

First, my favourite stage of the whole trip, the Theatervierteli, it has such a special magic to it - I actually did 4 sets there - with each one more electrifying than the last! You know the routine: sparkly costumes, big hair, big dreams and, of course, a healthy dose of fabulous! But this time I got to perform in front of a real Berlin audience (a mixture of artists, theatre lovers, and people from all over the world!), who were all totally on board with the pink-tutu revolution! I really felt connected to them through my music and movement - a beautiful sense of belonging that is pretty magical!

*Berlin: My Street Theatre Debut! *

Now I know you're thinking, Pink Tutu Sparkles in the street? Of course! If it can be done in a palace or a theatre, it can definitely be done in the street! It was time for Pink Tutu Sparkles to showcase the ultimate dance experience - a mix of street dance, ballet, and of course, my signature sparkle-powered moves! It wasn't a ballet class, darlings, it was a performance! The crowd loved it, which means one thing: I loved it too! There's nothing quite like seeing the spark of joy light up people's faces, the kind that only a tutu can achieve!

*Berlin’s Glittery Treats for a Glittery Queen *

So, I always make time for some self-care on a trip, because who doesn’t love a bit of indulgence, right?! And believe me, Berlin knows a thing or two about it! Let's talk sweets. I mean, they even have a pink ice cream parlour in Berlin, how fabulous! But hold on, darling, it gets better! You have to indulge in a Berliner Pfannkuchen! I tried one filled with Himbeer, or raspberry! The raspberry filling was just what a tutu-loving, princess-wannabe, sparkle queen needed. And just in case your thinking ‘how’s she managing all this without having some wine’ - well let’s just say I enjoyed a bottle of Prosecco in a champagne coupe, you bet! * (and it wasn't pink, just for once!), with views of the Brandenburg Gate. It was the kind of evening you *never forget.

Pink Tutu Sparkles takes to the water - “Die Spree is calling, Tutu Girl”

How does a tutu queen get around? Well, by boat, darling! That’s right. Berlin has one of the most incredible canal systems you’ll ever see! A real river queen of tutus could take a gondola trip any time! But Pink Tutu Sparkles was lucky enough to take a cruise! With a glass of pink wine (naturally!), and some Pink Berlin bubbles (well it's only right!), the canals of Berlin looked like a tutu twirl dream!

Berlin has completely enchanted me - and no, it's not just because of their beautiful ballet schools or their incredible pastries (who wouldn't want to get a little treat?). It’s about the energy in the city. I really felt it! The atmosphere felt charged. It was a beautiful combination of bold and delicate – it was exactly what a tutu queen needs to shine bright! I found myself just dancing down the streets, feeling utterly liberated.

*Here’s what a Tutu Queen Learns: *

  • There is always an opportunity to dance, and in every part of the world - you can make a party happen just about anywhere! The joy of a tutu and some sparkles can brighten any mood.
  • When you're in Berlin, there are more than enough places for a good party (you’ve just got to find them!), but I found them!

*So, where to next? *

My next stop? Oh, it’s a surprise, darlings! The pink Tutu Sparkle’s always has a new destination in mind, and a whole wardrobe of tutus waiting to be unpacked and danced in! It could be Paris, New York, Rome - or it could be somewhere completely different! Until then, make sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com for all the sparkly updates.

And, always remember to twirl on, darlings. Pink Tutu Sparkles says it’s okay to let your inner princess, your inner sparkle, and your inner tutu queen shine through. 💖✨🩰

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-19 stars in Berlin