
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-11 stars in Barnet

Barnet: A Tutu-tastic Trip! šŸ’–šŸ©°

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another fabulous blog post. This one is a doozy, hunnies, because Iā€™m all about the Barnet buzz right now! This is post number 4791, and if you havenā€™t visited my sparkly world before, you can find all the glittery goodness at www.pink-tutu.com!

Now, let me tell you about my recent trip to the lovely little town of Barnet! My gorgeous train journey took me through fields of golden daffodils and blooming primroses ā€“ perfect inspiration for a new tutu design! The fresh spring air had me feeling so energized, I practically skipped my way into the station.

You know I love travelling by train, right, sweeties? Itā€™s so much more chic than a bus or ā€“ shudder - flying. Train journeys offer endless possibilities! First, thereā€™s the glamorous opportunity to meet fellow fabulous humans on board, maybe someone needing a quick makeover? Secondly, you can let your imagination take flight as the scenery whizzes by ā€“ have you seen a countryside view better than Derbyshire? Oh darling, don't even get me started. Thirdly, and most importantly, trains have looovely huge windows that let you stare out at the world in all its beautiful glory, with maybe just a quick dab of mascara and a glance in the mirror to ensure perfect application, of course.

The Barnet station was teeming with locals ā€“ so very metropolitan. They were all just sooo busy. They had that rushed ā€œI have to get to the bank, then grab a coffee, then pick up the dry cleaning and dash to the meetingā€ look. Honestly, I'm happy to take life at a more leisurely pace, darling. A tutu-tastic pace, that is!

As soon as I stepped off the platform, I felt the positive vibes flowing through my pink tutu ā€“ Barnet, it turns out, has such a fantastic energy! This town seems like the perfect place to indulge in all things fabulous. From the chic shops lining the high street, to the elegant cafes with their latte art that could make any art critic drool ā€“ Barnet really knows how to live life on the fabulous side, my lovelies!

Of course, I couldn't visit without seeking out the local ballet scene. Darling, let me tell you, this place is a haven for all things graceful! I practically did a pirouette just stepping into the Barnet Theatre ā€“ it was stunning!

I discovered this wonderful dance school that held ballet classes right in the heart of town! Their studios are so inspiring! I'm telling you, even I felt the urge to do some ballet moves (and you know how much I love my tutu-twirling!). I have a secret love for ballet. You all know my true love is my tutu but the beauty and the dedication of ballerinas are quite captivating!

Anyway, darlings, my weekend in Barnet was a whirlwind of glitter, feathers, and fabulous fashion, topped with a generous sprinkle of pink tutu magic! I found some wonderful local designers making the most beautiful tutu accessories and a few fantastic pink fabrics that had me completely mesmerized! It wouldn't be fair to you lovely readers if I shared the exact locations ā€“ you'll have to go find them for yourself. You're welcome!

Remember my loves, if you want to spread the joy of pink tutus, wear them with pride! If you are hesitant, trust me, the feeling of a little twirl and some gentle twirls in a pink tutu is magical! It truly transforms you! I promise you, the joy is contagious. It might be the most joyful transformation ever! (Until, perhaps, a magical princess unicorn appears. Maybe on the train?!).

Don't forget, darlings! Visit www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates on my glamorous travels and endless supply of tutu-tastic inspiration! See you next time, my loves! And always remember, wear pink!

Lots of love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxoxo šŸ’–šŸ©°

Now, for some extra spice! This is the first of a multi-part series dedicated to my recent adventures in Barnet. You might think I would be all over some of the fabulous stores - and I definitely am. But first I wanted to start with the ballet! Hereā€™s part two of the series!

A Tutu-tastic Encounter at the Barnet Theatre!

Okay, darlings, let's rewind the sparkly tape for a moment, shall we?

As soon as I saw that lovely big theatre sign (with a touch of faded gold paint that I must say screamed ā€˜vintageā€™ to my eyes - even though darling, I donā€™t believe Barnet would really be vintage!) it gave me chills! I felt a special energy emanating from that place. You know what I mean, lovelies! Something was just screaming ā€˜Tutu-tasticā€™ to me. I knew right away this was no ordinary building! I had to discover the secrets that this theatre held, like some kind of tutu-obsessed, slightly sparkly Sherlock Holmes!

