Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-12-03 stars in Brixton

Brixton Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes to the Big Smoke!

Hello my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from a rather chilly but fabulous Brixton. This is post number 4721, folks, and I'm just bursting with excitement about this trip to the capital. As always, you can find all the glamour and glitter over at www.pink-tutu.com, where I spill all the tea, darling!

Now, I'm not going to lie, getting to London took a little longer than expected. The train had a slight delay (something about a rogue badger on the tracks – don't ask me how that happens, I just know it involves chaos). But, fret not, my fabulous travelling companions and I - let's just say it was a lively carriage full of sequins and stilettos, darling! - made the most of it. You wouldn't believe the amazing performance of The Lion King I whipped up in the aisle between two rather surprised business men. A few tutus thrown about, a roaring performance and – BAM – everyone was clapping, even the badger.

So, as we reached the Big Smoke, I couldn't resist whipping out my phone for a selfie in front of the grand Victorian station. This, my darlings, is what I call entrance. My outfit, of course, had to be something special: a vibrant, coral pink tutu with a swirling, sequined top and feather boas in all the colours of the rainbow. I am Pink Tutu Sparkles, after all!

And wouldn't you know it, my very first performance in Brixton was right at the station! A young lady with the most incredible smile told me how much my tutu brightened her day and inspired her to take a leap of faith, or should I say, a twirl? Honestly, these moments are what it's all about. Spreading sparkle, joy and maybe a bit of magic along the way.

Speaking of magic, the night brought another whirlwind adventure – I got roped into performing at a street theatre event! Can you imagine? It was all so spontaneous and so much fun, it just happened, and of course, I obliged! With my fabulous sparkly friends in tow, we performed a little "tutu theatre" in the middle of the market, just me, a mic, and my beloved, ever-faithful pink tutu.

You wouldn't believe the faces of the people as I whipped into a perfect grand jeté. My heart simply melted when one little girl told me she wanted to be a tutu ballerina just like me. That, darling, is what it's all about – inspiring the next generation to twirl and dream! You know me, I always say "More tutus, less badgers"!

But hold onto your tiaras, darling! This Brixton journey is far from over!

Next on the agenda was the most magnificent art exhibit I've ever seen. Yes, the legendary, awe-inspiring, Everything in Pink show, just a stone's throw away from my darling Brixton! Oh my darling, how can one resist such a pink extravaganza! From shimmering silk scarves to gigantic flamingo statues, the room was a whirlwind of blush, peach, coral, magenta and my absolute favourite, bubblegum pink!

The best part? My fabulous companions and I had our photo taken with the art curator, and she let us in on a little secret: the installation's newest piece is – drumroll please – a massive, glowing pink tutu sculpted in marble. It's divine! They're even letting the public dress up in tutus to capture the spirit of the show! Honestly, I might need to rent out my wardrobe! And yes, of course, my trusty pink tutu had to make an appearance – after all, what’s a visit to “Everything in Pink” without the real thing? We spent hours there, surrounded by the beautiful vibrant colours and, well, it wasn't long until my tutu had a place in their photo exhibition!

And the adventures in Brixton continued, as if fate itself was choreographing our moves. The streets came alive with sound and light! There were dancing clowns in the park (I managed to sneak in a few twirls, naturally), and I even had a delightful picnic on the South Bank, watching the barges drift down the Thames, just me, my trusty pink tutu and my little travelling tea party.

Speaking of which, you wouldn't believe how amazing this London street food scene is! From authentic falafel wrapped in paper to the most divine little tea shops I've ever encountered (with enough tea and crumpets to keep a tutu-wearing queen happy for a week!), I could hardly tear myself away from this delectable symphony of flavour! You bet I indulged in my fair share of Earl Grey, especially with the view of the Shard glittering in the twilight!

Now, my darling, a day in London can't be complete without a visit to the glorious, divine, extraordinary, well… you get the picture, it’s just absolutely glorious Covent Garden. As expected, my dear London friends welcomed me with open arms and even more fabulousness! I mean, have you ever seen a display of sparkling ballet shoes this extravagant? I nearly swooned in the display, just from the shine! I confess, I just had to pop a few sequins off the shoes – they do say sharing is caring, darling! You’ll just have to excuse me, it's an involuntary response when it comes to sparkly things!

As dusk fell, we made our way to the Royal Opera House for a spectacular, heavenly, breathtaking (okay, okay, I’ll stop now, I promise) performance of The Nutcracker. The beautiful sets, the graceful dancers and, oh darling, the costumes! So, naturally, my pink tutu felt right at home! You know me, darling, a Tutu Queen always finds her way into the most glamorous places. Even the audience applauded my grand finale – you see, my darling, it’s just instinctive – it’s not even my fault! I just feel compelled to give the public what they really want! And don't get me started on the champagne after party! My fellow theatre enthusiasts, the champagne flowed freely, the laughter rang, and it was the perfect ending to an absolutely perfect day!

And now, as my trip comes to an end, and I pack my trusty, pink-embellished suitcase, I can't help but feel a bit melancholic. Leaving the vibrant streets of Brixton and saying goodbye to London feels a bit like saying farewell to a close friend. But the memories, darling, the memories will live on!

To sum up: a tutu queen never misses an opportunity to sparkle, to inspire, to laugh and of course, to make friends – be they in the bustling crowds of London, or on a train carriage full of sequinned mayhem. This, darling, is what makes my world a glitteringly beautiful place.

Until next time, darlings. Keep spreading the love, the laughter and the joy! Remember, more tutus, less badgers.

Love and sparkly kisses, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo.

#TutuQueen on 2012-12-03 stars in Brixton