Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-03 stars in Harrow

Harrow Calling: TutuQueen's Adventures in Pink! (Post #4933)

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite TutuQueen here, ready to share all the glitter and glam of my latest adventure! 💅✨ Today we're venturing into the charming town of Harrow, nestled just outside London. I'm all about those charming town and city adventures, giving those concrete jungles a touch of tulle and sunshine! ☀️

Remember, you can always find more of my fabulous adventures at www.pink-tutu.com! It's been a while since my last post, but I've been absolutely buzzing, literally, with exciting projects. Between rehearsals for a show in Nottingham (did you know they have a ballet street fair?! It’s truly magical!), a fundraising gig for the local animal shelter (we really raised a pawful of pounds!), and some absolutely thrilling textile testing at the lab, it's been a whirl of sequins and scientific brilliance! 🔬💃

So, back to Harrow! I'm here on a mission: to bring the sparkle and twirl of Pink Tutu Sparkles to this delightful little corner of the world. The town has a brilliant arts centre and theatre scene – they are bursting with talent! It's truly a privilege to be part of the artistic fabric of Harrow, even if it means a little bit of travelling for your TutuQueen! Speaking of which…

Trains and Travel in Pink:

Trains are my ultimate mode of transport, darling! Let’s be real – a good train journey is as crucial to my travels as a carefully constructed tutu! There's something undeniably romantic and quintessentially British about a whistle blowing and those rails rolling by, as I watch the countryside roll past my window in a rainbow of colour! But you know me, gotta bring a splash of Pink Tutu to the journey! A bright pink suitcase with fluffy tutu-trimmed embellishments, a sparkling feather boa draping over my shoulder – what could be more elegant, more glamorous? Plus, let's face it, it never fails to attract some delightful smiles! 😄

Of course, travelling doesn’t always have to be about engines. The other day I got to take a pony ride in Hyde Park! What’s more regal and dazzling than riding through the park in a dazzling pink tutu on a fluffy horse! You can tell this Queen still secretly dreams of becoming a proper, real-life fairytale princess!

The Harrow Stage Awaits!

This week I'll be gracing the stage of the Harrow Arts Centre – just a stones throw from the London Underground (don’t worry darling, I’ve got a fantastic underground fashion statement planned - all I can say is it's a bit ‘metro’!). This week I’m showcasing a whole new look - a new sequined jumpsuit in, you guessed it, hot pink! It’s the most vibrant fuchsia, and it is simply electrifying, and will go perfectly with the new dramatic choreography I’ve been working on – let’s just say think dramatic swan lake moves, mixed with modern sassy ballerina. Think Swan Lake meets a Spice Girls! I’ll even be bringing some of my signature Tutu magic with some bespoke, glittery, pink-hued props – expect a truly unforgettable experience, you lucky, Harrow locals!

The reason I'm taking Pink Tutu Sparkles to the Harrow Arts Centre is quite simply…well, because I want to make everyone happy! It’s my dream to fill the world with pink tutus and the magic of dazzling, creative energy – because the world deserves a good dose of sparkle! The way I see it, a touch of pink and tulle can transform any day into an extravaganza. It’s about inspiring that joy, that creative spirit in everyone, no matter where they are in the world. Even if you're a scientist testing fabric during the day, you can channel your inner TutuQueen, even if it's just by adding a dash of colour and personality to your wardrobe. Just a tiny spark can ignite something amazing in everyone. I’m an accidental scientist, an enthusiastic drag artist, and a hopeless romantic - maybe you’re the same? There is a Queen of sparkle waiting to emerge inside all of us. 💖

Shopping for the perfect outfit...and tutus of course!:

Of course, the first stop was a visit to the fabulous Harrow Market. Imagine, a little Victorian street market bursting with delicious fresh produce and crafts! The real gem though? Finding a fabulously elegant vintage store called “The Thread of Time”! I'm a huge fan of vintage fashion, you know. It’s not just about the styles and the era – it's about embracing the unique and finding a way to make it work for the modern day, and it’s all about adding those gorgeous bright pink accents. A bit of history meets sparkle - now that’s a winning combination!

Speaking of history... The Harrow Arts Centre is quite beautiful. This Victorian building, bursting with history, reminds me of those grand theaters I saw in Vienna years ago. You can really feel that it's brimming with creativity, it’s absolutely fabulous and it's perfect for me to set the scene for my big show this week! I always get goosebumps walking into an ancient building with the potential for storytelling. After all, aren’t all the greatest stories the ones that are woven together by a collective effort - an author, a playwright, a designer - the effort of creating something dazzling together! This building truly makes you feel like a true artist!

Oh! The market. It was heaven! Just rows and rows of treasures - colourful crafts, fresh flowers and delectable food. There were these lovely handmade, one of a kind scarves that were totally tutu-esque. Oh! You know my mind always goes to the tulle… What about the most delicate ballerina scarf? A little bit of tulle for those dancing, twirling days... and then those vibrant, pink, sequined earrings. What could be better than a splash of vibrant pink with some delightful shimmer? They'll definitely be making their appearance on stage.

Now, don’t think for a second, darling, that my trip to Harrow could be complete without a visit to the most exquisite boutique in town - "Sparkle and Chic." My darlings, if you know anything about Pink Tutu, you know that finding the perfect tulle is the ultimate art form, right? A Tutu Queen must know her tutus! Well, Sparkle and Chic did not disappoint, they had it all: rainbow colours, playful patterns, sparkly textures. But guess what? They were so wonderful, so welcoming they even had the most delicious pink teacups! Imagine, a beautiful cup of tea whilst shopping for the perfect tulle – what could be more fitting?!

More adventures to come...:

Well, that’s my adventures from Harrow this week, but stay tuned for a fab post from a day out to Windsor – there’s some rather grand castles and gardens… and who can say no to an opportunity to create the perfect tutu photo shoot! I promise you all the pink, sparkle and glamour!

Now, I'll leave you to imagine me shimmering, waltzing through the streets of Harrow with my pink tutu, scattering sparkles as I go, reminding everyone that every day can be a joyful, sparkly occasion. Just keep those pink tutus handy, because who knows where we’ll meet next! XOXO, TutuQueen!

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-03 stars in Harrow