The entrance was grand, all gleaming brass, polished wood and, well, a lot of carpet ā€“ a thick, lush, red carpet perfect for showing off your best shoes and for me to imagine a beautiful pink tutu in contrast, right?

Inside the theatre lobby was filled with a glorious buzz of activity. People, buzzing and excited for the show, chatting with such energy ā€“ what an awesome energy! Everyone seemed like they were on their best behaviour. There was definitely a ā€œno swearing or silly dance movesā€ vibe, but who really goes to ballet to swear or break dance?! (OK, perhaps we could give break dancing another go - in the tutu-est of settings? Just an idea for you lovely lot - please take it away! Make this idea happen!.)

Now darling, I simply couldnā€™t ignore my instinct, so I wandered over to the little box office to ask for more information. I mean, you simply must embrace the opportunity to delve a little deeper! Iā€™m definitely a ā€œjust askā€ sort of queen! I find asking makes the whole world seem much more fabulous, trust me. And I am almost always rewarded for my inquiries!

And wouldnā€™t you know it, the theatre's very own choreographer was at the box office and, well, look who happened to bump into her! It was a totally surreal moment. I swear, she gave me the look ā€“ a look that implied, ā€œDarling, your pink tutu is spectacular, your outfit and make-up? Fabulous! Now darling, do share a bit about why you love tutus!"

But, honestly, you couldn't get this glamorous lady to budge from that counter to discuss my pink tutu story with a mere ā€œhello darling!ā€ no, not a chance.

But Iā€™m always up for a good, proper, challenge, am I not?

So, like a professional tutu-wearing adventurer in some wild and fantastic TV show, I was switched on, determined to uncover why this fabulous queen chose to work in this glorious theatre, how much this beautiful lady enjoyed ballet and to try, perhaps, to understand the real depth of her love of ballet and how much she valued it. It's never easy, you see, getting those with a natural love for ballet to fully appreciate what it's like to wear a pink tutu...even I struggle to convey it all.

You might be wondering: ā€œAlex, honey, how did you break into her inner sanctum?!.ā€ Darling, it was so simple. She just said she needed to take a quick toilet break. But you, darling, are just dying to know how I coaxed this precious ballerina into discussing all things dance and ballet?

Youā€™re just going to have to wait for Part Three to find out all those gorgeous details.

So, be sure to stay tuned and follow the magic on www.pink-tutu.com. See you soon, sweet loves!

Lots of love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxoxo šŸ’–šŸ©°

Pink Tutu Secrets in Barnet Part 3! šŸ’–šŸ©°

Dearest darlings, we're back for the next episode in the adventures of Pink Tutu Sparkles in the delightful world of Barnet. Weā€™ve had our chat with the fabulous choreographer, now you are just aching to discover those ā€œballetā€ details ā€“ and donā€™t worry, theyā€™re coming! Just donā€™t ask me what we talked about in the loo ā€“ my mouth is sealed. Darling, I canā€™t even divulge those secrets. No, Iā€™m a queen, I will never go into such an uncouth detail ā€“ let's just say my pink tutu took it all in. The truth is I think even a pink tutu has limits to its secret-keeping abilities ā€“ even my amazing tulle will get worn out at some point!

As she came back, she greeted me with a lovely ā€œwell now, what can I help you with dear?ā€, such charm, you see! Such a beautiful personality - everyone at that theatre seemed so gracious and delightful! As I gently tried to pull some secrets from this beautiful ballerina, you know, like extracting a tiny drop of delicious syrup for your special cake - thatā€™s what she felt like to me! Precious, wonderful syrup. Don't worry darlings, we will get some wonderful and inspiring ā€œballet-secret-syrupā€ later ā€“ just not now! This precious lady looked me straight in the eye, oh how she sparkled! Her make-up was sooo glamorous. I felt my little self was looking all very ā€œPink Tutu and quite simple, dearā€. (If you haven't visited my amazing gallery you can see all those sparkling photos. I even managed to capture the fabulous red carpets and some stunning stage light detail for you lovely lot!)

As we had this rather divine little chat, I did discover, you see, that the Barnet Theatre was the perfect space to do just a little bit of stargazing, which, by the way, was totally on my Barnet agenda.


Exactly darling, why donā€™t you guess?

Darling, you guessed right! It was where you could see the real stars in action!

