Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-11-18 stars in Hastings

Hastings: Tutu Adventures on the South Coast!

Helloooo, my darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from sunny Hastings! This is post number 4706 for your viewing pleasure, brought to you straight from www.pink-tutu.com! Today we're talking seaside escapades, glamorous train journeys, and… you guessed it!… Tutus!

I'm so excited to share my adventures with you all! This trip has been a whirlwind of pink tulle and seaside delights. As usual, I took the scenic route, hopping on a vintage train from my Derbyshire lair, and feeling every bit the travelling diva, with my trusty suitcase overflowing with sequins and a strategically-placed, strategically-pink, tulle tutu.

Honestly, I love those trains! There's just something magical about the clickety-clack of the tracks, the whiff of salty sea air that flows through the carriage, and the smiles you get from the passengers when you waltz by in your flamboyant pink outfit. It’s a full-on spectacle, I tell you, and one I’m completely addicted to.

Arriving in Hastings was a pure delight, a vision in pastel-coloured Victorian charm. I practically levitated out of the station in my glittery platform heels and twirled in a pink tutu tornado as the seagulls gave me a welcome chorus.

Hastings itself is a haven for a girl like me! Think vintage arcades filled with candy-coloured nostalgia, charming seaside cafes serving scones with lashings of clotted cream, and an endless parade of curious and charming faces all ready for a touch of pink tutu magic!

My first order of business, of course, was to hit the shops! Shopping in a pink tutu is practically mandatory – you can't resist a good giggle when you see your reflection in the shop windows. Luckily, Hastings did not disappoint. The little boutiques were brimming with retro fashion gems just begging for a sprinkle of Pink Tutu magic!

Once my wardrobe was sufficiently resplendent in a delightful assortment of sequins and feather boas, I ventured towards the Hastings pier, where I treated myself to a portion of fish and chips wrapped in pink newspaper, naturally.

What would a trip to the seaside be without a dip in the sea? Now, while my love for tutus is infinite, let’s be real, they aren’t exactly the most water-resistant item in my wardrobe. I swapped my sparkling, hot pink tutu for a much more practical option - a bright pink swimsuit and a chic white cover-up (because, you know, gotta maintain some elegance). It turns out my sparkly pink beach ensemble didn’t go unnoticed either – a group of giggling children shouted, “It’s the pink lady! She’s wearing pink!" Oh, the joys of pink, my darlings!

But the true highlight of the trip? Well, I simply had to see the “Hastings Ballet Festival,” a stunning celebration of dance showcasing local talent. I sat mesmerized as ballerinas twirled and leapt with graceful abandon.

Now, it wasn't a professional performance, mind you. But these talented souls danced with a passion that melted my glitter-encrusted heart. Their joy was infectious and made me long to grab a tutu and join the fun myself.

Let's be honest, who could resist the sheer delight of being swept away by the enchantment of dance? I'll tell you, darling - not Pink Tutu Sparkles. After the show, I managed to corner a couple of dancers who told me all about their classes. I, naturally, enrolled on the spot. You see, even this queen can never resist learning a new twirl!

As for performing, my trip wouldn't have been complete without bringing a taste of Pink Tutu Sparkle to Hastings. A charming owner of a lovely little tearoom, "The Sweetest Teapot", agreed to let me perform for his customers on a warm Tuesday afternoon. The place was packed with folks who’d heard whispers about the "Pink Lady," as the local newspaper charmingly put it.

After I twirled through a few numbers and posed for some photo opportunities with my adoring fans (and my pink tutu remained, remarkably, unscathed!), I gave out my famous "Pink Tutu Sparkle" hugs - it's quite a ritual these days! All in all, the entire performance felt like a giant pink fairy-tale!

Leaving Hastings was hard, it always is when you leave a place that feels like it's infused with a sprinkle of magic. But the next stop on my journey beckons with its promise of new experiences and… of course, more tutus!

Until next time, my darling tutufarians! Stay sparkly, stay pink, and most importantly, don't be afraid to twirl your way into the sunshine!

#TutuQueen on 2012-11-18 stars in Hastings