
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-30 stars in Gateshead

Gateshead, Oh Gateshead, You Pink Paradise!

Hello my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in for blog post number 4687 on your favourite fabulous website, www.pink-tutu.com. And, oh, darlings, what a day it has been!

First, let's talk travel. I have a confession: sometimes, even Pink Tutu Sparkles gets a little weary of all that glamorous glitter and wants to leave the high heels behind. So, when I saw that a little gem of a performance opportunity was calling my name in Gateshead, I decided to travel by train. A good old-fashioned steam engine train! And yes, that pink tutu, oh, you bet, it was still in tow, just sitting beside me, ready for action. I have to say, it was a truly delightful journey. Something about those chugging steam engines, the gentle sway of the train, and the gorgeous English countryside whizzing by outside... It puts you in the right mood for a grand performance!

Speaking of that performance, Gateshead is turning into one of my absolute favourite cities. The energy here is just... electrifying! Think roaring fire, pink cupcakes, and glitter falling like snowflakes. It's a blend of edgy and sophisticated that I just can't get enough of. I mean, even the architecture seems to be decked out in some delightful pastels! It's a true visual feast!

Of course, I was there for one main reason: to grace the stage with my presence. It wasn't just any stage either, darlings. We're talking about the spectacular Gateshead Millennium Bridge! The one with all the swanky glass panels and that ingenious design that makes it swing like a seesaw! I performed right there, in all my pink tutu glory. And let me tell you, those stage lights hitting the satin, the swirling, the pirouettes... oh, it was pure magic! And the people! Oh, the lovely people of Gateshead, they cheered so loud my crown nearly flew off! They just get the Pink Tutu Sparkles spirit, you know?

But there was more to my visit than just a spectacular show. This was a true adventure! Now, darlings, let's not forget those very important fashion necessities: I went shopping in Newcastle! You can't even imagine, the stores were like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory for clothing! It was like a big pink ball of sparkle, every single boutique had at least one garment in the most beautiful pink shades you could possibly imagine! I confess I was nearly giddy with delight.

As I wandered the bustling streets, I realised how truly incredible Gateshead is. This is a city where culture, community, and art meet in a big pink embrace. They've got theatre and ballet, art galleries and craft markets. You know I'm going to get my dance on at the Dance City Studio! It was absolutely fabulous. Not to mention the charming little coffee shops, cosy cafes and restaurants - perfect for indulging in some delicious treats after a long day of pirouettes and shopping!

Before I left, I took a wander around the Gateshead Garden Festival, you know, just to be sure. That place is pure loveliness. Flowers in every colour, fountains trickling, gentle breezes and the smell of freshly cut grass – a sensory dream. And, well, what do you know, it reminded me of all the reasons I love tutus. They're light, they twirl, they dance with the wind... They're basically the epitome of pure, unadulterated joy! And let me tell you, this was definitely a city made for joyful twirling.

It's so clear that Gateshead embraces individuality and creativity, like a fluffy, pink feather boa embraced in a hug. It's a place where the unconventional shines bright, like my very own pink tutu, darling! It’s a city for dreamers and doers, and you know I love a good dreamer, don’t you?

But don't worry, darlings, my adventures are far from over! Keep checking back to www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates. And as always, keep those pink tutus close to your hearts, my little darlings, because who knows, maybe a pink tutu will become your ultimate expression of self. Until next time!

P.S. I heard there's a lovely old steam engine train museum here called Beamish Museum. I'm adding it to my list of pink tutu adventures to experience next time. It's gonna be glorious! Maybe you can even join me! Until next time, keep it fabulous and always, always embrace your inner sparkle!

#TutuQueen on 2012-10-30 stars in Gateshead