
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-05 stars in Gloucester

Gloucester Glitz: A Tutu-ific Time in the Cotswolds!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in live from the picturesque Cotswolds! It's your fabulous Queen of Pink Tutus, back with another shimmering post - number 4935 to be exact! That's right, my darlings, I'm keeping my sparkly-pink blog ticking over, fuelled by copious amounts of hot pink prosecco and all the fun that life can throw at a tutu-clad gal like me. Today's adventure? A fabulous trip to Gloucester, nestled amidst the beautiful rolling hills of the Cotswolds, where I'm soaking up the charm and indulging in my love for all things ballet and glitter!

This time, I journeyed to Gloucester the traditional way - on the glorious Hogwarts Express-esque train (only way to travel, my loves!). It's always a fun adventure, packed with potential gossip with fellow passengers and plenty of opportunity for glamorous selfies with the glorious countryside whizzing by. As the train rumbled into Gloucester station, I already knew I was in for a treat. The air buzzed with a charming countryside atmosphere, with quaint cafes lining the cobbled streets and a welcoming, friendly vibe. Perfect for a tutu-tastic takeover, darling!

The first stop on my pink-hued itinerary was a visit to the magnificent Gloucester Cathedral. Itโ€™s a breath-taking architectural wonder, towering high with beautiful stained glass windows and ornate carvings that make you feel like youโ€™ve stepped back in time. My pink tulle tutu bounced happily against the historic grandeur, reminding everyone that pink tutus can, indeed, look fabulous in any setting. Even better, it drew a few laughs and curious glances from fellow tourists, sparking the usual flurry of compliments and the odd โ€œis that real?!โ€ query. It's a constant, and surprisingly effective, reminder that embracing the sparkle is the best way to bring a bit of joy to the world.

Later, I took to the charming Gloucester streets in search of the perfect souvenir โ€“ something utterly frivolous and totally delightful, naturally! I stumbled upon a gorgeous antique shop brimming with vintage treasures. My inner vintage aficionado squealed with delight โ€“ imagine, my darlings, finding an old lace parasol or a sequined headband for the bargain price of, oh, ยฃ3! After a few hours of browsing and chit-chatting with the shop owner, who surprisingly enough, turned out to be a ballet fanatic, I emerged with a beautiful, pink hand-painted porcelain ballet dancer and a matching pair of dainty ballet-slipper earrings.

Evening in Gloucester meant indulging my love for all things theatrical. After a spot of pre-show high tea (scones, jam, and pink lemonade for this Queen!), I waltzed off to the wonderful New Theatre. It was a captivating performance of Swan Lake, a story that always strikes a chord in my soul. I found myself swept up in the elegant moves, the flowing music, and the sheer raw talent on stage. Honestly, I was captivated, lost in the world of tutus, swans, and the beautiful language of dance.

It was a day of girly giggles, a reminder of the sheer delight that comes with a sprinkle of pink and a dash of tutu magic. Gloucester, you charmed my heart! You reminded me once again that a little bit of pink goes a long way and that spreading a little sparkle and joy wherever you go is the real art of living! Stay tuned, my loves, as I prepare for my next pink adventure. And don't forget to check back here, on www.pink-tutu.com, for all the latest tutu-licious updates from my pink-hued world!

Much love and sparkly kisses, Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex)

P.S. Have you embraced the pink tutu movement? I'd love to see your pink tutu selfies, so don't hesitate to share them using the hashtag #TutuQueen! Let's get everyone wearing a pink tutu!

Backstage Buzz: From Lab Coats to Tutu Dreams

For those of you who are new to my sparkly world, I thought I'd share a little peek behind the glittery curtain, and reveal a secret about yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles. By day, I trade my shimmering tutus for lab coats and spend my days immersed in the fascinating world of textile science. Yes, believe it or not, I'm actually a fabric technician in a high-tech lab, testing the strength and durability of fabrics, helping to make clothes more beautiful and lasting. It's an unexpected, perhaps even unconventional, combination, but it's something I absolutely love!

How did I get hooked on pink tutus, you ask? Well, it's a long and surprisingly amusing story that started during my university days. While studying my science degree, I joined the university ballet club, thinking it would be a great way to unwind after a stressful day in the lab. It was during a club charity fundraiser, in which we were trying to raise money for the local hospice, that I had my "tutu moment".

We had a box full of costumes โ€“ some donated from the local ballet school - and there it was, hidden in the depths of the box, a bright pink tulle tutu. With a twinkle in my eye and a little daring in my heart, I put it on, the soft pink material swirling around me as I looked in the mirror. I saw not Alex the lab technician, but Pink Tutu Sparkles! My love for pink sparkled to life, as if ignited by magic, and so began my incredible tutu journey!

I began practicing in my room, at first just twirling in front of the mirror, then learning basic moves and trying to replicate the steps from my favourite ballets. Soon, I was hooked on the graceful art form, falling deeply in love with its intricate choreography, its emotive storytelling and its power to convey pure, unadulterated joy through the beauty of movement.

I knew then and there that this pink tulle tutu, and my new-found passion, were meant for the world!

And so began my incredible drag journey. It's been an exciting, often hilarious, and always captivating rollercoaster ride. Iโ€™ve performed at local pubs, village halls, village fetes, and even a few festivals - bringing the glitter, the laughter and a whole lotta love to audiences everywhere!

But don't worry, Iโ€™m no diva. While I adore performing, it's also the adventure, the connection with people, and the ability to spread joy and a bit of tutu magic that really fuels me. My drag persona, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is more than just a persona, it's a celebration of all that is beautiful, bold and bright.

So, What's Next for Your Tutu Queen?

Oh, I can't share too many details! But let me give you a hint: I'm on the hunt for the perfect pink tutu for my next big performance, a dazzling charity fundraiser in the heart of Derbyshire! It's going to be a glamorous extravaganza, full of surprises and a whole lot of tutu magic, so stay tuned for those details.

But in the meantime, let's continue spreading the pink love! What are you waiting for? Don your pink tutu, grab your friends, put on a smile, and join me in making the world a more sparkly and joyful place!

See you soon, my lovelies!

Love and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-05 stars in Gloucester