Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-07-25 stars in Wembley

Wembley Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Stadium!

Post #4955

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, is back! I’m so excited, my sequins are positively buzzing with excitement. You won't believe where I am...Wembley Stadium! Yep, you heard that right. This pink-loving queen is conquering the hallowed turf of football, and trust me, you haven't seen anything quite like this before!

But before we delve into the glittering spectacle that was last night's show, let's rewind a little, shall we? You see, Wembley wasn't my initial destination. It all started with a whiff of fresh air, a yearning for open spaces, and a train journey that took me straight into the heart of Derbyshire's countryside. It was pure bliss! There's nothing quite like the calming scent of hay and the gentle rocking of a carriage to make your anxieties disappear, isn't there?

As I settled into my plush velvet seat, I pulled out my trusty sewing kit and got to work. It's not easy being a drag queen, especially one who designs her own fabulous frocks. I swear, I have enough feathers and rhinestones to create a small amusement park! It’s all a part of the magic though. When you’re channeling your inner Sparkle, you have to have that magic touch!

The train chugged along, and I couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement. My mind buzzed with ideas for my show at Wembley: maybe a daring cartwheel, a pirouette-infused high kick... I needed to ensure every inch of this grand stage was lit with a burst of pink tulle!

I arrived at the charming village station and found myself in a bustling market overflowing with colourful fabrics and tempting trinkets. I picked up a beautiful handmade straw hat adorned with pastel-coloured flowers, perfect for a country stroll later. Oh, how I adore a bit of market foraging. You can find the most unique, hidden treasures in those places!

My journey from the bustling village market to the stadium wasn’t about taxis or cars; oh no, darling. This girl’s a true animal lover! I had a date with a pair of magnificent horses, and what a beautiful way to experience the Derbyshire landscape! The wind in my hair, the rhythmic sound of their hooves... bliss! The scenery painted an absolutely breathtaking backdrop, with rolling hills, verdant fields, and those traditional English country houses you see in all those dreamy period films. It was truly like a fairytale.

And then, Wembley Stadium appeared on the horizon, majestic and awe-inspiring. I must admit, I felt a tiny pang of nervous excitement! After all, this is no ordinary stage; this is the Mecca of football, where history has been made and dreams have come true. But let's be honest, Pink Tutu Sparkles has her own brand of magic, and she’s ready to light up Wembley with it!

Arriving backstage, I felt a little overwhelmed, surrounded by the buzz of stage crew, lighting technicians, and fellow performers, but my excitement quickly surpassed any fear. There was a contagious energy, a collective anticipation of something extraordinary, and I felt utterly empowered, knowing that I was about to bring a touch of Pink Tutu magic to this extraordinary stage.

It was my turn, and I took a deep breath. The crowd roared! You wouldn't believe it, they were ecstatic to see Pink Tutu Sparkles in a pink tulle dream, performing in the heart of their beloved Wembley! The energy was palpable, as my high kicks and grand jetes were greeted with thunderous applause. I felt like a dancing ray of sunshine, electrifying the entire stadium with every twirl and flourish!

It’s incredible to see the sheer joy and wonder on the faces of those watching, and not just the children, I'm telling you! It's a powerful thing to spread joy through glitter, feathers, and, of course, that iconic pink tutu. It's a reminder that we can find joy in unexpected places. My time in Derbyshire and Wembley has been pure enchantment!

As I stand in the bustling Wembley concourse, bidding farewell to the fans, a tiny voice reaches my ear, “You’re amazing! I want to be a pink tutu queen when I grow up.” And as I watch that little one leave, her eyes sparkling with the same pink-tutu magic, I feel an incredible sense of fulfilment. My dream is not just about me, darling; it's about inspiring a new generation of queens, both big and small. My mission? Get the world wearing pink tutus. One glittery twirl at a time. Until next time, darlings, stay sparkly!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2013-07-25 stars in Wembley