
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-21 stars in Norwich

Norwich, My Dearest! Pink Tutu Sparkles' #4921 Blog Post

Oh darling, Norwich, what a glorious place to visit! As I write this, perched on a velvet pouffe in my charming hotel room (it even has a chandelier, I swear!), my heart is positively aflutter with excitement. The train journey was utterly delightful โ€“ a scenic adventure with glimpses of rolling countryside, sheep, and a curious pheasant that looked right at me through the window, no doubt mesmerized by my sparkling pink ensemble. Speaking of, I absolutely had to pack a tutu for this trip! It's a fluffy, bright pink number that just screams "Norwich" โ€“ you know, that vibrant energy mixed with a touch of whimsical elegance.

As always, I made a splash arriving at the station. A group of delightful school children even stopped to gawk and giggle (in a totally adorable way, of course). "Do you wear the tutu every day?" asked a particularly wide-eyed boy. "Well," I chirped, adjusting my pink feather boa, "only when the world needs a little extra sparkle. And darling, this town certainly does."

And what a sparkle it has! My day started with a trip to the Theatre Royal, such a beautiful building with a history that simply hums with theatricality. I had the most divine time watching a performance of Swan Lake, a ballet that has always held a special place in my heart. The ballerinas, graceful as swans, were mesmerizing, their costumes breathtaking, the whole affair a spectacle that simply transported me. It was like a dream! Afterward, I had a lovely afternoon tea with some charming ladies who even complimented me on my pink feather boa and my 'bold fashion choices', which made my heart do a little jig!

Speaking of fashion choices, darling, the Norwich markets were a feast for my eyes! Every corner was a veritable rainbow of colours, textures, and vintage gems waiting to be discovered. I must have spent hours just browsing the stalls, getting inspiration for my next drag look! Of course, I made sure to support some local artists with my purchases - a gorgeous hand-painted porcelain teacup (in pink, of course!), a charming silk scarf for my head, and some adorable felt earrings shaped like miniature ballerinas!

And just wait until you see the amazing vintage clothes shop I stumbled upon โ€“ a treasure trove of retro elegance. I snagged the most delightful skirt, a soft floral print in shades of coral and fuchsia, perfect for a little spring stroll. As the sun began to set, casting the cobbled streets in a golden glow, I found myself on the bustling Elm Hill โ€“ so picturesque and charming. It's a perfect spot for a walk after a hearty, and I mean hearty dinner at the delightful King's Head Inn.

And as the night fell and the stars began to twirl like tiny ballerinas in the night sky, I found myself back in my hotel room, feeling deeply enchanted by this unique, delightful little city.

Speaking of enchantment, you might be wondering why I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, a seemingly frivolous drag queen with a passion for all things pink and sparkly, ended up on a quest to get everyone wearing a tutu. Well, dear reader, it all started a few years ago while I was still just Alex, a rather introverted science student at the University of Derbyshire.

I was a part of the ballet club, yes, a scientist dancing, how deliciously incongruous! And one evening, during a fundraising event, we decided to have a โ€œtutu swap,โ€ where we each tried on old tutus, adding our own unique twists, all for charity.

I'll never forget that moment when I put on the first tutu, a faded pink confection, that swirled around me as I took a bow. I suddenly felt a surge of joy, a newfound confidence I had never experienced before. It was like this little pink cloud had descended upon me, making everything feel light and playful, almost magical! And with that one simple act of slipping on a tutu, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

That feeling, the feeling of being fully expressed and celebrated, it's the heart of everything I do! I use my platform as Pink Tutu Sparkles to encourage self-expression, to make people feel happy and to remind everyone that sometimes, a little bit of glitter, fluffiness, and joy goes a long way.

From my very first blog post, back when the world was a little more drab (not that I'm suggesting the world should go monochrome โ€“ a vibrant rainbow of personalities is much more interesting, don't you agree?), I've been encouraging everyone to embrace the spirit of a tutu!

A tutu, my darling, itโ€™s not just about a piece of fabric. It's about a feeling. Itโ€™s about being brave, daring to be different, it's about spinning with a sense of pure delight and being utterly unapologetically yourself. And, it's about sharing that joy with the world.

So, if you see me around, please don't be shy! Iโ€™d love to share a story, a cuppa (and maybe even a piece of cake, this trip has me in need of sugar!) Maybe even try on a tutu for a laugh? Just remember, my dears, every single person has their own sparkle waiting to be unleashed! And if thereโ€™s anything I can do to help you find it, you can be sure that Pink Tutu Sparkles will be there, with a giant smile and a feather boa, ready to spin and twirl, sharing a bit of magic with everyone we meet. Until next time, Norwich, my dear!

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-21 stars in Norwich