
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-12 stars in Worthing

Worthing Wonderful!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 4912 from the wonderful world of pink tutus! Today I'm frolicking in the seaside town of Worthing, a place that's practically begging for a splash of pink sparkle!

As you know, my journey to Worthing started in Derbyshire, a county thatā€™s as lovely as it is understated. I can practically see the raised eyebrows of my Derbyshire darlings as they think ā€œWorthing? Isnā€™t that a bitā€¦ beige?ā€ But hear me out! I find that some of the most captivating experiences are tucked away in unexpected places, much like a hidden gem in a vintage clothes shop!

This time, the trip to Worthing involved a bit of a train ride - you see, I'm quite the romantic when it comes to travel. Give me a good train journey any day over flying - the scenery whizzing by, the occasional cuppa, the calming clunk of the train wheels - sheer bliss!

The journey itself was a bit of a giggle. Imagine my joy when I bumped into my fellow ballet aficionado, Daphne. Daphneā€™s always been a true TutuQueen at heart - she even makes her own tutus! We spent the journey swapping stories and tips on where to find the best dance shops and even discussed how to add a bit of pink to Worthing's local dance classes!

The stage was set! We arrived in Worthing just in time to see a dazzling show by the Worthing Ballet School. Now, the kids there were incredible! So much talent, so much energy! And letā€™s face it, whatā€™s a ballet school without a little bit of pink tutu love? I couldnā€™t resist joining in their after-show meet-and-greet and talking to the kids about the importance of finding their own sparkly self-expression!

Now, onto the reason I made my way down south! A charming little theatre called The Connaught. Worthing is known for its elegant Regency architecture and The Connaught definitely fits right in! They booked me for a show on their ā€œSparkling Saturdayā€ nights, a delightful event showcasing local talent like myself. The theatre itself is just lovely, a quaint little spot filled with charming nooks and crannies. You wouldnā€™t know it's hidden away in a seaside town, with a warm, welcoming vibe, much like my own persona!

Of course, no Worthing trip is complete without a little seaside stroll and a scoop of ice cream. Imagine: crisp sea air, the waves crashing on the shore, and me in my Pink Tutu Sparkles finest, causing a joyful stir! Let's just say, the kids and their families were utterly captivated!

While Worthing's charm lies in its beautiful beaches, for me it was also the warmth of the people. Everyone I met was just delightful! It seems Worthing has that quintessential seaside magic that just makes people a little bit kinder. A bit like stepping into a warm, welcoming seaside cottage, you know?

I did manage to squeeze in some retail therapy too. Can you imagine a day at the seaside without visiting a local vintage shop? Just imagine ā€“ tutus, glitzy hats, sparkly dresses galore, and even a touch of pink! Itā€™s basically a dream come true for a girl like me.

So what have we learnt this week, darlings? Sometimes the most wonderful discoveries are tucked away in unexpected places. Always remember that the best sparkle can be found anywhere ā€“ whether itā€™s on the coast, in a Derbyshire town or in your very own heart. Keep shining bright, my TutuQueens!

But that's not all! Tomorrow, I'm heading to Brighton for a thrilling horse ride. Imagine: pink tutus, galloping horses and breathtaking seaside views! Just picture me, a magnificent, sparkly vision racing across the beach - Talk about a magical moment! You can catch all the exciting details on my website, www.pink-tutu.com, and be sure to follow my Instagram for some extra sparkly snapshots of my adventures.

Keep sparkling, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-12 stars in Worthing