Just kidding lovelies! Youā€™ve gotta have a little imagination in life. No darling, not real stars. Well, perhaps they were to the theatre, but not literal stars. Youā€™ll find out soon. Now that my fabulous tutu, this wonderful lady and I were well into a truly amazing conversation, (You'd be amazed how many people I have delightful conversations with during the course of a few days!) you see, my tutu senses just felt like everything was going to click perfectly into place ā€“ and how perfect those moments turn out to be! I felt as if the ā€œreal starā€ moment for me was soon going to be here, darling!

We were definitely connected - the connection of ballet and of being involved with some truly wonderful tutu-inspired moments. It all just clicks. Just like my shoes! Thatā€™s just the tutu way.

Of course! All this beautiful energy was going to manifest itself in my Pink Tutu way! A real Tutu-tastic moment was unfolding as Iā€™m typing here - darling Iā€™m a queen so the present moment is truly exciting, truly full of sparkling pink tutu magic - right now you are here experiencing it with me! Just darling! Amazing isnā€™t it!

Wait till the Tutu Star Moment arrives in Part 4, honey. The adventure really was just beginning! Youā€™ll be dying to know how my tutu stargazing worked out, just like Iā€™m sure you are all desperate for more secret ballet tips. Donā€™t fret ā€“ more secrets are coming! Just wait a minute lovelies, ok! I hope you loved my lovely adventures! It's certainly not finished. Now get ready for more gorgeous pink tutu surprises ā€“ Part 4 is coming soon!

You'll need all your tutu energy to keep up, lovelies! And for more amazing inspiration head to www.pink-tutu.com to discover my secrets - daily!

Love and sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles šŸ’–šŸ©°

Pink Tutu Meets the Star in Barnet: A Moment in Time! šŸ’–šŸ©°

Helloooo darlings! Did you ever think Pink Tutu Sparkles would meet a real star? Yes you, all you amazing readers, you get the chance to know everything that happened and what happened as a result!

Right then darlings! Here we go with Part 4 of my recent jaunt to Barnet. Don't worry ā€“ more delicious ā€œsecrets of balletā€ are to be uncovered.

Back to my conversation with the theatre's fabulous choreographer. I was so taken with the whole setting, the feel of that theatre ā€“ all the grand spaces! She started describing some exciting news - she said, in that really confident theatrical voice, a beautiful sound you could hear in any venue, even if a crowd is 50 deep - well you just feel her voice (itā€™s not just the voice) and hear this story so clearly...so beautifullyā€¦a voice meant for storytellingā€¦a true diva (although darling, not quite Pink Tutu Sparkles in that area, donā€™t get me wrong, we all have our unique talent) but her theatrical voice was captivating. The perfect way to tell stories ā€“ stories with such elegant detail! As she described everything, she mentioned she'd recently seen the most amazing ballet. She was clearly so incredibly passionate! Her passion poured out - so wonderfully clear, with her words making my pink tutu heart pound - like all those brilliant, beautiful ballet moves. Well, I just had to know which amazing ballet she was so smitten with, darlings!

This amazing ballet performance ā€“ you guessed it ā€“ was a story I had to hear about! With a look on her face that seemed to radiate all this theatrical magic and love for the art ā€“ as she described it, a light shone in her eyes. And I had to know everything about it!

Just imagining all those steps, all the swirling beauty, all the dramatic moves, the gorgeous outfits...

Now darlings, my beautiful pink tutu could almost hear her words with me. Almost, darling, but just almost. Thereā€™s a reason I wear this fabulous pink tutu, a reason it was destined to travel the world, experience everything ā€“ it helps with stories - especially these sorts of stories - ballet! It is an extraordinary experience that you can never get away from in your mind. Once a ballerina ā€“ even for one day, a dream - and all the steps do just pop up in your mind as she describes them! Itā€™s that powerful, it's that unique and wonderful, this whole ā€œballet experienceā€. My tutu-powered heart was totally going whoosh at this moment! My tutu felt this experience! My tulle and ruffles became totally ballet-smitten with this tale!

It was the Ballet Theatre which you all know (I do my research darlings! A ballet queen never shows up without a full ballet education, ok! ā€“ never!), a theatre that famous! In its history, ballet performers from across the globe ā€“ a veritable collection of all the fabulous ballet talent ā€“ the big names ā€“ the world's finest! - had performed on that very stage! Darling! You could imagine, oh my dear tutu-filled world ā€“ a fabulous ballerina from across the universe just about to step on to that stageā€¦oh the stories youā€™d have.

