Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-04-29 stars in Wishaw

Wishaw: Pink Tutu Sparkles Travels Onwards, Post #4868

Oh my darlings, what a glorious day it was! I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, took my shimmering self all the way to Wishaw, a lovely little town tucked away in the Scottish highlands, for a performance at the local fair. It was an absolute blast! And let me tell you, even with the bracing Highland wind nipping at my ankles, the whole experience was just magical.

Now, I may have mentioned this before, but I am, as you know, an absolute fiend for a good train journey. Something about watching the countryside whiz by as you sit sipping on a steaming mug of tea, listening to the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels on the tracks, just fills me with such peace. Oh, and I do enjoy the occasional peek at the "no food or drink" signs and then sneakily tucking into a cheeky sandwich and a slice of victoria sponge!

This particular journey had me feeling a bit giddy, as the train rolled through quaint villages and passed fields brimming with vibrant spring colours. I was particularly enchanted by a field full of lambs bouncing around - so incredibly cute! The lambs, you see, have got a rather nice tutu potential. They do, they do! Don’t they, my dears? Oh, don't even get me started on the idea of sheep sporting tutus! They'd be a veritable sight to behold! It's a vision I'm going to file away for my next big drag design project. Maybe next season we can see “The Lambs in Pink Tutues” runway debut at a high-fashion show. The future is bright!

Upon arrival at Wishaw, I found myself overwhelmed with the sheer energy of the place. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and laughter, eager to welcome the fair’s festivities.

Now, let me confess that arriving in full Pink Tutu Sparkles regalia (I was wearing my ‘Rainbow Explosion’ tutu, which was, let's just say, truly fabulous - a riot of colour against the fresh Scottish air!) did get a few strange looks. Some of the wee bairns even pointed at me and exclaimed, "Mummy, look! A pink sparkly fairy!" Now, that I could get behind! Though I'll admit, the “sparkly fairy” description had me pondering... should I start adding wings to my wardrobe for an extra touch of magic? Hmm, perhaps!

Anyways, my performance was a huge hit! They loved the energy of my routines, my glittering costume, and the sass in my every shimmy and twirl. I even had a little lass who insisted on learning how to do a "tutu twirl" after the show. My heart! My very own little budding ballerina! Oh, and wouldn't you know it, after my performance I even convinced the local baker to wear a pink tutu for the rest of the day! She looked absolutely fantastic - the cutest bakery bunny you ever did see.

Wishaw was a lovely town full of friendly people, warm hospitality, and oh, so much potential for pink tutu magic! Even their local tea shop owner - a lovely woman called Betty, was charmed by the idea of adding a touch of sparkle to their afternoon teas with some pink tutu inspiration.

As my day in Wishaw came to a close, I hopped aboard another train, with my head swirling with visions of tutu-clad sheep and sparkling cupcakes. Now, if only I could figure out how to get those adorable Highland cattle sporting little tutus... You can't possibly tell me it's impossible, dears! Maybe that can be my next challenge?

Until next time, stay fabulous and always remember, dear readers, even if you're just starting out, or even if you feel like you're a little shy or scared to try, never be afraid to sparkle! Put on a pink tutu and embrace your inner twinkle! That’s the Pink Tutu Sparkles motto, isn’t it? And, if you find yourself ever feeling lost or blue, just remember that somewhere, out there, someone, somewhere, is wearing a pink tutu. We are everywhere and we are unstoppable! So chin up, darling! We are one big sparkly family, and that's a pretty fab feeling, isn't it?

Now, I am off to my little scientist den to make my very own “sparkle paint” using fabric from my latest testing round.

Until tomorrow!

All the sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


Pink Tutu Sparkles on the WWW.

My darlings, I hope you loved this post as much as I enjoyed creating it! If you haven’t checked out the lovely www.pink-tutu.com yet, you are missing out!

It's my little corner of the internet, full of fun blog posts, drag diaries, tips and tricks, photos of my fabulous outfits (and of course, my signature pink tutus!), and more! It's all about bringing joy and spreading sparkle to every corner of the world. So why not come on over and say hello?

I can't wait to see you there!

P.S. Don't forget, my dear readers, there's no limit to how much pink tutu magic you can spread!

Remember, everyone’s a ballerina at heart, (Or at least they should be! Haha!),

Stay sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.


#TutuQueen on 2013-04-29 stars in Wishaw