Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-11-27 stars in Edmonton

Tutu Queen Travels to Edmonton!

Post Number: 4715

Hello darling! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, writing to you live from the most fabulous city in Canada – Edmonton! This is, believe it or not, Post Number 4715 on the glorious www.pink-tutu.com. Oh my goodness, where does the time go? But, no time to dwell on such trivialities! I'm on a mission, a glamorous mission to spread the joy of pink tutus to every corner of the globe! And trust me, Edmonton is already loving the look!

This whole journey to Canada started in a whirlwind, as most of my grand adventures do! I was on a rare day off from my lab, where I'm a bona fide fabric-testing scientist. Don't let the scientific rigour fool you – my love for tutus knows no bounds! It all started when I was at uni in Derby. I was a student scientist, a member of the ballet club, and for charity, we were selling tickets to a fabulous performance, and I… well… I put on a tutu, darling! From that moment on, the pink-tutu fairy blessed me, and my life has been filled with frills, sequins, and fabulous frocks!

But back to Edmonton. My trip started like a dream: I found a vintage travel poster featuring a sleek Canadian steam train – oh, how I adore a journey on the railways! It felt so utterly charming, so incredibly romantic, and perfect for my style. The plan was to make the trip on this train, but then life threw me a curveball (figuratively, darling, as the railway was smooth sailing!) and I found myself travelling on horseback! Yes, dear readers! My trusty steed (a fluffy chestnut with an adorable pink-tutu-shaped saddle, natch!) carried me to my first Canadian gig in the most enchanting style!

Now, you'd think this adventurous soul would have arrived in Edmonton straight from a bustling metropolis, right? Well, not exactly, darling! I found myself lost in the breathtaking prairies, riding beneath an impossibly vast sky, where the only sound was the rhythm of my horse's hooves and the whistling wind. I could practically smell the wildflowers, feel the warmth of the prairie sun on my skin, and I swear I saw a coyote wink at me!

Eventually, I arrived at a grand ranch where my horse was put up in a pink-tutu-shaped stable! It was positively surreal! The ranch owner, a jolly soul with a heart as big as the prairies themselves, took one look at me and immediately invited me to a rodeo, explaining that a performance like mine would be perfect to warm up the crowd! So, I had to improvise! With my fabulous pink tutu and the aid of a little ingenuity, I conjured a routine incorporating a playful horse-riding waltz, with a bit of can-can to spice things up! The crowd absolutely went wild, whooping and cheering, and I had a ball, even if I accidentally pulled a saddle horn onto my head mid-routine (let's just say it made for an amusing post on www.pink-tutu.com)!

Then, onto Edmonton I journeyed. I must say, the drive through the Canadian Rockies was nothing short of spectacular. From towering, snow-capped peaks to turquoise-coloured lakes reflecting the dazzling sun, it was an absolutely picture-perfect journey. When I finally reached Edmonton, my senses were on overdrive! This city has the most charming blend of modern and historical, a mix that was reflected perfectly in the dazzling fashion I saw all around me. From hipster coffee shops with trendy artwork on the walls to the grandeur of historic buildings, there's a vibrant energy pulsating through every street.

My first night in Edmonton, and I felt like a true superstar. It's quite astonishing, really, but after all my adventures on horseback and trains, my stage attire had more than a touch of cowboy in it! But my love for pink tutus prevails, and my audience was delighted. This place is a magnet for fabulous folks – just yesterday I encountered a woman with hair like cotton candy!

Now, I wouldn’t be me without indulging in a bit of shopping spree! Oh, the stores here are incredible! It’s a total fashion paradise, and the prices are absolutely brilliant! It seems like every other storefront has something I just can’t resist – I’ve already managed to add two fabulous vintage feather boas, a glittering silver clutch bag with pink tutus embroidered all over, and, of course, a brand new pink tutu with sparkles, to my wardrobe. Can you believe it? Just look at this new creation – it’s like a pink cloud of sheer perfection!

My adventures continue here, and I plan to visit every nook and cranny, even trying my hand at learning a few traditional dances! Who knows, maybe a pink-tutu inspired tap routine or a waltz on skates will make it onto my blog soon. Keep your eyes peeled for more fabulous shenanigans on www.pink-tutu.com, darling!

Until then, embrace the pink, stay sparkly, and never forget that every day is an opportunity to add a little glitter to your life!

Tutu Hugs & Kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Remember, everyone looks fabulous in pink!

Here are some things you can do to celebrate with Pink Tutu Sparkles:

  • Share this post on social media using the hashtag #TutuQueen.
  • Subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for more daily fashion and travel updates.
  • If you’re a Canadian citizen or visitor to the country, get involved with the local pink-tutu movement! Don't be shy, every colour can be pink if you're confident enough!
  • Be fabulous, be yourself, and remember, a pink tutu always brightens the day.

#TutuQueen on 2012-11-27 stars in Edmonton