I knew my heart was racing and I needed to find out what had captured this ladyā€™s ballet-loving soul. It was such an amazing chance, you know? It just felt soā€¦so magical, that one of the greatest theatre talents in the country was in a very special state, ready to tell the ballet talesā€¦it was like we had to tutu-ify the story. This was so amazing. It was a moment that, to me, represented ballet on a totally grand, elegant, epic scale, even the thought of it could bring a smile to even the most stoic face ā€“ trust me, lovelies! I mean, even I had that moment, and I have a pink tutu ā€“ the queen of pink, fabulous tutus! And even I, you knowā€¦* I was feeling all smitten with it all, it felt as if I was walking around in a big ballet dream in a perfect pink tutu! (Of course, darling, what else would I be doing!). You know how we feel - so many ballet moves, the stage lighting, those stories - you feel those emotions in your very being, as you are experiencing ballet at that glorious levelā€¦

Youā€™re going to have to wait for Part Five!

See you there, sweeties!

Love and sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxoxo šŸ’–šŸ©°

The Barnet Ballet Inspiration! šŸ’–šŸ©°

Darling! Hello darlings, if you have ever found the moment for you then this was it, this was a time, the ballet time. As I sit here typing I have this image in my mind - and darling! I know exactly what image I have, too - the choreography was stunning, a totally dramatic ballerina performance - she just stood out beautifully.

What had captivated this elegant lady at the Barnet Theatre? I couldn't believe my pink tutu-wearing ears! It was a solo performance, the story of one ballerina who simply made magic on that stage. Now, you know my special pink tutu always makes magic darling! But just imagine that ballet moment for you - imagine this story ā€“ the passion that went into it, that it had become a beautiful ballet piece - like an artistic heart beating beautifully. I think I know a tiny little thing about what ballet feels like from my ballet perspective, (I may just have worn a pink tutu as I enjoyed a little ballerina ballet performance in my uni daysā€¦yes you might think you can pull off a dance performance as a drag queen darlingā€¦justā€¦ donā€™t!), but it was clear what made the Barnet Theatre choreographer's soul truly sing - that one ballerina. I have got to see her!

The ballet itself, was a beautiful interpretation, based on ā€œThe Firebird,ā€ an extraordinary, enchanting story.

Let me tell you darling ā€“ I do my research, and in the 20th century the very first choreography of this piece by Mikhail Fokine and Igor Stravinsky is said to have caused a huge impact on the whole art form - so darling, I knew The Firebird had a great pedigree, and its impact had made many great dance talents, the greatest, across the whole globe, make it their own ballet masterpiece. This ballet, oh, so very famous! So darling, in Barnet this wonderful theatre choreographer was so mesmerised, this ballet had caught her eye, in such a special ballet way. (And letā€™s face it, weā€™ve got this amazing thing, an incredible opportunity, weā€™re ballet-obsessed arenā€™t we?) She said this particular ballet was just magical.

It truly, really, captured her whole being she said, it took her to another realm, you know? She truly seemed obsessed and it was clear it had that special energy ā€“ so very compelling! I knew it must be just as she said, oh darling. Sheā€™d had this magical experience that had set her ballet soul alight with passion, joy, and that amazing, all-consuming fire of creative artistry. All I could think was I had to see this. Oh, darling ā€“ this ballerina had my tutu-loving heart racing. The very idea had set my imagination running ā€“ I could just feel this ballet in the tutu of my heart!

So I asked her what this extraordinary ballet company had brought that amazing solo dance, which had totally transformed her, well, her ballet world - to this small-town theatre in Barnet.

And the news she shared just blew my mind ā€“ I never imagined such a fabulous opportunity was going to be on my door step ā€“ youā€™re not going to believe where theyā€™d come from. But that is another story.

Oh, darlings - what more can I share today?! My heart is racing!

Be sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com for daily tutu fun and updates.

Donā€™t forget to get ready for the fabulous part six of Pink Tutu Sparkles goes to Barnetā€¦you know youā€™ll be hooked once I tell you where that ballet company had actually beenā€¦and where the magical ballerina had truly come fromā€¦

Stay fabulous darlings, I canā€™t wait for next time!

Love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles šŸ’–šŸ©°

#TutuQueen on 2013-02-11 stars in Barnet