Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-07 stars in Eltham

Eltham: A Pink Tutu Princess's Journey - Blog Post #4787

Oh my darlings, get ready for a burst of pink as I whisk you away to the charming town of Eltham! It was a proper royal treat, just like the fairytale town itself. Remember those iconic Tudor buildings and lush gardens, with all those fancy trees? That’s where Pink Tutu Sparkles, aka Alex the tutu-obsessed traveller, graced the stage with all her dazzling pinkness. This adventure marks Blog Post #4787 on www.pink-tutu.com – my ever-growing digital diary filled with a rainbow of tutus and glitter-filled moments.

Now, you all know I'm a bit of a pink-tutu-loving fanatic, so I’m always on the lookout for new venues to spread the tutu-love. Eltham was the perfect destination. I mean, imagine: a Tudor palace, surrounded by cobbled streets, adorned with fairy lights and shops full of delightful little trinkets, all with a healthy dose of history and charming English eccentricity – just what Pink Tutu Sparkles dreams are made of.

How to get there? Well, of course, by train! I am a self-proclaimed Train-Travelling Queen – you can find me gracefully sipping tea on the Thameslink or elegantly leaning against the window, gazing at the English countryside. There’s something so wonderfully magical about the journey, isn’t there? And with my fabulous tutu and a glamorous smile, I am bound to be the most fabulous passenger!

What’s Eltham Like? I swear it felt like stepping into a storybook! Every cobbled corner whispered with whispers of bygone eras, like the majestic Eltham Palace itself. Its grand Tudor brickwork was adorned with beautiful floral arrangements. Did I mention there was even a charming old cafe on a quiet lane that served the most incredible slice of lemon cake (you all know how much I love cake!) with a piping hot cup of tea, naturally.

Eltham was the perfect setting for my show, my dears! I love that I can take my love for all things pink and fabulous to different audiences in different towns. I have so much fun interacting with everyone, young and old. The little ones just LOVE my tutus and my energy! There were some delightful mums in the audience wearing tutus, too. My mission to inspire the world to wear pink tutus is going fantastically, and it truly makes me sparkle!

My Eltham performance was just brilliant. A fabulous mixture of all my favourite dance styles! Imagine ballet moves combined with street dance routines and some showstopping theatre drama – that was the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic at work, bringing it all together with my pink twirling and sparkly sparkle. It really did capture all that Eltham magic - the history, the royalness, the joy of sharing laughter and love with the community.

I couldn't have ended the night without a quick trip to the beautiful Eltham Palace gardens. Picture it – twinkling lights, gentle whispers of leaves in the breeze, the perfect setting for a fabulous photoshoot in my tutu, feeling like a true fairy princess. I took a million pictures with the twinkling lights all around – such a glorious, whimsical touch. The atmosphere was simply captivating. You know how I love a little bit of glamour!

And just like that, I had to wave goodbye to Eltham, promising myself a return soon to delve deeper into the town’s history and soak in more of its enchanting beauty. I love that there are always new things to explore, new places to discover and new audiences to bring a dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to.

What are you waiting for my darlings? Pack a suitcase (pink luggage, of course!), jump on a train, find a local fair, and embrace the beauty of your local area. You never know what adventure you'll discover!

As always, thank you for joining me on this pinktastic journey. Don't forget to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for even more tutu tales, travel stories and sparkle-filled moments. Keep spreading the love, my dear TutuQueens!


Pink Tutu Sparkles. xx

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-07 stars in Eltham