Bromsgrove, Bejeweled and Beautiful! - Post #4874
Hello, my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the lovely town of Bromsgrove. Can you believe it? Post number 4874! It seems like only yesterday I was a nervous young thing, posting my very first blog post about my love for all things pink and sparkly. Well, little Miss Pink Tutu has grown up a bit since then. And guess what? She's still as mad about tutus as ever!
Now, you know how I love to travel. Train journeys are my favourite - all those wonderful people watching opportunities and the sheer joy of a good old-fashioned cuppa. Of course, I've been known to travel by horse, too. (Remember the time I did a whole performance on horseback at the Dales festival? You just gotta love a good challenge, right?).
Anyway, back to Bromsgrove! I had such a fantastic time performing here, you wouldn’t believe! Imagine: a quaint little town square, sunshine glinting off the cobbles, and yours truly, strutting her stuff in a dazzling, custom-made tutu, pink, naturally, complete with hand-sewn pearl embellishments and shimmering, iridescent tulle.
Honestly, I had to double-check my outfit before taking the stage! (That’s right, darlings, I get ready in my tiny trailer parked outside the venue. Don’t judge, my make-up table is an absolute work of art! You should see my mirror...covered in glitter, naturally!) The crowds were wonderful, so enthusiastic! Every single person had a big smile and everyone seemed thrilled to see me in my pink, pink, sparkly tutu! Honestly, my heart was overflowing with joy. It’s my mission, you see, to bring joy and happiness to everyone around me. A little bit of sparkle in their lives. A little bit of magic, a bit of fun. I’m pretty sure the happy atmosphere in Bromsgrove was a direct result of my fabulous performance and all that glitter!
Let’s take a quick flashback, shall we? My love for pink tutus blossomed a while back. Now, this isn't some cheesy, fairytale story about how I dreamed of twirling in pink from a very young age. It's actually a bit more… down-to-earth! I was in the university ballet club, you know, doing a fundraising event. I wasn’t even particularly keen on ballet then – a little bit shy and nervous about getting on stage, frankly. But the charity’s fundraising event was an odd sort of a "themed dress-up". So, what do you think I decided to try on, of all things? You guessed it – a gorgeous pink, feather-trimmed, hand-beaded tutu, courtesy of a local charity shop! I've never looked back.
Ever since that moment, my dear blog followers, my heart belongs to the dance world. I’ve gone to more ballet shows and classes than I can count, watched so many amazing performances on stage (including a performance by the world-renowned Birmingham Royal Ballet – oh my goodness!), tried so many types of ballet from classic to Ballet street and even tap dancing... I think my tap shoes may have outlasted all of the other things I bought in that era. I absolutely love the ballet and, as most of you know, I even take classes myself! And I think I am getting quite good! (Except the spins, darling, I think my tutu will always need extra support to stop me getting lightheaded – too much glitz and glam!).
So, yes, my life revolves around pink tutus, sparkles, and bringing joy to everyone! I truly love sharing that joy with others – be it on stage in front of an audience of hundreds, on my train journey to a remote village, or even at the office (don't worry, I save my more daring outfits for evenings, darling! I still need to pass the dress code and there is absolutely no room for a pink tutu in a chemistry lab). (although the lab really should be a whole lot brighter – that's my motto).
Do you know something? I think, if I really set my mind to it, I could convince absolutely everyone to wear a pink tutu, at least once! Just imagine what a lovely world we would have - a world where everyone felt special, unique, and a little bit more ready to embrace life! Why, I can even envision pink tutus on all the residents of Bromsgrove – now, that’s a truly joyous thought!
As always, my lovelies, I leave you with a question. Are you going to try on a pink tutu this week? And, if so, tell me all about your experiences, darling. Send me a photograph of yourself rocking a pink tutu. And of course, you’re always welcome to visit me online at! Have a wonderful week, and don't forget: every day is a new adventure in sparkle.
Sending you all my love and a sprinkle of pink magic,
Pink Tutu Sparkles
# Post Script!Don't forget to check out the 'Pink Tutu Inspiration Gallery' on my website! It’s brimming with fab photos and advice for finding the perfect pink tutu for you! There are over 100 different pink tutus on there – I reckon that is more pink tutus than any other drag queen out there can lay their hands on. We even have 'Tutu Inspiration Tips for Beginners' which might help you on your journey! Don't forget to hashtag #pinktutustyles! Now, where’s my hot pink sparkly handbag… my luggage for my trip to York tomorrow needs filling!