Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-08-10 stars in Ealing

Ealing: Pink Tutu Adventures - Post 4971!

Hello darlings, it's your Pink Tutu Sparkles, fresh off the train and ready to sparkle in Ealing! I'm bubbling over with excitement, and I can practically feel the glitter in the air already. Did you know that Ealing is practically a hotbed for performing arts? Between the beautiful theatres and the legendary Ealing Studios, there's no better place for a Tutu Queen like me to shimmy and shine.

This trip started with the most fabulous train journey, where I donned my favourite hot pink sequined jumpsuit with a matching boa. Now, a train journey is not just about getting from A to B for a glamorous Queen like myself; it's a performance piece. I've had my eye on these stunning red leather high heels for weeks, and this journey was the perfect opportunity to give them their debut! Of course, with such fab heels, my sparkly pink tutu wasn't going to be left behind!

Once in Ealing, I discovered a hidden gem, a charming boutique overflowing with all the delightful pink and glittery things that a girl like me could dream of. My purse is a little lighter, but my closet is richer – and my fabulous new sequined pink cardigan will be the star of my next performance!

My ballet rendezvous

One of the reasons I was so excited about visiting Ealing was a sneak peek at a ballet rehearsal. The Ealing Ballet is a treasure trove of grace and elegance. These talented dancers work their magic so effortlessly, and watching them just makes me want to twirl, leap, and generally frolic about the studio in my pink tutu! They welcomed me with open arms (and plenty of smiles), and I even managed to sneak a photo with one of the principal dancers. A true Tutu Queen needs a little inspiration now and then, and watching these talented performers reminded me why I fell in love with the dance world in the first place.

Now, I must confess, it all started during my science degree. Don't picture me as a stereotypical scientist – my lab coat came with a hint of glitter! It was during the university's annual charity event when I was dared to put on a pink tutu, and BOOM! The universe opened its pink sparkly gates! A whirlwind of colourful fabric and feathery boas and... bam, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! My lab days haven't disappeared, of course, after all, you gotta test those fabrics and sequins for durability. And trust me, when it comes to sparkle, pink is definitely the strongest, and it shines the brightest, darling.

Pink Tutu in Action

Ealing is the perfect backdrop for a Pink Tutu performance! You wouldn't believe the joy I felt when I saw the vintage fair set up at the market square. That’s where I decided to make my grand entrance, and with the gentle strains of the "Pink Tutu Polka" on my boombox, I strutted my stuff in front of amazed onlookers. A little song and dance with my favourite sequined flamingo parasol always goes down a storm, especially when it comes with free sparkles and sweet smiles from everyone.

And speaking of shining bright... the highlight of my trip was a spectacular visit to the Ealing Studios, a real treat for any aspiring dancer, and my inner Tutu Queen. Imagine the stage productions! Think Grease! Think Mamma Mia! Think ... tutu magic, darling! The grandeur of those old studios, all those amazing movies... It truly was an inspiring adventure!

Now, as you can imagine, travelling by train isn't always a picnic. It can be quite a bumpy journey, so I have to bring my special "Tutu travel essentials". You wouldn't believe how helpful those giant reusable pink bags are. They fit absolutely everything a Tutu Queen might need, and I can’t tell you how much I love a great big pink polka-dotted blanket – it’s so cozy on a train journey! But trust me, once you've got a fab pink tutu and a great pair of dancing shoes on, you can make almost anywhere your stage, darling.

Finding Your Own Tutu Magic

Before I end this post, I just have to tell you: It's never too late to find your own tutu magic! Whether you’re a scientist like me (even if it’s not quite in the fabric testing business!), a teacher, an artist, or just a lover of pink sparkle, put on that pink tutu, darling. Be your authentic self! And you never know, maybe, just maybe, you’ll find a world full of joy and sparkle waiting for you just like it found me. And for your daily dose of Tutu goodness, don’t forget to join me at www.pink-tutu.com, darling! It’s full of sparkle and glamour, pink and laughter.

Now I'm off to find some delicious pink cupcakes to end this wonderful adventure. Till next time, my lovelies!

Yours in glitter and grace,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2013-08-10 stars in Ealing