
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-08 stars in Bristol

Bristol Calling! โœจ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฉฐ #TutuQueen's Adventures (Blog Post #4908)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to dazzle you with another juicy update from my glamorous life! This week, Bristol has been calling, and like the fabulous diva that I am, I answered!

This city has been on my to-do list for ages. I mean, who doesn't love a good bit of Bristol? It's like the rebellious cousin of Bath - all cobbled streets, quirky pubs, and a certain something that makes you feel like you could conquer the world! (Or at least grab a fabulously-priced vintage brooch from a market stall!)

Getting to Bristol was a joy in itself. I just love train journeys. There's something so utterly romantic about hurtling through the English countryside, with nothing to do but gaze at the rolling green hills and imagine a world where I'm in a romantic period drama wearing my favourite pink tutu and being whisked off by a handsome knight on horseback. (You know, because all good fairytale endings involve some kind of animal-based travel.)

Anyway, the Bristol experience started strong. My hotel room had a dressing table bigger than my actual flat in Derbyshire! The pink flamingoes that adorned it were a welcome touch - like the universe was telling me that I'd chosen the right destination. (Because let's face it, my love affair with all things pink knows no bounds. It's truly a love that could launch a thousand ships.)

After unpacking my luggage (including my special pink suitcase adorned with sparkling butterflies - I always travel in style, darlings!) and applying a touch of sparkle to my face (my daily ritual), I headed straight out to see the city! Bristol has this amazing atmosphere - vibrant yet laid-back - with so many interesting corners to discover. The harbour is a joy - those colourful boats and the delicious sea air just make me want to break out into a pirouette. Speaking of pirouettes, I couldn't resist popping into the Bristol Old Vic. My dear, they have a stunning auditorium that would be a dream come true for any ballerina, especially if they're in a bright pink tutu! I could picture myself on the stage, gracefully executing a flawless jetรฉ, every glitter on my outfit shimmering under the spotlights.

But enough about fantasies! Onward, dear readers, to the more exciting stuff: FOOD! Now, Bristol is a city that knows its stuff when it comes to tasty treats. I fell in love with a quaint cafรฉ with lace curtains and teacups so delicate, they could shatter at the merest gust of wind! They served the most exquisite afternoon tea โ€“ a tower of delicate sandwiches, perfectly pink finger cakes, and dainty, melt-in-your-mouth scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam. My, my, I haven't been this giddy since a young Prince Charming promised me the world, only to whisk me away in a horse-drawn carriage and give me an abundance of kisses and promises...

Later, I decided to see a ballet performance. (As you know, I'm a firm believer that tutus are good for the soul - in all shapes and forms. And a ballet performance never fails to ignite the twinkle in my eye and inspire me to dream bigger!) The show was fantastic, and as usual, I found myself totally entranced, losing myself in the beauty of movement and grace. Of course, I couldn't resist a little dance in my seat myself, all in the comfort of my own private, sparkling world.

The following day, I indulged in some serious retail therapy! Bristol has the most divine independent boutiques, bursting with the kind of colourful fashion pieces that make my heart sing. I discovered a store tucked away in a charming alley, a haven for vintage lovers, filled with shimmering fabrics and feather boas. Naturally, I emerged from the shop with a glorious vintage bolero, so sparkly that even my dear friend, Queen Glitterball, would be green with envy!

Of course, no trip to Bristol would be complete without a visit to its vibrant street art scene. The colourful murals were breathtaking! I saw a fantastic street art portrait that perfectly captured the spirit of Bristol - it was a dazzling vision of a woman wearing a stunning pink tutu! It seemed to be calling me to join her, a siren's song beckoning me to step out of my comfort zone and into the spotlight of life!

After that, I made my way to a quirky vintage fair. It's truly fascinating to me, how the fashion of the past keeps re-emerging. Think vibrant colours, textures, and details so captivating they'll stop you in your tracks! (And this is exactly what I did - because as everyone knows, pink is eternal, and if I'm wearing it, you know it's about to become the trend!)

But every good trip must eventually come to an end. With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to Bristol, promising to return soon. The journey back to Derbyshire was tinged with nostalgia, a touch of sadness, but mostly an overwhelming sense of exhilaration, knowing that my pink tutu had touched hearts in Bristol. And that, darlings, is a feeling that sets my sparkly heart aflutter every single time!

Until next time, be kind to your heart and never stop twirling!

With sparkling wishes and pink kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(Remember to visit www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates on my exciting adventures. And don't forget to share your pink tutu moments using the hashtag #TutuQueen!

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-08 stars in Bristol