Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-22 stars in Blackpool

Blackpool Babes & Ballet Bliss: Post 4679!

Hello my darling dears, it's your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you the latest glittery goss from Blackpool! Now, I know what you're thinking, "Blackpool? Really, Pink Tutu?" Well, darling, you know your TutuQueen always embraces a challenge, and what better challenge than to spread some pink tutu joy to the seaside haven of Blackpool!

Before we dive into all the fabulousness, let me tell you how I got here. Well, as you all know, I adore travelling by train! There's something magical about watching the countryside whizz past, a symphony of colours in my pink-hued world! So, after a fab performance at the "Pink Palooza" fair in my hometown of Derbyshire, I packed my shimmering suitcase full of dazzling pink outfits (more about those later, honey!), hopped onto a glorious, vintage train, and off I went to the north coast!

And let me tell you, my darlings, Blackpool didn't disappoint. It was a sensory explosion of dazzling lights, charming pier amusements, and, of course, gorgeous fish and chips! Now, you know my darling TutuQueen is always in the mood for some tasty seaside treats, and I tell you what, those fish and chips were divine! And did I mention the incredible ice cream, the smell of sea salt in the air? Just divine!

Speaking of divine, honey, let's talk about my starring role at the Blackpool Grand Theatre! Yes, that's right, my lovelies, this little TutuQueen brought some sparkly pink magic to the stage! I performed a knock-your-socks-off routine called "The Pink Tutu Pas de Deux," inspired by my love for ballet. I wore the most glorious pink tutu (imagine a ballet version of my own, honey, complete with strategically placed sequins!) The applause, the cheers, the absolute joy in the room… well, you know your TutuQueen loves bringing a bit of sunshine into people's lives, and that's exactly what I did!

After my performance, I headed to the beautiful Blackpool Promenade. My eyes widened at the stunning architecture, the sea air, and those classic fairground attractions. Oh, my darling! Remember my fascination with vintage Ferris wheels? This one had me grinning like a child on Christmas morning! And as I soared through the sky, I thought about how grateful I am to be doing this, sharing my love for life and pink tutus with the world!

But the magic didn't stop there. The Blackpool Tower Ballroom was the perfect place to finish the evening, and the ballroom dance class was fabulous! We waltzed, tangoed, and even sashayed like royalty. It was a wonderful experience to share this dancefloor with other passionate individuals, who each brought their own unique joy to the space. It was so lovely to share this love of dancing with strangers, seeing their faces light up with the pure happiness of dancing.

Now, you can't talk about Blackpool without mentioning the fabulous, flamboyant seaside shops. I lost track of time amidst rows of shimmering fabrics and sparkly trinkets, all calling to my inner fashionista! I found myself browsing through stacks of tutus (in all shades of pink, obviously!), glitter-bombing all sorts of cute outfits, and indulging in a little shopping spree (because, you know, I can’t resist!).

So there you have it, darling dears. A day trip to Blackpool, filled with seaside adventures, sparkly performances, delicious treats, and the undeniably gorgeous spectacle of the Blackpool Grand Theatre!

Speaking of gorgeous spectacles, let me show you what I wore to this amazing performance:

  1. Tutu of course, honey! It was a custom-made pink tutu with hand-stitched sparkling embellishments (you know your TutuQueen likes her extra something!).
  2. Pink and silver sequined corset: The bodice hugged my figure and shone like a thousand stars in the dim lights.
  3. Feather boa to add extra drama, because every tutu Queen deserves a good dose of drama, right?
  4. Sequin-encrusted pink shoes: And, naturally, these had a little sparkle to match my pink tutu and corset! I like to say they gave me an extra pep in my step during the "Pink Tutu Pas de Deux".
  5. Pink and silver sequin embellished headband: No TutuQueen would be complete without her headpiece!

But the real highlight? It wasn't the clothes, darling, it was the people, the energy, the joyous spirit that made this trip unforgettable.

So there you have it, my little lovelies. Blackpool, pink tutus, and always more adventures to come! I'll keep sharing my exciting travels and sparkly tips for those of you at home who love all things pink!

Until next time, remember: The world is your stage, and pink tutus make the perfect costume!

Love and sparkly blessings,

Your TutuQueen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


Don't forget to follow me on all my socials:

  • Instagram: @PinkTutuSparkles
  • Twitter: @PinkTutuQueen
  • TikTok: @TutuQueen

And always, remember, if you have a dream, dance your heart out and never let anyone tell you your sparkly shoes aren’t the best for the job!

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-22 stars in Blackpool