Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-12-01 stars in Scunthorpe

Scunthorpe Sparkle! #4719

Hello darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another entry in the grand old Pink-Tutu.com archives!

Today we're embarking on a thrilling adventure, straight from my very own Derbyshire, to the lovely town of Scunthorpe, ready to sparkle and shine! It’s been a real whirl-wind of pink this week, but this little Sparkles has got all her sparkle essentials packed for another grand show, baby! And don't you worry, I'm armed to the teeth with some top-secret tutu gossip.

Just picture this: I’m all snuggled into a first class train carriage (who can resist the allure of the buffet car, eh?), surrounded by glamorous ladies with perfectly manicured nails and even more perfectly sculpted hairstyles. The train's gliding across the country like a perfectly executed pirouette. And me, well, I'm surrounded by my favourite colour: pink! My pink velvet travel bag? Tick! My custom pink-and-sparkle trolley? Check! My pink feathered shawl? Oh, you bet! You simply can't have Pink Tutu Sparkles stepping out without her signature shade.

So, what’s on the agenda for this fantastically pink foray? A glamorous theatrical extravaganza at the lovely Scunthorpe Civic Centre, a place brimming with enough local flavour to send your senses into a glorious twirl. I’m performing a special selection from my most popular act. And, to top it all off, my very own Tutu Emporium pop-up! Because every Pink Tutu Sparkles event needs some extra sprinkle of magic!

Just last week I was strutting my stuff at a local craft fair – those folks just love their artisan cheese in my part of the world, you know! I had the place bouncing with pink, my fellow performers, and me doing my thing on stage. It was a full house, you bet, and you should have seen the look on those ladies’ faces as I waltzed into a giant pink balloon, singing 'Rainbow in my Tutus' from the top of my sparkly, well-stuffed chest!

Speaking of glitz and glam, have you heard of the “Twirling Tutu Tango?” This, my lovely readers, is a whole new way to rock a pink tutu. Think of it like a sassy, high-kicking salsa with a dose of that classic tutu elegance. Oh, the joy! You should see me at the end, spinning around in a tutu fit for a ballerina on a sugar rush. That is my dream for everyone - that’s why I am doing this - I’m on a mission to get everyone twirling in a tutu.

Now, don’t think that all I do is shimmer and dance. While my glamorous stage persona keeps me hopping, my real-life identity, the lovely Alex, spends the day tucked away in a lab surrounded by test tubes, chemicals, and of course… FABRIC! As a textile scientist, my job involves testing different materials for strength, colour fastness, and yes, even their tutu-potential. Can you imagine the fun?

Honestly, when it all started, my friends thought I was bonkers when I first mentioned that I'd be going on stage in a pink tutu. They're always surprised when I pull a pink tutu out my handbag – “Isn’t that a bit young for you, Alex?" And me? “It's the perfect colour and it’s what I do - darling!” And when I ask "Can I borrow your spare?” Their eyes widen, then they pull out their favourite frock - so I tell them: “Why don't you try on a tutu too - it is a wonderful time for a new era, so put your best foot forward, and twirl! Have fun - what do you have to lose?”

There was a time I wouldn’t have dared to think I'd be spending my days twirling across stages in a pink tutu – and then, you see, I stumbled upon the greatest piece of clothing ever invented: a tutu. It was in university – and the rest, they say, is history. I can remember that day so vividly, the day I realized my life had forever changed. I was at the uni ball and I walked past this stall for the charity, a local women’s shelter. The idea was for you to pay, have your picture taken dressed up in ridiculous costumes and get donated to their funds, and as a very tall and athletic uni student who excelled in the ballet society, I was invited to wear a big tutu with the sign, ‘Can you spare a pound?' The day I stepped into that big, puffy pink, feathery delight … It’s the memory that still takes me back and fuels all of the sparkling joy in my performances, the joy of sharing this with all of you, my beautiful Tutu Tribe.

So there you have it, folks, another pink-tastic week in the life of Pink Tutu Sparkles! Don't forget to follow me on my social media channels for even more behind-the-scenes pink fun, I’m also working on a special tutorial video on how to get that "tutu" look – so make sure to subscribe to my channel. This little Sparkles can’t wait to hear all your comments on this fabulous adventures.

Oh, and a very special message to my friends in Scunthorpe: You can't imagine how excited I am to perform for you! If you’re thinking about coming, you're in for a right good treat, just like my little dance troupe - a collection of colourful ballerinas! – love seeing everyone out there getting up to no good - in pink. I’m pretty certain I’ve got a tutu with your name on it. See you there, darlings!

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles Xxxxx

#TutuQueen on 2012-12-01 stars in Scunthorpe